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giant greman


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 14 2003

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Posted - June 22 2003 :  10:06:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
wow half of my family I didn'ty know we were that small a group!
So now because I work there and am related to 1 person that works there I can't possible care about the site and my opinion doesn't matter? Frankly my family and friends have probably done more for the site in the last 5 years than you will ever do. We obviously care enough to get involved!,and not just nitpick and wine because we didn't get our way. I have no power over the site, nor does any one related to me, no pwer to hire anybody.
by the way

\Nep"o*tism\ (?; 277), n. [L. nepus, nepotus, nephew: cf. F. n['e]potisme. See Nephew.] Undue attachment to relations; favoritism shown to members of one's family; bestowal of patronage in consideration of relationship, rather than of merit or of legal claim.
since I didn't even work for the PHMC when the other person in my family got hired and that she was in no position to hire anyone, that pretty much rules out nepotism, although I worked in the same building I worked for a entirerly different agency of the government,hired through different bosses and chains of command, your should know about those right officer G
as for reenactors there are lots of reenactors, and some better than you,(there is always some one better, didn't your mom tell you that when you were a kid) there is no need for us to attract you or others like you who are interested more about themselves than what the site is about. look at your self your on here bad mouthing the sites of bushyrun and Ft. Pitt and you once were on the board of associates at Ft. Pitt. so rather than working within the system you have decided to just cause trouble by bad mouthing the site whenever your out of earshot of its walls. If what happens at the two sites causes you to no longer come to the reenactments please don't attend. your invitations can be redirected to other more accurate portayer of history that have quit coming to the reenactments because of the history of the 60thRAR associated with Ft.Pitt, and thier history of inaccuraces, tom foolery, and general malaise in reguard to education of the public.If your not willing to change like they have been trying to, good ridence.
Many units have been fair weather reenactors in it for the shoots, free tacticals, and whatever is fun, not caring about what they are teaching the public. hopefully that will change as they become better units but not while people continue to feel that they are some how owed a battle and owed respect, and owed support from sites that they should be supporting not the other way around. why not tell what really goes on like that guns provided to the unit have been striped for parts used to assemble half as many weapons and parts miraculasly thrown out,(how do you make 3 besses into 1 gun with out left-overs? and what really goes bad on a bess that can't be replaced?) and I wouln't even get into the book keeping fiascos. you can't kid me I watched from the sidelines in 98-2000 while Ft.Pitts 60th's leadership single handedly held back thier own fort fair because they didn't want to invite any french units, or didn't want a "Big Fair", or didn't want to do any work. I even set up your unit tent 2 years in a row because the reenactors didn't want to have to do it. when i was working for that other agency(labor and Industry) I was making minimum wage to reconstruct the first floor, and prep it for the new addidtion the same year i put up your tents and built a saw pit display in the park, I didn't do that for the money.
you can never tell me that we need reenactors like you if your not willing to do what the site needs. why should a site be willing to play ball if all you want to do is throw darts at it. grow up and realize that no individual is neccessary and there are always others,even if all the reenactors left we can always go back and start over like the previous director who formed his own unit of indians to provide him self with people willing to play ball
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 23 2002

