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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - January 20 2003 : 11:35:29 AM

Well, it's finally happened! We recently opened the last carton of copies of On the Trail of the Last of the Mohicans - the guide book! We've sold a few, 10 copies are reserved for my kids ... that doesn't leave many.
Be forewarned! If you have been wanting a copy, order one soon - "soon" is relative; we expect to be out by year's end. You can look the guide booklet over, and place an order, in our PATHFINDING section.
So, what happens after they're gone? Don't know for sure, but more than likely it'll be put on the site, either as a download in .pdf format, or simply as web pages integrated with our Companion Guide. We'll see ...
Just wanted to let you know so that you don't come up empty handed! 
Some other locations-related pages on our site:
Companion Guide || On Location at CRP || Walking the River Walk || The Filming at Lake James
And, of course, our Great Mohican Gathering
Rich Mohican Press
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - January 20 2003 : 12:06:24 PM
Yes, People, if you don't yet have your copy, get it! It is chock full of location site information as well as a little history along the way. EVERY LOTM fan should own one of these.
Theresa |
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Gasaka Soquilla


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: October 17 2002
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Posted - June 16 2003 : 6:40:03 PM
Any copies left Rich?
I dont know why I never got around to picking up a copy (one of life's mysteries)...
Wado (thanks). |
GasakaSoquilla (Lighthorse)
Adjutant; Joseph Brant's Volunteers BAR Unit #225 |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 25 2003
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Posted - June 25 2003 : 9:14:35 PM
i would love to order one copy. thanks so much for your effort and work about the lotm.even i just join in, but i have been reading this board for a long time. |
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Bumppos Tavern Patron

