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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 07:24:50 AM
uggg..A dead snake is the best snake....Kate I will be fighting you for the tallest tree if we come upon one!!!. My family thinks its a hoot, my reaction to snakes that is. |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 07:40:39 AM
Kate, I think Mr. No-Shoulders is exactly who you're talking about. Many years ago, one found his way in my backyard in autumn, searching for water I suppose as it had been an extremely dry summer...thing is, he brought his RATTLES with him....all nine of them!  |
Theresa |
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Diane B.
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 09:22:23 AM
Having the honor of being called Rattlesnake Woman, there was no way that I could not respond to this post!
Kate, if I were able to be at the Gathering this year, I would gladly stay close by your side to ensure your personal safety! As you may have guessed by my nickname, I am not afraid of these creatures but I do have a healthy respect for them.
Cheire wrote: quote: uggg..A dead snake is the best snake....
I know there are a lot of people that feel this way but I'm not among them. The same Creator that made all of us & all of the other creatures on this Earth also made snakes & like it or not, they are an important part of a healthy food chain & they do have their place in helping to maintain a healthy environment & ecosystem.
The best advice I can give to anyone with a phobia about these creatures is this: if you see one, leave it alone & it will leave you alone. Many folks have been bitten because they were intent on turning that live snake into a dead one & if they had just left it alone & gone on their way, they wouldn't have been bitten in the first place!
Kate, I have no doubt that you are one of those wise individuals that will give a wide berth to any reptile that you might encounter. You can also take comfort in the fact that by hiking with a group, you are much less likely to have an encounter with one. As a matter of fact, when I attended the 2002 Gathering, I walked many a mile with our group & also did the raft trip down the Nolichucky & I never even got a glimpse of one of "them!" So relax, you're going to have a great time! |
Rattlesnake Woman
"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth." - Chief Seattle
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

United Kingdom

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 09:33:36 AM
Sorry... had to go off to bed seein' it was about 3:00am! Was working on something for The Raffle... or Ariel's Cabin, haven't decided yet...
ANYHOW, to get back to the story...
Isn't it strange how things go in circles? When my father was in the desert in the war, (he was a First Engineer/Co-pilot on Lancaster bombers and his Sqdn was based in Egypt), he kept a mongoose as a pet. He kept it in his tent so that he could be sure of going to bed at night and not find a 'you-know-what' curled up beside him in the morning!! Egypt got so cold at night that these 'thingies' would slither into the tent - and then crawl into the warm, cosy confines of yer bed!!!! Once he got the mongoose, he never suffered from that again!! And... he never had to feed the mongoose!! He once told me that it looked pretty well nourished, with a lovely, silk sheen coat so it was obviously doing the business!! URRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! 
Well... I guess there's something to be said for 'you-know-what's' keeping the arachnids and other bugs down, but... given my choice, I'll take the MONGOOSE thanks very much!! I'M WITH CHERIE HERE!!! THE ONLY GOOD 'THINGY' IS A DEAD 'THINGY'!!!!!!!
I don't know about fighting over the highest tree, my dear - I'll have been LOOOOONG GONE up there, while you're still deciding to climb it!!! Well... I think it's AWFUL to laugh at you about this fear - phobia's are SERIOUS STUFF!!! Heck, I understand EVERYTHING YOU FEEL!!! But - my family think I'm a nutter as well! "Imagine getting sick over a PICTURE of a..." my son scoffs! I'm sure he DELIBERATELY wants to watch Steve Irwin just to see me squirm and get upset! Actually, I CAN'T watch it - I usually leave the room and go do something else.
Oh Theresa!! How did you get 'Mr. No Shoulders' out of your yard???? My goodness, girl, you must have been TERRIFIED!!! Just THINKING about walking round my yard and coming face to face with 'something that rattles' makes me want to be sick!!! I was just about to go make a 'late' lunch - I'm not going to bother now. Seriously! It makes me just SICK to think about it!!!  
Rich, I may have to call off from the climb to Table Rock, and the Death March... anything to do with walking out in the bush... if'n you're not fit to do it yerself! Heck, we could just join Cherie at the Tiki Ba... Ooooops, SORRY CHERIE! Didn't mean to give away yer little secret...
