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Lost in the Wilderness

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: January 04 2012
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Posted - January 05 2012 : 12:19:17 AM
I've always loved LOTM and always knew one day I'd go to Chimney Rock and view all the film locations there since I live about an hour away. In Sept of 2011 I visited the park and was devastated that the cliff trail was closed. I resolved to visit the cliff trail on my own accord and planned it out for a week. I printed up screenshots from the film in order to find the exact location of the shots. Using google earth to map my path, and with my droid phone acting as navigator, I entered from the rear of the park through the woods using old roads by foot. I reached the top of the falls and made my way to where Mogua and Uncas fought. Feeling satisfied, I backtracked and went down the mountain a different way. It is truly a memory I will always cherish. Just thought I'd share that with fellow fans.
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Fitzhugh Williams
Mohicanland Statesman

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 17 2005
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Posted - January 05 2012 : 07:20:20 AM
That sounds like something I might have done! I have been there many times, before and after the making of the movie. There was a sports car hillclimb held there every spring. It started roughly where the entrance booth is (where you have to pay) and ran to the top parking lot. It took just over 2 minutes for a run. I went there in the 1960's and 1970's, and participated three years from '73-'75. I always took the opportunity to hike the trails every time I was there. It was also a destination for our company's outings in the '90's and we got to see the exhibit of articles used by the stars in the movie. The display was in the gift shop at the top of the elevator. It seems a real shame that the State would close off the area when it was perfectly safe for so many years! |
 "Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet" |
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lane batot
Colonial Settler

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: October 15 2011
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Posted - January 05 2012 : 08:30:34 AM
Could the trail have just been closed temporarily for maintenance or something? It seems odd that they'd close it up permanently....but yeah, wootloop, that was a VERY "coureur de bois" thing to do! Minus the droid phone for navigation, of course! |
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Lost in the Wilderness

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: January 04 2012
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Posted - January 06 2012 : 9:41:51 PM
Lane batot, it is closed down for good. They do plan to create a trail along the tree line and construct a deck overlooking the falls. Never again will we be able to walk the original cliff trail, if we follow the rules that is. If I had done this when I was in my early 20s I probably would have just trailblazed, but being older and wiser at age 34 I chose to leave nothing to chance and brought some technology to help me find my way.  |
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Colonial Settler

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 08 2010
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Posted - January 09 2012 : 9:47:07 PM
Such a bummer. The Cliffs Trail is/was hands down the best place in the park. Good on you keeping the pathfinding alive!
''Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we cannot eat money.''
~ Cree Proverb |
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Gadget Girl
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Lost in the Wilderness

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: January 04 2012
Status: offline
Posted - January 10 2012 : 3:10:12 PM
Thanks everyone. I'll put a link up of the photos soon. 
Here's one of me at the top of the falls having some ramen, sitting where Nathaniel stood as Chingachgook fought Magua.
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