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 25 2003 : 10:35:33 PM
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING! Get your copy while you can!
Jack McCall: "Should we shake hands or something, relieve the atmosphere. I mean how stupid do you think I am?" Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."
"A nation with no regard to it's past will have little future worth remembering." A.Lincoln
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things"
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - June 26 2003 : 08:22:34 AM
Just ordered mine........finally!! Goodie, goodie!
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Lost in the Wilderness
Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 29 2003
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Posted - July 29 2003 : 1:16:56 PM
I need to get a copy of that book! I worked on 'Mohicans' as the principle tattoo artist, and I probably couldn't find half of the locations where we shot. We'd load into a van at 4AM, fall asleep, and wake up on the side of some mountain with PAs yelling at us to set up ASAP. I tracked down the location of the fort, but there's nothing visible from the road, and I wasn't up for a uphill hike through heavy weeds and brush. You'd never believe it was there. |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - July 30 2003 : 08:17:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by ED209
I need to get a copy of that book! I worked on 'Mohicans' as the principle tattoo artist, and I probably couldn't find half of the locations where we shot. We'd load into a van at 4AM, fall asleep, and wake up on the side of some mountain with PAs yelling at us to set up ASAP. I tracked down the location of the fort, but there's nothing visible from the road, and I wasn't up for a uphill hike through heavy weeds and brush. You'd never believe it was there.
I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say that we would love to hear about some of your experiences! For example, on who's skin did you place a tattoo, hmmmmmmm??
Did you know Christopher Johnson, who was on the make-up crew? He was a young fellow from Binghamton, NY.
Oh, BTW... welcome to Mohicanland! Pull up a stump and stay awhile.
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Lost in the Wilderness
Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 29 2003
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Posted - July 30 2003 : 11:39:48 AM
I painted tattoos for Daniel Day-Lewis, Eric Schweig, Wes Studi, Russell Means, Mike Phillips and for lots of extras when needed. I was brought onto the project by John Bayless (a former college instructor and friend) on June 21, 1991 and worked in the tattoo tent on the extras (Mohawk, Huron and Abenaki). The principal tattoo artist, Dave (I can't remember his last name) got severely chewed out by Michael Mann because Magua's head tattoo was off by 1/8", and he was a little "jittery" after that. Daniel was uncomfortable around him because of his constant nervousness, so I was promoted to Dave's assistant and given the responsibility of applying Daniel's arm tattoos each day. After awhile, Dave left the project and I ended up as the "Principal Tattoo Artist" or "Rick Tattoo" on the set, with a guy named Dwayne Trimble as an assistant. I remember Chris Johnson. In fact, if my memory is correct, he had a younger brother named Matt who was also involved in make-up. All of the special-effects make-up guys were great! I just saw something a few weeks ago about how the head SPFX make-up guy, Vincent Guastini has gone on on to work on a bunch of projects for Kevin Smith (a fellower NJer). One of these days, I'll have to get in touch with Vince. Looking back on that summer, it was like being in high-school again. At the time, I could think of nothing but finishing the filming and getting out of there, but after it was over I really missed all the people and only thought of all the positive aspects of it.
Just as a clarification - I shared principle tattoo resposibilites on Daniel with Peter Robb-King and John Bayless, on Mike Phillips with Peter Robb-King and Eric Schweig with Russell Dodson. I get a kick out of the way people's memorys fade over time, and how their role in the production seems to get bigger and bigger as the years pass. I don't want anyone to accuse me of exaggerating my role in 'Mohicans', especially since the vast majority of the tattoos I painted aren't even visible on film. But, hey... I did what they asked me do and I got free food and lodging, a nice paycheck and a great tan. Not bad for a summer job! |
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - July 30 2003 : 11:46:42 AM
WoW that sounds awesome. You should join us next year for our Grand Gathering. I think you would really enjoy it. I know we would all love to hear your stories. We would take you back to all the spots.
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - July 30 2003 : 12:44:05 PM
I am impressed! Very cool! I am sure there are some ladies here who will be swooning over the fact that you got to touch DD-L, Eric and Wes! (Wellllll... I could include myself in that group.) Would you by any chance have any photos to share, of you painting tattoos on any of them?
Are you still involved in films and make-up at all?
Chris Johnson is alive and well in Binghamton. He has his own very small movie company and is going to be premiering his 3rd film this Friday, August 1st. My son worked on the film crew last summer, as a storyboard artist and with the sound equipment. He had a blast!
You can see what Chris is doing at his website:
More stories???? |
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Lost in the Wilderness
Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 29 2003
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Posted - July 30 2003 : 1:07:47 PM
Do I have pictures?!? I took so many pictures, in fact, that the production photographer threatened to have me fired if he saw me with a camera again. Thankfully, Madeleine Stowe came to my rescue because I was making copies of my pictures for her, so I became her unofficial "set photographer". She complained that production photographers never gave here any pictures after the project was over, and she really wanted some cast and crew pics from 'Mohicans'. I'll have to scan a few of the better ones to post here. I'm not involved in movies anymore, but I did move to Charlotte, NC in 2001, so if there ever decide to make "Revenge of the Last of the Mohicans", I'll be ready to go! ;)
BTW - Chris looks A LOT different than he did in 91. I'll post some pics of the younger, hairyer Chris Johnson when I get a chance. |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - July 30 2003 : 8:54:34 PM
Well, now you probably have some of the guys envious! Mentioning Madeleine and all. We would love to see some of those photos, wouldn't we gang?
I snitched this photo off of Chris's site. Chris is on the left, in aging makeup. The handsome kid on the right holding the clapper board is my son. They were filming at one of the falls near Ithaca, NY. Image Insert:
 10.4 KB
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Lost in the Wilderness
Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 29 2003
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Posted - July 30 2003 : 11:41:06 PM
Here are a few pictures:
All the women on the set wanted repriints of this one Image Insert:
 53.34 KB
Here's me applying Daniel's tattoos. Image Insert:
 47.51 KB
Chris Johnson hard at work near Chimney Rock Image Insert:
 84.06 KB
Noble savages: Image Insert:
 85.34 KB
The actors: Image Insert:
 87.4 KB
Eric in the tattoo trailer: Image Insert:
 59.2 KB
Wes acting like a bad-a$$: Image Insert:
 45.6 KB
Applying Russell's chest tattoos: Image Insert:
 43.57 KB
A cool evening shot near Lake James: Image Insert:
 69.3 KB
I've got a ton more if you want to see them. |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - July 31 2003 : 06:49:01 AM
And, all the women here will want reprints, too!
Nice shots, thanks for sharing ... but NO FAIR! As usual, all the pics are of the guys and for the ladies! Did Maddy hide out off-set, or something? |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - July 31 2003 : 07:02:31 AM
Woohoo!! Thanks, Ed. These are great. This may sound a little bizzare and out of the blue, you by chance remember anyone there from Alabama working on make-up or tatooing? The reason I'm asking is because I met this young man who was at a Girl Scout camp teaching us about American Indian culture and at the time he told me about the movie being made and he had been contacted about coming on as a consultant or something of that nature. Sorry, I don't remember his name but I do know he was from Montgomery.
Thank you for sharing these and, YES!...please give us more...OH! BTW, welcome to Mohicanland. You'll love this place.
Theresa |
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Lost in the Wilderness
Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 29 2003
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Posted - July 31 2003 : 07:53:35 AM
I have some pics of Madeleine, but most of the cast pictures I have is of the men. I guess if Cora of Alice had any tattoos, the ratio wouldn't be so one-sided. Unfortunately, I don't remember anyone specifically from Alabama. I was just out of college, surrounded by hundreds of people from all over the world and unless someone told me otherwise, I assumed that they were from England, California or North Carolina (depending on the accent). I started a couple weeks into the shooting, so if they were brought on as a consultant I might not have even seen them. Richfed, if you can set up some webspace for me, I'd be happy to upload as many pictures as you want. Sorry if pics I posted are slowing things down. |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - July 31 2003 : 08:37:13 AM
Wow! Those are gorgeous! Thanks. A stencil and air-brush?!? Well, well, well... movie makeup secrets revealed!

