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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - May 23 2004 : 06:09:24 AM
I think not ...
Gathering Attendee List
Out of all those people, at least a few of which won't actually be here, 8 - that's e-i-g-h-t - as in, two less than the number of fingers most of us have [that's on both hands, if you're having trouble doing the math! ] - just 8 souls will be doing the entire Gathering this year. Man. How things have changed. Seven days worth doesn't have anything to do with it, does it? 
Off the top of my head, they are [if my record keeping is correct - and that's doubtful]: Kate Penman, John Harkins, Christina Knauss, Theresa Williams, Nancy Michaelsen, Donna Deslauriers, Patrick Quinn, and myself.
There is a large handful more who are doing it all but one ... that tends to be either Biltmore or the Nolichucky ... and includes the Whitneys, Stanglers, and Sweetsers
I nominate us - the Big 8, that is - for a very special prize! Any suggestions?
Rich Mohican Press
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 23 2004 : 08:05:02 AM
Hmmm...may have to change that to the "Lucky 7", Rich. I'm opting out of the Elk Hunt excursion in order to help Cherie set up for the auction back at the Geneva....AND...if my rotator cuff is not better, I may have to miss the Nolichucky. I'm going to check with the doctor prior to the Gathering on that one...*sigh*. Of course between now and then, anything can change I suppose. Cherie? Are we still a go for that plan? |
Theresa |
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Colonial Settler


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Posted - May 23 2004 : 08:28:03 AM
You bet!!! Need all the help I can get!! LOL... I'm also going to need some help getting all this stuff to the Games on Saturday.
Now Marc and I are attending the entire week, just opted out of Spirits on the River, (I won't be going to the Elk Hunt, or Linville, I have a date with the Tiki hut, Shhh don't tell Marc about the date LOL.) |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 23 2004 : 10:42:03 AM
You count on me to help, Cherie. We'll need vehicles to help transport items to the games...does anyone know if they will have tables for us to set up or if we need to carry those as well? We've got work to do!! 
Oh...and about that Tiki Bar date?  |
Theresa |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 13 2002
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Posted - May 23 2004 : 11:13:51 AM
I nominate us - the Big 8, that is - for a very special prize! Any suggestions?
Rich, Don't those of us that will be there the entire week at least get an honorable mention???  I do think that y'all deserve something very special though. 
Kay |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - May 23 2004 : 6:58:36 PM
Oh yeah, Kay ... you and quite a few others will be here from day one on through the end. Honorable mention??? Oh, Ok ...
quote: Originally posted by Theresa
You count on me to help, Cherie. We'll need vehicles to help transport items to the games...does anyone know if they will have tables for us to set up or if we need to carry those as well? We've got work to do!! 
Yes. GG posted something about that a month, or so, ago. I think we've got some table bringing volunteers. The French Broads have little, or none. Getting stuff there ought not to pose a problem ... we've got the help & vehicles [though with the price of gas, carpooling will be more important - and wise - than ever] ... it's just the set-up logistics.
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Karen W
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 04 2002
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Posted - May 24 2004 : 3:53:56 PM
Well Rich, with the small groups we'll just get to know each other better won't we? I'll be there all week, just not sure if I'll be able to do much hiking with these arthritic knees of mine. I'd sure like to try some of it. Cherie, you know I'll do what I can to help you out. Not being the driver for our trip, I can't offer transport . I imagine Jayne will have our vehicle full of auction goods. Hope there's some water in that river this year!
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - May 24 2004 : 6:35:07 PM
LOL.... I'm not riding in the Ducky this year!!! That is for sure. I have seen enough of the backside, underside and topside of that waterfall. Put my butt in a raft.... |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - May 25 2004 : 11:26:37 AM
Seems like part of the reason for smaller groups might be due to the addition of big events (like rafting and Cherokee) that the Gatherings didn't used to offer. I opted to skip the Biltmore to save some money since I've done that before. The other events - just wasn't willing to miss!
Cherie - I'm with you on the ducky decision. I had enough black & blue marks to last me til...well, for a long time!
Jayne |
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Gadget Girl
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 25 2004 : 11:34:10 AM
Can't we get some special recognition for those of us that WOULD do everything if it was at all possible for us to be there?
GG  |
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Sweetser 4 Rep