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Posted - June 22 2003 :  12:16:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Giant Greman, whatever differences you have with Highlander are between you two, and no bussiness of mine. Where I do become concerned is you lumping our unit, Graham's Company 1/42nd Royal Highland Regiment in with Ft. Pitt's 60th Royal American Regiment. We were already established, armed and provisioned before being solicited to become members of the Ft. Pitt Museum Associates. First off, all of our members gear and uniforms were purchased or made by our own members. We prefer to purchase our own gear, that way our guys take better care of it. Outside of an alotment of gunpowder, and some blue wool for a change of uniform facings, the associates have provided us with us with no major purchases, unlike the 60th RAR.
Secondly, I have been sitting on the board of directors for almost two years now, and the statement about the 60th "holding back the fair" is a falsehood. I personally know the leaders of the three French units that did not show, and the reason was because there was going to be no battle. If you doubt my word, go ahead and e-mail me (My address is on my profile) or send me a Private Message via this board and I will go into detail about what was said (Limited only by those statements withheld by request of personal confidance).
As far as your comments about "inaccuracies", "Tom Foolery", and "general malise concerning the education of the public", I challenge you sir, to be specific about your charges, if they are directed at the 42nd RHR. I cannot speak for the conduct of the 60th RAR, since they are not my unit, I can however be very defensive about such vague, off-handed comments about my unit. I am one of the people, along with my two corporals, who are responsible for training, drilling and inspecting the men of the Graham's Company 1/42nd RHR, so I would be very interested in hearing of any alleged 'short comings' in conduct, knowledge and appearance. Once again, please feel free to e-mail me.
In closing, allow me to say that the incident you mentioned, Colonial Fair '02, was the fault of the on scene Safety Officer who gave the 'go ahead' to start the battle. The reason why there were no injuries/incidents is because of the professionalism and gentleman conduct of all units involved. Once again, if you doubt me, e-mail me.

Your Most Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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giant greman


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 14 2003

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Posted - June 22 2003 :  3:33:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
sgt monro I sent you a private message if you would like i can say it here.
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Colonial Militia

Bushy Run painting

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
February 04 2003

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Posted - June 22 2003 :  6:26:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Highlander's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by giant greman

wow half of my family I didn'ty know we were that small a group!
So now because I work there and am related to 1 person that works there I can't possible care about the site and my opinion doesn't matter? Frankly my family and friends have probably done more for the site in the last 5 years than you will ever do. We obviously care enough to get involved!,and not just nitpick and wine because we didn't get our way. I have no power over the site, nor does any one related to me, no pwer to hire anybody.
by the way

\Nep"o*tism\ (?; 277), n. [L. nepus, nepotus, nephew: cf. F. n['e]potisme. See Nephew.] Undue attachment to relations; favoritism shown to members of one's family; bestowal of patronage in consideration of relationship, rather than of merit or of legal claim.
since I didn't even work for the PHMC when the other person in my family got hired and that she was in no position to hire anyone, that pretty much rules out nepotism, although I worked in the same building I worked for a entirerly different agency of the government,hired through different bosses and chains of command, your should know about those right officer G
as for reenactors there are lots of reenactors, and some better than you,(there is always some one better, didn't your mom tell you that when you were a kid) there is no need for us to attract you or others like you who are interested more about themselves than what the site is about. look at your self your on here bad mouthing the sites of bushyrun and Ft. Pitt and you once were on the board of associates at Ft. Pitt. so rather than working within the system you have decided to just cause trouble by bad mouthing the site whenever your out of earshot of its walls. If what happens at the two sites causes you to no longer come to the reenactments please don't attend. your invitations can be redirected to other more accurate portayer of history that have quit coming to the reenactments because of the history of the 60thRAR associated with Ft.Pitt, and thier history of inaccuraces, tom foolery, and general malaise in reguard to education of the public.If your not willing to change like they have been trying to, good ridence.
Many units have been fair weather reenactors in it for the shoots, free tacticals, and whatever is fun, not caring about what they are teaching the public. hopefully that will change as they become better units but not while people continue to feel that they are some how owed a battle and owed respect, and owed support from sites that they should be supporting not the other way around. why not tell what really goes on like that guns provided to the unit have been striped for parts used to assemble half as many weapons and parts miraculasly thrown out,(how do you make 3 besses into 1 gun with out left-overs? and what really goes bad on a bess that can't be replaced?) and I wouln't even get into the book keeping fiascos. you can't kid me I watched from the sidelines in 98-2000 while Ft.Pitts 60th's leadership single handedly held back thier own fort fair because they didn't want to invite any french units, or didn't want a "Big Fair", or didn't want to do any work. I even set up your unit tent 2 years in a row because the reenactors didn't want to have to do it. when i was working for that other agency(labor and Industry) I was making minimum wage to reconstruct the first floor, and prep it for the new addidtion the same year i put up your tents and built a saw pit display in the park, I didn't do that for the money.
you can never tell me that we need reenactors like you if your not willing to do what the site needs. why should a site be willing to play ball if all you want to do is throw darts at it. grow up and realize that no individual is neccessary and there are always others,even if all th