Vicky, just SET 'EM UP, GAL - AND KEEP 'EM COMING!!!!!!!!  |
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 11:19:05 AM
Count me in as one of those weird reptile and amphibian lovers...I LOVE snakes (Sorry, Kate...those legless things...will use that in the future...), have learned how to identify poisonous from non-poisonous, have touched em, held em, studied em, etc. Trust me, if one shows up and starts looking angry, I will be running as fast and as far as anybody else, but I love these creatures as much as I love any of God's creation (except cockroaches...) If you're one of those people who PURPOSEFULLY runs over legless ones when you see em in the highway, please don't tell me about it!  Christina |
See this face? This is the face of a woman on the edge. Whoopi Goldberg, "Jumping Jack Flash"
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 11:22:34 AM
Just a note on my last post...I wasn't referring specifically to you Kate M'dear, but the whole community in my comment about people who run snakes down...just clearing that up... and if you truly want to see a phobia in action, see ME around one of South Carolina's huge Palmetto bugs (they're flying cockroaches but that's the "polite" term for these horrible up-to-six-inch, flying, crawling, hard-to-kill, slime-green-innard-having spawns of Satan. How scared am I of Palmetto bugs? One got into my bathroom once. I was so scared of it I called a friend (this was at 2 a.m.) and promised him a six pack of any beer he wanted, no matter how expensive, if he came over and killed it! (He did...) Christina |
See this face? This is the face of a woman on the edge. Whoopi Goldberg, "Jumping Jack Flash"
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Bumppos Tavern Patron

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 11:30:43 AM
I'm usually so worried about scorpians and tarantulas out here in AZ, that I didn't even think of snakes. Though I guess we do have our fair share of rattlesnakes to contend with as well! Oh yes, you have to love the desert!  |
Jack McCall: "Should we shake hands or something, relieve the atmosphere. I mean how stupid do you think I am?" Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

United Kingdom

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 11:58:55 AM
Hi there, Diane... 
quote: Having the honor of being called Rattlesnake Woman, there was no way that I could not respond to this post!
Glad you joined in with YOUR thoughts on this topic! Actually, I can understand why you DO feel that it's an honour to have such a name. I can understand your feeling an 'affinity' with something wild and free. Something totally at peace with it's environment. Goodness knows, it's certainly NOT something that *I* feel an affinity with!!!!!!! But... I know that others haven't had the experiences I have had, and therefore they have developed a more... 'natural' affinity - almost 'affection'! for these creatures.
quote: Kate, if I were able to be at the Gathering this year, I would gladly stay close by your side to ensure your personal safety! As you may have guessed by my nickname, I am not afraid of these creatures but I do have a healthy respect for them.
Cheire wrote: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uggg..A dead snake is the best snake.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I know there are a lot of people that feel this way but I'm not among them. The same Creator that made all of us & all of the other creatures on this Earth also made snakes & like it or not, they are an important part of a healthy food chain & they do have their place in helping to maintain a healthy environment & ecosystem.
In spite of everything I've said, Diane, I really do understand about these creatures' 'place in the grand scheme of things'. I know that there is a healthy ecological pattern for the world and I accept that these 'thingies' are necessary in certain places, to KEEP that healthy balance. And I understand that it's MY experiences with them that have given me this phobia. It's MY experiences, MY PROBLEM, not theirs. HOWSEVER, I'd be REALLY GRATEFUL if they kept out of my sight, so that I don't have to show myself up by getting hysterical, crying uncontrollably, and being violently ill in public!!
quote: The best advice I can give to anyone with a phobia about these creatures is this: if you see one, leave it alone & it will leave you alone. Many folks have been bitten because they were intent on turning that live snake into a dead one & if they had just left it alone & gone on their way, they wouldn't have been bitten in the first place!
