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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - August 18 2003 : 5:46:30 PM
I vote for Ol' Doc too. Has that nice Mohicanland connection. |
Theresa |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - August 18 2003 : 6:43:13 PM
Well, before bestowing a name on my new pride & joy - that name, at least - I'll have to wait on the "Ol' Doc's" blessing ... see if she doesn't mind her moniker being associated with a long, fire spewing, rod! 
Gotta say, too, other names - associated with Mohicanland - crossed my mind ... Mighty Mama, in honor of my old friend [taking her current opinion of me into consideration, though, rules that out - I envision the pan blowing up in my face] or, maybe, Lady Ann, as it was she who was the originator of this scheme to outfit me [like Cora, though, perhaps too feminine?] or, how about The Great & Terrible, as a tribute to my lovely wife [but then, if my gun takes on her persona ... well, I wouldn't wish her wrath on even my worst enemy! .54 calibre would do!] ... and on it goes ...
Ol' Doc ... has a nice ring. Seems, too, to have just the right blend of personalities you'd like a firearm to have! |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - August 18 2003 : 6:55:35 PM
One more ... Steph's version of the Nolichucky River, after our little excursion last year at the Gathering ... Hellichucky ... |
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Bill R
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 03 2002
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Posted - August 18 2003 : 7:03:52 PM
Those are all good names Rich. You've obviously put some thought into it. Though...rather than Great and Terrible I think I'd go for just "Lainey". Howsomever, good names all. |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - August 18 2003 : 8:47:40 PM
| 'bout "Knockemup"? Just kidding! |
Theresa |
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Bill R
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 03 2002
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Posted - August 18 2003 : 8:58:50 PM
| certainly implies that he never misses with his gun, doesn't it? Pretty accurate. Sounds a leeeedle too chinese though!!!! |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - August 19 2003 : 06:54:22 AM
Weeellll....I was afraid it sounded a little too Yazoo City, in "knockemout, John" a la Jerry Clower. LOL! |
Theresa |
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Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 31 2003
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Posted - August 19 2003 : 12:50:13 PM
Yes Bill, bullet blocks do seem to be something that would have been thought of, but none have been documented in the time period. No one mentions any in any writtings of the times and none have been found.(meaning none have been found that were of that period, plenty have been found) There was one that turned up last year with a 1750's date carved on it .. but I'm not sure if it was even authenticated. You can load from the block without the short starter...I've done it numerous times before I quit using one. Most hunters/shooters of the period used undersized ball and heavy patching, this made for an easier time loading....I remember Mark Baker writting that some of the linen listed in the goods of one of the traders he researched was too small a portion to be used for anything other than patching...then of course the longhunters would have used very thin leather patching as well when cloth got scarce..
Rich, use the garters for your clout-belt..and get yourself some leather ones. The matching sash and garters just isn't/wasn't done. There was a discussion on this on one of the Historical boards not long ago...Dye your new can use walnut hulls or pecan hulls..boil them(the shells and hulls not the mocs) and drain off the dye and seperate the liquid from the solids. Let the dye cool and then put the mocs in.. after a few days you can take them out and dry them and then grease them up good.. |
"The scum of every nation gravitates to the frontier." Benjamin Franklin 1750
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin 1759
The existence of flamethrowers is proof that someone, somewhere, said to himself, "I want to set those people over there on fire, but I don't feel like walking over there to do it."
"Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist."
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - August 19 2003 : 6:39:12 PM
Hey Joe -
Regarding the matching sash & garter thing: I have no idea what the realities were, but it would seem to me, anything is possible, even likely. Frontiersmen, being individualistic, would be likely to do anything in this regard. Don't you think? It just seems to me, that as long as the pieces are period, the variables would be up to the wearer. That's just my gut feeling on this sort of thing ...
It's like 200 years from now, some guy is trying to dress like we did - think of the possibilities! The only difference, really, is that the documentation would be much easier to come by. |
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Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 31 2003
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Posted - August 19 2003 : 6:55:46 PM
The realities will be apparent once you put the garters on....they will hang down and get caught in every bush and bramble you come across..they are too long and leave a long tail and too short to wrap around twice and tie well (cuts off circulation too)..a good pair of leather buckled garters will be your next purchase, or a nice pair of Indian made garters...but the woven ones will be put aside.. *Looks over to the shelf where my old first pair of woven garters are residing..* |
"The scum of every nation gravitates to the frontier." Benjamin Franklin 1750
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin 1759
The existence of flamethrowers is proof that someone, somewhere, said to himself, "I want to set those people over there on fire, but I don't feel like walking over there to do it."
"Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist."
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - August 19 2003 : 6:59:30 PM
Ah ... the voice of experience!!! A different matter entirely!!!
Thanks! |
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Fitz Williams
Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - August 20 2003 : 1:00:28 PM
On the subject of names, a man named Robert Young has the distinction of being the first one to shoot Ferguson at Kings Mountain. He called his .40 cal. rifle "Sweet Lips", named in honor of his wife. Now, did that mean he was fond of his wife, or she spewed forth thunder and death. I've always wondered. |
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Doc M
Great Quack Healer of the Frontier


