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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - February 15 2004 : 12:37:38 PM
Mornin' Pilgrims!
Guess I'll start with the NOT so fun & games this time ....
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ... Ok, so it appears the little transition we went through worked out pretty well. Speed is up. But ... many residual problems. Since the change-over, MUCH mail has bounced back to me, mostly of the board-generated variety [though not all] , and especially that which was headed to domains like AOL, Earthlink, Yahoo, and, it appears, most International addresses. I don't know what was up with that. I noticed - hard not to when more than 50% come back - that the Gathering "mass" mailing thingie wasn't working too well either - that routes through - So, I redid it, going through my local ISP here in Marion and that seems to have done the trick. No bouncebacks, anyway. Hope all who were supposed to did receive it. I'll post it down below, just in case. In any event, that all seems OK now. BUT, my own E-mail account is ALL screwed up - can't send ... then I can send ... can't receive ... than I can receive ... Seems like a DNS issue that needs to be resolved. Then, as some of you probably know, our SQL database [that which this board reads from] became disconnected from the rest of the site. I guess that was MIA for an hour, or so. Got that fixed and then the WHOLE site was inaccessible for me. I'm not sure what youse all experienced.
All in all, a very frustrating day. One that has me looking ... again ... for a new web host. It's not so bad that it happens, but when the explanations aren't there, well ...
My plans to work on On the Trail of the Last of the Mohicans ... The Expanded Edition went out the window because of that. Oh well, always today & tomorrow [a Holiday - President's Day! Thank you, George & Abe!]
Oh well ...
But, Fun & Games!!!! Who's this, do you think? Well, I see we're "disconnected" again ... Will post the pic later, hopefully. Hint: It's not me or Lainey! Later ...
WW - Not sure why that Smiley didn't work for you. I played around with it yesterday & it truly is a dead smile. No worka fa me, either. Yet, I see nothing wrong.   
Gathering News: See 2004 Gathering Attendees for who'll be there - so far.
As posted elsewhere, Russell Means & Joanne Shenandoah both have their flights booked at this time! A great relief -
For those who did not receive it, here's the Gathering E-mail from yesterday:
Hi folks -
Just to let you know, this will be the last such mailing you will be receiving, UNLESS, you have officially signed up for the 2004 Great Mohican Gathering.
A few of the addresses are apparently no longer valid, and before we start to annoy anyone, we will just mail to actual attendees.
IMPORTANT: One other thing - someone has charged back a $100 raffle ticket purchase. This is ok & understandable, BUT, I have no idea who it was. Please drop me a note so that I can adjust our raffle purchase information. It would be greatly appreciated.
OK, for those of you who have not signed up, here are a couple of links to use if you decide to join up in the future [and we sure hope that you do!]:
Gathering Page:
To Sign Up:
To Add To The Coins For Chingachgook Fund:
A complete list of 2004 Gatherers can be found on the Mohican Board!
Thanks for bearing with me all these months ...
Shopping Cart: Sometime after I am able to access my site again, we will be installing a Shopping Cart system on the Frontie
Rich Mohican Press
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - February 15 2004 : 1:41:23 PM
Rich, just to let you know what I have been experiencing... hopefully to help you pin it down:
Yesterday, there were a couple of times that I was not able to get to the boards, although I could maneuver around the site. This happened once in the afternoon and once in the early evening. In between, I was able to get to the boards. As you say, it sort of drifted in and out. So far today, I have not had a problem. I got some sort of message which I did not write down, that indicated there was a problem with the server.
Hope this helps. |
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 23 2002
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Posted - February 15 2004 : 9:20:25 PM
Sachem, I don't know if you are still looking for diagnostic reviews, but if you are I have had some problems with logging-on. I don't know if it is my machine, my ISP or what-not, but I figured I'd mention it.
Your Most Humble Servant,
Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy. 42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote (The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)
"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit" -Or- "Recruit locally, fight globally." |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - February 16 2004 : 06:35:56 AM
Holy Cow!!!! I'm in!!!
Still don't know what's going on ... very, very erratic. Just popped in all of a sudden. Everything remains back & forth. Still can't retrieve my E-mail normally ... was able to FTP for a short while & uploaded the pic ... let me post it now, before it's too late:

Maybe, I'll be back!!!  |
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Keeper of the Western Door


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 18 2002
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Posted - February 16 2004 : 12:30:57 PM
Could it be Gadget Girl? |
Carpe Diem |
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - February 16 2004 : 12:50:46 PM
Nope it isn't me? How about a vote for Wilderness Woman?
GG |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - February 16 2004 : 1:22:43 PM
Nope, GG, t'wasn't you!
Talk about a lost weekend - lost in the ozone! [Now I know how you all felt a couple or three years ago when we abruptly took down the board. Sorry 'bout that.]
Hopefully, this is my last word on the matter ... EVERYTHING is functioning well right now! Yabba-dabba-do! |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - February 16 2004 : 2:42:52 PM
Nope. Not me!
Bearing in mind that I have only seen you guys in photos... I think it could be Theresa.
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
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Posted - February 16 2004 : 2:55:17 PM
I'm voting on Theresa as well! Christina |
See this face? This is the face of a woman on the edge. Whoopi Goldberg, "Jumping Jack Flash"
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - February 16 2004 : 5:26:00 PM
Not me. I was going to say GG, but I see it isn't her either. Hmmm...You may have to drop a hint or two, Rich.  |
Theresa |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - February 17 2004 : 12:46:16 PM
Ok - hint time. This is a hard one, 'cause most all of us have never met this person - or seen an "adult" pic of her. Most of us.
That's the hint! |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - February 17 2004 : 12:54:35 PM
Could it possibly be... that great Mohicanland healer... that purveyor of Gnome Butter... the arthritic-kneed... the capricious... Doc M????? |
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The Huggy Merchant
Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - February 19 2004 : 04:42:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by Theresa
I'm going to guess Adele.
Tis not I! Believe it or not, this raven-head was a blonde lil chicky at that age!!
HM |
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Doc M
Great Quack Healer of the Frontier


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - February 20 2004 : 09:34:52 AM
Tis not I, though I was equally winsome at that age. Had it been moi, the widdle dolly would have not had a head!
Doc M |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - February 20 2004 : 3:03:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by Doc M Had it been moi, the widdle dolly would have not had a head!
Somehow this does not surpise me! All Docs have to start somewhere, right?
OK. So I'm out of guesses then. |
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