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
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Posted - May 25 2004 : 12:34:15 PM
All, For those of use traveling from a LONG way away; I wish I could bring my protable table and chairs on the plane...but I really don't really want to hassle with security and whatnot; I think for all of us; we will be there for the entire week; save the Deliverance Rafting trip will be at EVERYTHING (if I can wake my sistes up); I think EVERYONE gets a prize for just doing the walk...back to merit badges??? A week is a long time...!!! to be away from home. Especially when hubby has to do the laundry.... Bringing the blanket to sit on at the Games....and the sunscreen and hats....and hardtack!!! Jo |
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

United Kingdom

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - May 25 2004 : 5:46:55 PM
Well Rich, I'm going to ATTEMPT everything but we'll see how it goes on the day!
BUT.. there IS ONE TEEEEEENY WEE THING that's worrying me just a bit! You probably know what I'm about to ask... You know those 'things without legs' that I can't even bear to MENTION??? Just reassure me... you WILL have a 'you-know-what kit' with you, won't you?????!!! 
I'm sorry - I just had to make sure... *sigh* |
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 05:06:49 AM
Consider yourself reassured ... IF I can find it, that is! |
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Sweetser 4 Rep

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 11:56:02 AM
When I read the blurb on the Nolichy/river rats day; you paddle over to the rock; Is that first? Or "along the wet trail" while you navigate those class 4 rapids....In other words, if one ONLY wanted to see 'THE ROCK" is it possible without the black and blue all over?
Jo |
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 1:04:22 PM
Hopefully I'll be able to hold up through all the events I signed up for. I think with having a whole week there'll be some time to rest. I've never gone to the sunrise, and I'm not going to this year either. The elk hunt location is a maybe. Seen it already... All the other big stuff is for sure! On the river - I'd like to use the big raft too... unless there's lots of water with less chance to get hung up. Counting the days..... :') |
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Karen W
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 04 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 2:46:47 PM
Well Jo, once you're on that river you're ON that river. No way off until the end! I was in a raft (with one other woman and our guide!) and I wasn't black and blue at all. That was the folks who paddled their own little "duckies". I really enjoyed the whole adventure, but if all you want to do is see "THE ROCK", I'm not sure if you'd enjoy the whole day. Just my thoughts on the matter.
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Bumppos Tavern Patron