I know that really they are harmless if you just let them go their way... BUT BELIEVE ME - I WON'T be one of those idiots that try to turn that 'live' thing into a dead thing! I'LL BE LOOOOOONG GONE!!!
quote: Kate, I have no doubt that you are one of those wise individuals that will give a wide berth to any reptile that you might encounter. You can also take comfort in the fact that by |
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Gadget Girl
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 12:06:12 PM
Oooooo Christina, I have to echo your loathing of Palmetto Bugs!!! We have a few here, but one summer I stayed on the Gulf Coast of Florida with an aunt and those things would take running leaps and S-O-A-R out of the cabinets onto your head. I hate those things!!!!! I get one in my garage from time to time (Oh Kate - you might get to see one!) and I swear you can hear the things walk - kind of an eerie scratching noise. My washer and dryer are in the garage and if I need to switch a load late on a summer night - I oooopen the dooor very quietly and listen...............for scratching........ and then turn on the lights and enter. *IF* I hear scratching - I arm myself with 80 foot long streaming, squirting kill-'em-on-contact make sure the kids are far away before your blast 'em roach and ant killer. Luckily - THAT does the trick quite effectively!
Fire Ants are another things we have that I steer REAL far from! You never get just one sting. One night I stood "in sandals" in an ant mound and didn't realize I was covered in them until I was in the car and headed down the road. I pulled over - I jumped out - pulled my pants off (I had on capri pants)- kicked my shoes off and started screaming and brushing the little b******s off me. I had pus-bumps EVERYWHERE from the stings! Hate them too! I haven't worn those shoes since - just can't!
Mr. No-shoulders Spiders Bees just keep those Palmetto bugs and Fire ants away!
GG  |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 1:13:12 PM
Fortunately, I have never had a close-encounter-of-the-scary-kind with a poisonous s-word. But have had several with the garter/garden variety.
When I was on the homestead, and was huge with child, one day I was sitting in my living room resting. Suddenly my cat fixed his steely stare on a point of the room just over my right shoulder. Then he made a mad dash toward the spot. Curious, I turned my head to look over my shoulder... just in time to see a small garden s-word make his way under the edge of the rug.
Being painfully aware of my enormous but delicate condition, I calmly eased my great bulk out of the armchair and proceeded to climb into it, and stand precariously on the cushion. Hand to mouth, I watched for a few minutes as my cat hovered, hoping the s-word would come out so he could catch it and, no doubt, toy with it as cats will do. This s-word was fairly smart and stayed where he was.
It didn't take a great deal of thinking for me to realize that I could not stand in the armchair for the rest of the day. So I carefully stepped down and willfully fighting the urge to attempt to run, I did a quick-waddle into the kitchen where I stayed until my husband came home. When I told him, he immediately assumed the pregnancy had addled my wits, but to humor me, he went and looked. Sure enough... there it was, all curled and hunkered down under the rug. He captured it and returned it to the outdoors, far from the house. |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 4:15:06 PM
Kate, how did we get Mr. No-Shoulders out of our yard? Shot him dead in the head with a pistol, skinned that sucker out, neighbors ate the meat and we kept the skin for a while....didn't treat the skin right because it was all stiff and brittle. |
Theresa |
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Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: February 10 2004
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 9:14:51 PM
By a strange coincidence I was reading about S bites not long ago in a book on medicine for the outdoors that my husband got when he joined a book club. I don't know if it will help, Kate, phobias being what they are, but "Most bites, even by venomous [S creatures], do not result in medically significant envenomations." There, book-learnin' to the rescue! (joke) As for me, I'm mildly curious about Mr. No-Shoulders, and those palmetto bugs would be a sight to see, but I LOATHE the S thing with eight legs. At least those of us in the west apartment will have a MIX of phobias, so collectively we should be able to take care of all the nasty critters that come our way. |
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 10:59:30 PM
Well, Bookworm, I’m pretty sure that your book is right – folks seldom die of S bites. HOWSEVER, I’d probably die of SHEER FRIGHT!! (Yep, book learnin' is a wonderful thing - even if it DOES get the cause of death wrong! ) Psychologically, I get a bit of comfort knowing that there is a ‘S word bite kit’ handy, though… The brain is a funny thing (PARTICULARLY MINE! ) and, well, as is the nature of ‘phobias’, they make NO SENSE!! Though I tell myself over and over, ‘they’re more scared of you than you are of them’ (what a load of TRIPE!), they’ll head in the other direction when they hear all the noise (and so did the noise of the hedge trimmer scare away the S thing that bit me????? NO IT DIDN’T!!), and ‘folks don’t die of S bite’ (except when you’re out on a 7 mile Death March and can’t get to medical help in time!) but… nothing makes the idea of meeting one any easier! BUT – that’s the nature of the very word ‘phobia’ – 'intense fear that makes no sense'! And what can ye do when ye have one??????? HOWSEVER, if you are okay about taking care of any little (or HUUUGE) 'bits o' business' that *I* can't deal with, I'll be more than happy to take care of yer 'A' word octopeds that come a'botherin' YOU! Is it a deal?? 
