Posted by Tom Kilbane on October 26, 1997 at 14:34:10:
This is my first time on this board and I really enjoyed reading some of the comments here. LOTM is probably my favorite film of all time. I find it almost the perfect romantic adventure film. I remember when I first saw it, day it opened in NYC in September 1992, I left the theater with my heart in my throat. I would eventually pay to see it in the theater eight more times. I convinced all my friends and family to see it as well and so whenever they went I went too. I guess a combination of a love of history, old fashioned movies, and a romantic heart made me a tad obsessed with this film. I bought the soundtrack and when I was getting ready for the Marines I would play the first two tracks in order to get "syked" up for my upcoming runs in the nearby woods.
I have always loved history and the eastern woodland Indians and the French and Indian Wars were among my favorite topics. LOTM is a romance not history lesson though. European men will grow facial hair, how does anyone find the time to wash and comb their long romantic locks, Indians of the Eastern woodlands often covered their bodies with grease, warpaint will smudge, and unattractive people did exist in the 18th century. If you watch LOTM you will notice none of these things. I don't care though. LOTM makes the French and Indian War period look the way I always imagined it looked when I was a boy playing war in the Ohio woods. (I grew up just "west of the Cuyahoga"- come on you LOTM fanatics name the quote.) LOTM is just wonderful entetainment- a rousing adventure reflective of our dreams of how we wish our past might of have been. It is for that reason is has been and still remains my favorite film of all time.
Thank you for reading this rather rambling post.