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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 23 2002

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Posted - June 22 2003 :  11:18:44 PM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Giant Greman, I read your P.M. and I see where there was a misunderstanding. You must forgive me for getting defensive, where my men are concerned. I look after them with the same level of care and feel the same amount of pride in them, that I excercised with my troops as an NCO in both the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army. I am glad that the statements in question were not directed at the 42nd, I like to think that I have the honor of fielding with some 'Grade-A' troops. One thing I remember the best from the USAF NCO Leadership School, was that the greatest honor bestowed upon any leader is to be blessed with men who are willing to follow him.

Your Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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giant greman


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 14 2003

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Posted - June 25 2003 :  09:19:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sgt. Munro there is no need for forgiveness if what I wrote was vague and misunderstandable it is good that you responded and allowed me to correct it so that there are no misunderstandings.
I feel part of teh misunderstanding was just the timing of our experiences at Ft. Pitt since you began there in i think you said 2000, and my experiences were frlom 1998 -2000 so i was going out when you were coming in. I frankly think you and ed G. put on a great program with you unit and individual work at the sites as reenactors, and didn't mean to slight any one good work. I just wanted to clear the boards about why some things have happened and why we are in the positions we are in now. unfortunatly after highlanders personal attack I got upset and went off, probably saying more than I should but the cat is out. I hope in teh future we can all work together to make these sites better and not end up bickering between each other, especially over thing that aren't in any one locals control.
thanks for understanding my position.
the giant greman
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 23 2002

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Posted - June 29 2003 :  12:32:07 AM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
No problem Giant Greman, I believe in calling it as I see it (as others on this board will tell you). If you are right, I'll agree with you and back you. If you are wrong, I'll say so. If it is just a case where we have two differing opinions, I'll present my evidence but I'll also ask you do the same. All in all, I'm just a regular guy. See you at Bushy Run...

Your Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 02 2003

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Posted - July 07 2003 :  12:41:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by SgtMunro

No problem Giant Greman, I believe in calling it as I see it (as others on this board will tell you). If you are right, I'll agree with you and back you. If you are wrong, I'll say so. If it is just a case where we have two differing opinions, I'll present my evidence but I'll also ask you do the same. All in all, I'm just a regular guy. See you at Bushy Run...

Your Humble Servant,

Hello Sarge
I am glad to see some of the venomous talk disappearing from this board. I have been following it for a while now and it is not good for either the living history interpreters or the sites or organizations that they claim to represent or interpret. Reenactors, true ones that do research and portray history are an asset. I personally can relate to this since 90% of the ones I know and work with show pride and knowledge. All institutions have policies and procedures that they issue and follow. You know this by your profession and your proud service in our country's military. Everyone involved the field of history should work toward educating the public so repairs can be made to the way history was taught and in some cases still is. We have to especially reach out to the young ones and teach them that there is more to history than dates, battles and blood. Lord knows, they get enough of this on television and the rest of the media. I am writing this only on the level as my personal interest in history and education. Have a great day and hope to run into the Highlanders again on the trail.

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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 23 2002

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Posted - July 10 2003 :  12:36:35 AM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi Trailman,
I couldn't agree more with you, you truly have hit the mark. I do believe we may have met (in person) before, I just cannot place where. Are you a regular at Bushy? I mean in attendance, not impression. If you are going to be there this year, swing on by the 42nd RHR Battalion Street, and I'll buy you a drink.

Your Most Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 23 2002

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Posted - July 10 2003 :  12:38:37 AM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
P.S. The above invite also goes for you too, Giant Greman. Stop on by and hoist a mug with me.

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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giant greman


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 14 2003

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Posted - July 12 2003 :  09:06:04 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by SgtMunro

P.S. The above invite also goes for you too, Giant Greman. Stop on by and hoist a mug with me.