I’m SOOOO sorry, WW, but… I LAUGHED when I read your Post!!! Well I know I shouldn’t have. THIS IS A SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!! But the image that floated before my eyes, of this very heavy, pregnant lady ‘running’ from the living room made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! Of course, if I had been the one to GO THROUGH THIS DRAMA, my husband would have come home to a TOTALLY JIBBERING IDIOT!!!!! Standing on chairs are GOOD, WW! But… leaving the kitty to ‘stand watch’ while you ‘waddle run’ to another room is JOLLY GOOD THINKING on your part, m’ dear!!! And I applaud yer ‘cool’!!! 
OHIGOD, Theresa!!! You’re one brave gal!!!!!!! Heck, if that… operation… took place around my house, I’D HAVE TO MOVE!!!! That ‘Mr. No-shoulders’ and his…errrrrr, rather unfortunate end, would be imprinted on my mind FOREVER and there is NO WAY I could live with the spot where it… lived and died!!! I’d forever be seeing the image of that thingy lying in repose, waiting to jump out at me when I least expected it!!!! NOPE, I’D HAVE TO MOVE, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!!! 
Well, GG, Christina… I don’t know that ‘bugs’ bother me, as a rule. HOWSEVER, ‘BIIIIIIG’ bugs are something else! Now… I have a feeling that Marcia pointed these creatures out to me once… quite hideous looking things that reminded me of the June Bugs that I used to see as a kid.
Where we lived in Nova Scotia, every year we’d have HUGE swarms of these great, honking ugly bugs appear!! Folks would go diving into their houses and get to stuffing the holes in their screens!! No matter, some of these big, ugly brutes would get in and you’d find dead ones lying on your bedroom floors or flying around in your bathroom!
They didn’t do any harm as I recall. They’d just get caught up in your hair or buzz and bump into your face, if you didn’t get indoors in time! But they didn’t actually hurt you…
Now Diana, I KNOW that you’re a very generous gal!! And I know that your inclination is to SHARE everything you have! HOWSEVER, there are some things you share with friends – and some you don’t! Allowing me to check out the Palmetto’s what are doing ‘bed and breakfast’ in your garage is DEFINITELY the latter!! YOU DON’T DO IT!!! I have to say – I’m SOOOOO LOOKING FORWARD to having adventcha’s with you, and checking out all the wonderful things you’re planning to show me!!! But – looking forward to getting to know your Palmetto bugs, I’M NOT!!!! SORRY – but it had to be said!! 

"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 13 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 11:11:20 PM
and if you truly want to see a phobia in action, see ME around one of South Carolina's huge Palmetto bugs (they're flying cockroaches but that's the "polite" term for these horrible up-to-six-inch, flying, crawling, hard-to-kill, slime-green-innard-having spawns of Satan. How scared am I of Palmetto bugs? One got into my bathroom once. I was so scared of it I called a friend (this was at 2 a.m.) and promised him a six pack of any beer he wanted, no matter how expensive, if he came over and killed it! (He did...)
Christina, How could you be scared of our state bird??? Yes, it is just a myth that the wren is South Carolina's state bird. It is really that little winged creature that we lovingly call the "Palmetto bug." And I don't believe for a minute that you were scared of our little friend. It was all a ruse to get some hot guy in your house late at night. Right? 
