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King 1

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May 13 2002

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Posted - January 07 2023 :  1:29:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
They don't come as often as they used to, but they do still come. This young man sent me this yesterday. It's a good feeling to know that you have impacted someone's life.

"Hi guys,

My name is Kevin and I was about 14 years old When the movie came out, it was extremely transformative to me, and it has remained my favorite movie ever! Not too long ago. I had a trip down to Charlotte for a couple of days and because of your fantastic website and guide, including GPS coordinate, I got to do some thing I wanted to do my whole life. I visited every site that was important to me from the movie. Actually, I wasn’t able to visit the scene where magua kills his enemy because it has been closed due to an unfortunate fatal fall with a young child, plus I’m afraid of heights. Nevertheless, without your website, I would not have been able to fulfill a lifelong dream, so I can’t thank you enough for all the effort you put into compiling these locations. It was extremely fulfilling and thank you!!!! I’m sure you don’t get a lot of traffic to your website anymore. In fact, I was talking with one of the Rangers at chimney rock and I asked him to guess my favorite movie, all he could come up with, was dirty dancing and I know the dance scene was filmed in the nearby lake but still, I was flabbergasted! The last of the Mohicans helped make me the man that I am with a deep love of the outdoors and fantastic scenery. Thank you so much for your fantastic website!!
PS-I just cannot over state that without the Mohican press, I could not have fulfilled one of my dreams."
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Fitzhugh Williams
Mohicanland Statesman

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July 17 2005

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Posted - January 08 2023 :  09:57:24 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I am sure there are a lot of others with the same feelings. I had personally never been to Linville, Barnardsville, Dupont Forest, and other areas until I started going to the Gatherings. I did go to Chimney Rock a lot, even ran in the Hillclimb for three years. I remember in the 90's they had the exhibit with some of the guns and things from LOTM in the shop at the top of the elevator. I wish I had taken some pictures of them.

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Monadnock Hiker
Colonial Militia

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August 31 2017

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Posted - January 08 2023 :  11:02:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I'm not surprised Rich - that movie & this website have had a very "positive impact" on a huge number of folks. - They just don't get in touch like Kevin did ...
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