Hello everybody. I`m quite new here and I just wanted to tell how amazing this website is. Thank you so much Rich and Elaine! I never thought I`d find so much info about the greatest movie of all time. Also it`s great to know that there are so many people who have the same passion for the movie as I do. I`ve already spent hours and hours exploring this site and reading discussions in the messageboard. Is there any subject that you haven`t discussed here!? The Last of the Mohicans has been my favourite movie since I was about nine. Words can`t describe how incredible it is. It`s truly one of a kind and so is Mohicanpress.com. Thank you
Even after nearly NINE years, it is STILL so very nice to read comments like yours, Keira. Makes me remember that all the hard work & looooooooooooooooong hours were worth it and that this place is appreciated as more than just a Troll's Nest.
Over the years there have been a few - QUITE A FEW - passionate people [about LOTM] who have left their mark. You most certainly are not alone!