I would be happy to join company with you at the event and I'm sure I'll see you at the diner. sorry about your guys recent bad news also. give him my best.
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giant greman


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 14 2003

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Posted - July 13 2003 :  1:25:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
What you have done for the site,you were paid to do.My guess is that you would not be there if it weren't for that paycheck.What I have done was for FREE.Well now the FREE department is CLOSED.Have a nice event.Let me guess,you're an English major right?


Highlander Sorry I'm not a English Major
also if I was in it for the pay check I wouldn't have spent the 6 years prior to becoming an employee of the PHMC volenteering at the site I work at. and getting paid 5.25 and hour to work at Ft.Pitt for the PCC wasn't for the check either. you know teh old saying about the word assume please don't apply it regularly.
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 23 2002

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Posted - July 13 2003 :  2:23:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Outstanding, Giant Greman!!! I look forward to sharing some cheer and breaking bread with you. I shall also pass on your regards. We have just enlisted a new soldier, and a bagpiper too!!! Good forturne continues to smile on our merry little band, through the fog of discord, as our numbers approach 20 men-at-arms.

Your Most Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 23 2002

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Posted - August 01 2003 :  10:13:40 AM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Well today is the day, men, the weekened of the 240th. We should be arriving Bushy Run Station late this afternoon. See you there...

Your Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
September 23 2002

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Posted - August 05 2003 :  12:34:58 AM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
After-action field report from Graham's Company, 42nd Royal Highland Regiment:

A fun weekend was had by all. It was nice to see the guys and gals of both the Grenadier and Robertson's Companies of the 77th Regiment, The Ohio Company of Rangers, Colonel Bouquet (portrayed by Pittsburgh Colonial Historian Bruce Egli) and all of our friends in the Native Forces. Special thanks to Sgt. MacWilliam for an inspiring Divine Service on Sunday (and of course his steadfast leadership in the field, Huzzah!!!), and to both Giant Greman and 'Sailor' for their tireless work keeping things running smoothly.
A side note, I had the honor of attending my adopted nephew's naming ceremony Saturday evening at the Native Village. This is a great celebration of his reaching manhood, and the welcoming of a new warrior to the tribe. The name which my adopted brother (who captured and adopted me three years ago at Bushy Run) had chosen for his son translates from Shawnee to mean "Good Heart". For this young man, no other name would fit as well. I am proud of Mark ('Young Native', as he is known here in Mohicanland), not only for the hard work he puts into his impression, but also for the caliber of man he is.

Your Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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Two Kettles
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 01 2002

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Posted - August 05 2003 :  12:59:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Monsieur Bruce Egli as Bouquet?????

What next? Major George Bray as Pouchot????

Two Kettles
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Soldier of the King


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September 23 2002

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Posted - August 06 2003 :  11:10:02 AM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Bruce is a good guy, and he is fun to go to the field with. I would however, enjoy seeing Major Bray don a French uniform, it would be a Kodak moment.

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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giant greman


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 14 2003

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Posted - August 07 2003 :  09:20:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I have to say I have always enjoyed Bruces portrayals of Bouquet, his impression carries a healthy dose of aristocricy that I think is important to an impression of officer of the time period. and he pulls that off with aplomp. and you gotta love that umbrella!
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Two Kettles
Colonial Settler


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August 01 2002

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Posted - August 08 2003 :  4:24:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Speaking of aplomb, the first time there was a La Belle Famille reenactment at Niagara out in the park, Bruce was leading the French column in their advance on the Light Infantry barricade (made from upturned picnic tables,of course). In his path was a right side up picnic table. Without breaking stride, or dropping his epee from it's "charge" position, Bruce went right up and over the table. Talk about a Kodak moment!

