June is here, can you believe it?? That means just over two weeks until the 2008 Great Mohican Gathering, and all of our volunteers are busy as bees working to make this a terrific event. Sarah and Jo are putting together another fabulous Program Guide, while Kay is busy collecting items for the raffle. Patrick and others are ironing out details for Ariel's Auction (donations for raffle and auction still needed!). Jayne is creating our car flags this year, and Nancy (Dances with Beagles) is making our nametags. Eric and Sharon are designing the t-shirts and hope to have the design and order forms available soon. And Rich is helping with advice and answering my questions, as usual.
A big THANK YOU to all who are working to make this Gathering a success. Hope I didn't leave anyone out! Can't wait to see everyone in June!! Yep that's THIS month!
No, actually it's Juin! And Juin means it's time for Carillon (Ticonderoga for all the Brits out there). And maybe a mini-Gathering a week after the big one?
"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"