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 Mark your calendars! The Great Mohican Gathering 2010 announcement!
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Gathering Sachemess

Hiking Smurf Avatar

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 23 2002

Status: offline

Donating Member

Posted - July 14 2009 :  2:19:18 PM  Show Profile
Plans are underway for the next Great Mohican Gathering, due to take place roughly June 17-20, 2010. Depending on the activities schedule, there is a chance we might start June 16. This will be announced later in the fall, when a more concrete schedule will be forthcoming. In the meantime, mark your calendars, submit your vacation requests at work, throw a few pennies in the piggy bank, and stay tuned for more information!

Also, please consider how you can help make this Gathering happen. It's all the work of volunteers, and your help is needed. So far, Jayne and Karen have graciously volunteered to coordinate Ariel's Auction for 2010. Eric Hurley has agreed to do the duties of a good Soldier #2 again. Other volunteers are desperately needed though. We need someone VERY SOON to volunteer as lodging coordinator to find the group a suitable and convenient lodging choice. This is URGENT! Please contact me at if you are interested in helping out. Also, we will need a raffles volunteer and other volunteer duties as well. If anyone wants to look into having an actor from LOTM as a guest, a volunteer will be needed to organize that. So put your thinking caps on and let's come up with some ideas! What happens in June 2010 will depend on us all!
See you in June!
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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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