Kay |
~ An Infinite Zephyr~ Some things never end As long as goodness exists Winds shall always soothe
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 28 2004 : 07:37:31 AM
Kate, I need to clarify what went down with Mr. No-Shoulders. I was sitting on my backporch enjoying a book. We had just gotten a couple of kittens. Suddenly, I heard all the birds chirping and in a stir and sitting very low in the branches of the oak tree outside my porch. Thinking they were fussing at the kittens, I turned to look for them and there he was... Slithering toward the children's swing set...thank goodness one was at school and the other was napping. I immediately called the neighbor and he came over with a hoe, thinking it was a garden snake or something small and harmless. As soon as he realized it had rattles, he goes back to his house and brings the gun (he's a local policeman). Took two shots, but he got him. Quite traumatic especially when I think that my children could have been out there on the swing set or simply playing in the yard. It took a long time to get over the fear of walking about in the yard. As for moving...nah...ain't no Mr. No-Shoulders gonna run me out of house and home. |
Theresa |
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - May 28 2004 : 08:28:43 AM
I'm sorry, Theresa, I think I've given you the wrong impression! I'm not meaning you did anything wrong regarding getting rid of Mr. No-Shoulders!! Heck, we're talking 'dangerous species' here!! It's... unfortunate, that he wandered into a 'built up area' but... you had your family to think of!!
Nope - I MEANT I think you're brave!!!! Being phobic about these things, I TRULY don't know if I could live with that spot where it all happened! I'M NOT SURPRISED you found the whole thing traumatic!! But I'd probably have been traumatised to the point where I would have to move! There's not much would drive ME out of my home and off my property - but (I've moved around a lot! And I've become good at making new 'homes') home is where I have to feel 'safe'. I think I'd have to move just so I didn't wake up each morning to that same 'view' of this 's word' slithering toward... NOPE, FOR MY OWN SANITY I'D PROBABLY HAVE TO MOVE.
I'm glad to hear this was an isolated incident. Having good neighbours is a wonderful thing, isn't it...
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


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Posted - May 28 2004 : 10:41:42 AM
Theresa - you know you bring up a good point. BIRDS are excellent alarms for S*****. One summer evening at my father-in-law's house the birds in his backyard cut to chitterin' and squawkin' and making a general fuss. He said. "There's sn...er...S**** out there and grabbed his gun. Sure enough, up in a tree, there it was. So my Father-in-law shot him, but the s**** kept right on moving (like a worm when you cut it in half), so what does he do - HEAD'S UP THE TREE AFTER IT! Now I knew this 60-some-year-old guy was tough BUT GEEZ! He decides he's gonna knock the s**** down and told me to pick up a rock (a BIG rock - weighed at least 30 pounds) and smash his head. Talk about adrenalin GUSHING - I picked up that rock, he knocked it out of the tree, I r-a-i-s-e-d that rock high over my head, straddled the injured s****, and missed the poor thing by at least a foot. And here I was, ex-fast pitch softball pitcher and couldn't hit something right between my feet. My father-in-law said that was the worst display of rock-thuddin' he'd ever seen. The s**** wiggled under the deck and under the house and YEP - my Father-in-law got down and crawled in after him and he finally got him. NOW I never said any of us were very smart or had any semblance of restraint and reason. Good illustration for just leaving the darn things alone!
A long time ago I worked in a Radiologist's office and many mornings, when either entering or exiting through the buildings backdoor we would have a Big Black Sna....ooops...S**** laying across the sidewalk right up against the door, blocking the door like a door stop. He never bothered anyone and we would just bump the door a couple of times and he'd SLOWLY move away. I think the spot on the concrete was cool in the shade and this was just his favorite spot. Perhaps that fella is why I'm not to bothered by them today! 
Kate - I have seen NO Mr. No-Shoulders at my house! Just a few lizards and frogs.
GG  |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - May 28 2004 : 1:14:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gadget Girl "There's sn...er...S**** out there...
A what? In a tree? Just tell me the first word, GG, to save Kate from having to reclimb her bookshelf.
Oh, btw, Kate... don't be askin' GG to rescue you from any s-words. She can't hit the broadside of a barn!
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - May 28 2004 : 1:40:05 PM
I KNOW, WW!!! ... *clinging precariously from the top of the standard lamp!*... ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! Now yer telling me I don't just have to WATCH MY FEET, Diana?????!! THEY'RE IN THE TREES TOO????????!!!!!!!!!