Two Kettles
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Lost in the Wilderness


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July 24 2005

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Posted - July 24 2005 :  11:49:26 PM  Show Profile  Send Laundress08 an AOL message  Click to see Laundress08's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I'd like to bring back the topic of Bushy Run since I just found this site and missed everyone talking about it. I reenact at Bushy Run i'm the laundress there, not Carrie (if any of you have heard of her) but the other laundress Kara . Now whoever said that children need violence to learn about the battle is a complete fool i'm 15 and know that. The Battle of Bushy Run is very good with educating the people. Maybe not some of the woman over in the british camp with their ridiculous clothing that they try passing as what the woman actually wore back then. Personally I think highlanders are idiots. Now where i'm getting with this point, is i'm trying to stick up for Bushy Run. The staff there works hard to run this event and they dont need people putting them down just because "there isn't violence" and who cares if HBO shows more violence kids don't need the violence society is going down hill because of the things they put on television. Ive gotten a perfectly good education from that place i've been reinacting there for over 3 or 4 years. You may think because i'm 15 I dont know what i'm talking about but ive been reinacting for over 5 years, this may not make me an expert but I have a little bit of a clue of what i'm talking about. Oh and why do you need casualties? So you can show kids to shoot people? The battle is fine just the way it is. How on earth do you get that not having casaulties isnt a real reenactment? That is absolutely rediculous.Text And excuse me Mr. Fitz Williams saying that once you've seen a reinactment you've seen them all is rude, and complete stupidity. Apparently you just go for the violence which is...I can't even find words to explain it. Apparently you don't pay attention to the actual history or you're deprived of a brain. Because every, EVERY reenactment is different. I suggest you, and other low status thinkers to go to a "different" kind of place in Somerset County the event is called Mountain Craft Days, maybe that will take you off of your violence kick. Well that is all I have to say for the moment being.
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King 1

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Posted - July 25 2005 :  7:13:04 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Did somebody say, "rude"?
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Lost in the Wilderness


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July 24 2005

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Posted - July 25 2005 :  9:06:15 PM  Show Profile  Send Laundress08 an AOL message  Click to see Laundress08's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
People don't need to say such idiotic things, and I wasn't being rude, I was being bluntly honest. Also I don't believe someone said rude...:)
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood

Young George Washington

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November 27 2002

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Posted - July 25 2005 :  9:56:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I think that Rich was trying to get the point across that you were being rude.

Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, and I certainly don't like to discourage teen-agers from posting on these boards. You are welcome to be here. But could you please post your opinions in a nicer manner? Although you couldn't prove it by this particular thread, which got pretty rotten before it died, we do try to be friendly and civil here.

This thread is really old and dead now, and many of the people who posted are no longer on the boards.

Let's let it stay as it lays, hmmmmm?

"It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imaginings could possibly have been."
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Lost in the Wilderness


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 24 2005

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Posted - July 25 2005 :  10:00:51 PM  Show Profile  Send Laundress08 an AOL message  Click to see Laundress08's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I fully realize that he was trying to imply that I was being rude. Yes, I will try to be more polite. And if you will, will you please NOT treat me as if i'm a little teenager? I would appreciate it deeply. Thank-you
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Many Flags
Colonial Settler


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August 13 2002

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Posted - July 26 2005 :  2:18:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

Hmmm, cousin Malcolm (Sjt. Maj. MacWm.) and I really tried to stay away from this until we had the feel from some others that we were reading this correctly. WE believe that it is rude to call Highlanders "idiotic" (maybe some other names are acceptable!!) AND to make comments about British women's "ridiculous" clothing (I assume, if you are speaking of Bushy Run, you are speaking of our Scots ladies). Fraulein: you should have words with our ladies about their clothing. They can document all that they wear. AND, Sjt. Maj. MacWilliam (Malcolm), who always has his Saturday shirt washed by the laundresses for Sunday clean wear, has asked me to convey that he will not have his shirt laundered by you this year! As for being rude and being treated as a teenager.....enough has already been said. Maybe Malcolm and I will go back and hide under our rocks now. We are feeling a bit "zornig"! Oh, and Pax Aye to you, Fraulein Laundress. (as I tip my tricorn) Many Flags of the Allemaengel

(WW: I just had to say my twa shillings on this matter. I agree, it is now dead! And hey, WW, good to be back and read your posts!! M Flags)
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