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - August 21 2003 : 1:56:21 PM
Golly gee whillikers, guys...a weapon of mass destruction named just for kindly old Doc M???? Well, it's a stretch, me being so gentle and non-assuming and all, but what the hey. I guess calling it "Gnomewhacker" would get you some odd looks from the other woodland boys,and our beloved Dweebie Day-Lewis has already taken the name "Chipmunk-Wounder" for his weapon of choice, so "Ol Doc" it is. I give you my blessing -- and don't worry about the payments due me for the naming rights... a few noggins of Bumppo's Best Corn Squeezin's and a gnome pelt or two will take care of everything nicely.
Kissy Kissy!!
Doc M
PS to Le Longue Cannelloni -- what you call your balls is ENTIRELY up to you, sweetie! We'll just let that one stay as it lays, eh?? *snort! snort!* |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - August 21 2003 : 3:02:07 PM
A-w-w-w-w-w, Drat!! Just when I finally got all the coffee-spit-splatters cleaned off the screen...
Where did I put my jar of gnome-butter... I had it right here... |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 17 2003
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Posted - August 21 2003 : 4:52:18 PM
I have a question....if you don't mind....which one of yall are reinactors.I've always wanted to take part in one.I guess it's the rush you get charging at the enemy. "lol"
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - August 21 2003 : 7:59:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Doc M
Golly gee whillikers, guys...a weapon of mass destruction named just for kindly old Doc M???? Well, it's a stretch, me being so gentle and non-assuming and all, but what the hey. I guess calling it "Gnomewhacker" would get you some odd looks from the other woodland boys,and our beloved Dweebie Day-Lewis has already taken the name "Chipmunk-Wounder" for his weapon of choice, so "Ol Doc" it is. I give you my blessing -- and don't worry about the payments due me for the naming rights... a few noggins of Bumppo's Best Corn Squeezin's and a gnome pelt or two will take care of everything nicely.
Kissy Kissy!!
Doc M
Well, well!!! A blessing from my old buddy, Doc Mary!!! Ol' Doc she is, then!!
Thank you!
Many Balls |
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Bill R
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 03 2002
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Posted - August 21 2003 : 8:08:18 PM
Many balls? MANY BALLS????????? must be sorely UNCOMFORTABLE to sit down or cross you legs fella!
You may call me Big Brass Ones......problem is, (the other shoe drops) that goes with Huge Titanium Prostate. |
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Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 31 2003
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Posted - August 21 2003 : 8:25:02 PM
To Dillon, I'mma re-enactor, I'm also a living historian. I've been participating in living history programs for about 20 years now. Here's a link that you might enjoy looking over. The guy who is making rifles for "The Alamo" movie. Lottsa pics of the rifle Billy-Bob choose as Crockett's Ol' Betsy... |
"The scum of every nation gravitates to the frontier." Benjamin Franklin 1750
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin 1759
The existence of flamethrowers is proof that someone, somewhere, said to himself, "I want to set those people over there on fire, but I don't feel like walking over there to do it."
"Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist."
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 17 2003
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Doc M
Great Quack Healer of the Frontier


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - August 22 2003 : 11:28:00 AM
Thanks SEW much, Mr. Rooks -- thanks to your huge titanium prostate I spat a mouthful of Corn Squeezin's right onto my long-suffering computer keyboard! As for our Fearless Leader's testicular appellation, I suppose one could argue that to even choose that as a Board Name proves that you got 'em!
Young Doc M |
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Bill R
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 03 2002
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Posted - August 22 2003 : 2:17:55 PM
Glad you got a chuckle out of it, oh evil yet alluring Doc. Here, this will get the keyboard clean right quick (handing her a jar of McSnookums butter). |
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Doc M
Great Quack Healer of the Frontier


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - August 22 2003 : 2:59:03 PM
MR. McSNOOKUMS BUTTER??????? Well, that's just SICK!!! Don't you dare touch a hair on his widdle puppykins head,, you!!! Luckily for you, the summer heat prevents me from even thinking about getting new supplies of Gnome Butter -- turns rancid mighty fast, which is why I'm sticking to Bumppo's Best Squeezin's for all my drinking and cleaning needs. Nothing puts a shine on a wood floor like a good spit o' Squeezin's! And say -- it works for those manly male problems as well. Won't do a thing to shrink Mr. Titanium, but will make you forget you have it!
Your Docky-Poo |
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Bill R
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 03 2002
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Posted - August 22 2003 : 3:42:14 PM
Forget I have one? Heck, that's a done deal. I've long forgotten I had one. Oh! You were talking about the prostate!! Nah. Can't forget I have one of THOSE! Every time I sit down, feels like I have a cue ball in my shorts. You're welcome to try helping me forget THAT, but it'll take a mighty lotta corn squeezins and a mighty lotta spittin'. (Guess the cat's outta the bag NOW folks. Doc Mary spits not swallows!) |
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Doc M
Great Quack Healer of the Frontier


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - August 22 2003 : 3:54:04 PM
Attention Mohican storefront owners!!! Who can whip up a nice buckskin pillow with a hole in the center for Mr. Bill??? Code Blue! Code Blue!
Doc M |
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Bill R
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 03 2002
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Posted - August 22 2003 : 4:48:30 PM
Thanks for thinking of me Doc M! You actually have a sweet side once in a while, don't you? One of those blow-up donut thingies would work just dandy. Who'da thunk, when I was a 30 yr old stud, it would come to THIS???????? Begging for a rubber donut seat cusion to sit on. Sheesh. This sort of thing shouldn't even happen to a McSnookums! |
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