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 2:48:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kate
Well Rich, I'm going to ATTEMPT everything but we'll see how it goes on the day!
BUT.. there IS ONE TEEEEEENY WEE THING that's worrying me just a bit! You probably know what I'm about to ask... You know those 'things without legs' that I can't even bear to MENTION??? Just reassure me... you WILL have a 'you-know-what kit' with you, won't you?????!!! 
I'm sorry - I just had to make sure... *sigh*
Okay, I thought of ticks, but without legs?... leeches? |
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Wilderness Woman
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 3:28:04 PM
I'm thinkin' the word Kate cannot stand to say is...
And the kit would be a "the s-word bite kit."
(Do I get any points for this one?) |
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Gadget Girl
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 6:46:30 PM
OH NO WW!!!!
You've done it now!!!
*Thinking of ways to coax Kate down from off of the chandelier!!*
GG  |
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 8:13:41 PM
AAARRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I HEARD THAT WORD!!!!!! ...*shouting down from the highest reaches of my bookcase...* (I'd LOVE to say I have a chandelier in my study but alas - it ain't so!! )
Since standing on one when I was just a widdle wee pumpkin, and then getting bitten about 10 years ago, I have a morbid phobia which is deeper than that there Grand Canyon of your'n!!! I LOVE climbing up Table Rock and I even enjoyed MOST (well, at least 4 or 5 miles of it!) of the Baatan Death March. HOWSEVER, I get the squirmy jitters JUST THINKING O' THE NUMBER o' the 'things with no legs' what are hiding in all that bush!!! And NO AMOUNT OF RATIONALISING and Rich goin' on about how the thud of umpteen pairs o' walkin' boots are gonna skeer these things waaaay into the next county, seems to make me feel any better about it!!
'Cause sure as fate, the moment I start to get complacent and start to enjoy m'self, those... 'legless things' are gonna come after me!!!!!!!! 
So my way o' thinkin' is - if they are gonna BE THERE, then... hopefully knowing there's a 'things with no legs' bite kit handy makes me feel a TEEEEEENSY bit better. At least I won't DIE. And I'm holding onto that bit 'silver lining' like a drowning man holds onto a bit stick floatin' by... 
So Rich better find that durn thing, is all I can say!!! 
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 8:27:28 PM
Uh-Oh. Guess I won't be getting any points on this one... at least not from Kate. Drat.
Katey-dear... it's OK. You can climb down now. There are no s-words in your study, except maybe in your dictionary. I'm sorry. I didn't realize your reaction would be quite so... er... dramatic.
Never having been bitten by an s-word, I cannot imagine what my reaction would be. Was it poisonous?? |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 9:14:12 PM
Jo, I was in a raft with four others and wasn't black and blue either. Claude on the other hand...welllll...
And that Mr. No-shoulders you're talking about? |
Theresa |
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 10:13:00 PM
Uh... MAYBE Theresa, maybe... Uh - who is Mr. 'No Shoulders'???? Hmmmmmmm... if he's a relation to 'things with no legs' then, perhaps that's his name alright!! 
Well, WW... the 'thingy with no legs' that bit me wasn't poisonous - I DON'T THINK!! I DID feel shocked and really sick for quite awhile afterwards, but that MAY have been just the fright of being bitten.
We don't have poisonous 'you-know-what's here in Scotland, just Grass and Adders. HOWSEVER, there is a VERY LARGE number of people who keep these 'thingy's' as pets - many exotic species and various levels of 'dangerous'. And there are ALWAYS reports of these 'legless' creatures escaping from their tanks or whatever. So... it could have been an 'escapee' and so I should have gone to the ER for treatment. But I was so shocked, I didn't even think of that. It was only next day when discussing it with my best friend, that I realised I should have.
I was raking up all the dead leaves under my hedge and I obviously disturbed it. If a child had disturbed it, the results could have been much worse.
However, from a point where I didn't like them (after stepping on one and feeling it wriggle out from under my bare foot! Yuck!) to a point where I REALLY, REALLY DIDN'T LIKE THEM, (when I was in high school, a science teacher kept shoving one in my face, trying to get me to hold it), getting bitten made me ABSOLUTELY PHOBIC about these things. I can't watch them on TV, I can't look at them in a book - and if I accidently turn a page and my finger has 'touched' the picture of one, I get violently ill! Just writing about 'them' has given me the shivers, I've had to put a sweater on, and I feel VERY queasy!!! 
I spent 12 weeks doing a Fieldwork Placement in Australia about five years ago now and was VERY, VERY CAREFUL about where I put my feet! PARTICULARLY after the day one of the girls that stayed in the room down the hall from me, reported that there was one under the dumpster that I had JUST EMPTIED MY BIN INTO!! 
If I was in a job where this phobia caused problems on a day-to-day basis, or if I lived in a country where I was likely to come across these things frequently, I'd do something about my phobia. As it is, there's no real need to put myself through that 'face yer fear' stuff!! (I doubt I could do it ANYWAY!!) 
As far as trekking through the North Carolina bush, up to Table Rock and various other locations, I just send Rich well ahead of me to 'search, seek and shove' them back into the places I WON'T be going!!! That seems to have worked the last three Gatherings I've been to!! 
And I'm hoping he'll be his usual vigilant self again THIS year!! Love ye' buddy!!  |
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 10:49:06 PM
Will do me best, young lady, if I can just maintain some energy ... wearing down these days! |
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 11:22:23 PM
Ohmigosh, m' friend!!! You CAN'T AFFORD to 'wear down'!!! There's very little of ye AS IT IS!!!
Hey, three or so more weeks and you'll be on vacation, meeting up with long lost buddies... think of all those hugs that you'll no doubt be getting! 

"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Fitz Williams
Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - May 27 2004 : 01:09:32 AM
Last summer a friend of mine from the central South Carolina area was doing archaeological work in eastern Russia, and he noticed a small poisonous snake living under his tent floor. He did nothing about it since they tend to keep down the rodents. Some of the Russians asked how he could stand to live over a snake, and he replied that in South Carolina, unless it's over four feet long, it isn't considered a snake. |
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