Boy!! I REALLY need to re-think this 'overseas jaunt' stuff!!! In fact, I saw an ad on TV for a holiday trip to Moscow... I believe it's TOO COLD there for 'legless critters'... Could be that I have a newly discovered DESPERATE NEED to see Lenin's Tomb... or Red Square... or the Bolshoi Ballet... or something...
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - May 28 2004 : 3:17:51 PM
Kate you and I need to move to Hawaii....They have no SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...... |
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - May 28 2004 : 3:35:54 PM
We can have our own little Gathering every year in Hawaii!!! We can sit by the crystal clear ocean, sip Pina Colada's while the palm fronds gently fan us from the hot sun... And we'll think of our dear friends trekking for seven miles through the woods, following the sound of waterfalls... Or trekking up mountains just to look down on... a valley and more trees... and the possibility of meeting MORE...
Now THAT REALLY COULD REPLACE CHIMNEY ROCK as a holiday destination!! 
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - May 30 2004 : 3:29:29 PM
Kate & all,
This talk about you-know-whats reminded me of something that happened to me back when I was in 7th or 8th grade. I was at Girl Scout summer camp and a group of us were doing a 20 mile hike through the hills of Brown County, Indiana (not very far from where Karen lives now). Two girls were in front of the rest of us, and all of a sudden they came to a screeching halt (literally screeching!). A HUGE rattler was sunning itself across the path.  Now, this was back in the days when skins were highly desired for hat bands, etc., so our leader grabbed a piece of wood and banged the SSSS on the head. The wood was next to rotten, so the impact only stunned it and made it start to coil. Our fearless leader grabbed a heftier tree part and tried again. This time she had the chance to cut of the head. We girls were standing there in total awe and fear! I helped skin the dern thing and had the idea that the cook back at camp would know how to cook it up just right - so I took a hunk and actually carried it for miles. Well...this was summer and pretty hot and humid. Talk about smelly! So I tossed it out and gave up the idea.
Nowadays nobody would condone rattler hat bands around here. Today I would have give that SSSS a wide berth and walk around it. I say - leave em alone if at all possible - if we respect their space, they'll respect ours.
Now those palmetto bugs are another thing...YUUUUUKKKK!!!!! 
Jayne |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 13 2002
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Posted - May 30 2004 : 3:44:30 PM
I haven't had too many experiences with the "s" word, but when I was eight, I do remember that one day as my sisters and I were walking home from school, (I was a little ways ahead of them) I just happened to look down at the sidewalk, and there was a "s" right there where I was at. I froze, and the "s" slithered right between my feet. I couldn't move, but I hollered for my sisters. When they caught up to me, the "s" had already slithered away, but I was still too scared to move. My sisters finally convinced me that it was okay. So, I'm not too fond of those slithery little creatures either.
Kay |
~ An Infinite Zephyr~ Some things never end As long as goodness exists Winds shall always soothe
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
Status: offline
Posted - May 30 2004 : 9:14:40 PM
FIRE ANTS!!!! Yep, I echo your sentiments on THEM Diana. And I have TWO reasons to hate them...not only are they just filthy rotten stinging SOBs, but I'm VIOLENTLY ALLERGIC to them!!! I don't just get the little "bumps" I get HUGE STINKING WELTS and brown spots and trouble breathing and etc. etc. etc. Consequently, this is why I always travel everywhere in the summer with enough Benadryl products to serve a battallion! Christina |
See this face? This is the face of a woman on the edge. Whoopi Goldberg, "Jumping Jack Flash"
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
Status: offline
Posted - May 31 2004 : 07:18:25 AM
This Mr. No-Shoulders story came back to mind yesterday. My mother and father-in-law always had a relatively large garden. Mrs. Williams, who was a very short lady in stature, was out breaking okra one morning. Now, being short and the okra stalks had grown relatively tall, she would have to take them, pull them down toward her, then cut the okra. Upon doing this that morning she brought ol' Mr. No-Shoulders right down into her face ...needless to say, she immediately let go of the okra stalk that flung that sucker up in the air and could possibly still be orbitting the earth to this day. |
Theresa |
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