Rich... can we assume correctly that you will be arranging some space for him to put photos?? Yes? Goody goody!
Love the one of Chris... he has one of Justin (my son) sleeping sitting up on the couch during an all night shoot, on his site. LOL! The poor kid was working all day, then going right to all nighters. He was one pooped puppy. If you haven't already, why don't you contact Chris? I'm sure he would like to hear from you. Tell him Justin's Mom alerted you... |
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - July 31 2003 : 09:43:12 AM
Oh that is soooo cool. Thank you for sharing these pics and your stories with us. |
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Diane B.
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - July 31 2003 : 10:04:57 AM
WOW! How in heaven's name am I supposed to concentrate on work after seeing that first picture of Daniel?! That bare-chested hunk of a man with those gorgeous eyes, that slight smile, those beautiful biceps...And THEN there's the photo (The Actors) with Daniel sitting in the chair with his longhunter's shirt opened ever-so-slightly, and teasing us with a promise of a glimpse of his breech cloth! OH MY! [pant! pant!] I do believe I need to borrow one of Doc Mary's largest fan so that I can cool myself down! |
Rattlesnake Woman
"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth." - Chief Seattle
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Doc M
Great Quack Healer of the Frontier


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - July 31 2003 : 10:54:05 AM
Diane B. -- getcha own fan, girlie! Doc M's is going to be in serious use for the next day or fact, I may have to use the whole ostrich!!!
A reprint you say???? Hell with the reprint!!! Doc M wants the ORIGINAL delivered to her door pronto!!!! Now if you'll pardon me, the good doctor must toddle off to empty her drool cup before it overflows!
Doc M |
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Fitz Williams
Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - July 31 2003 : 10:27:23 PM
It could just be the lighting, but it looks like that rifle is iron mounted.
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Diane B.
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - August 01 2003 : 9:14:19 PM
quote: Diane B. -- getcha own fan, girlie! Doc M's is going to be in serious use for the next day or fact, I may have to use the whole ostrich!!!
Dear Doctor Mary,
After viewing these latest pictures of DD-L, I can certainly understand your need for as many fans and industrial-sized ostrich plumes as you can get your hands on! I beg your pardon for attempting to relieve you of even one feather in a time of such obvious over-heating and as for myself, I am simply going to have to crawl inside of an upright freezer in order to cool down! 
quote: A reprint you say???? Hell with the reprint!!! Doc M wants the ORIGINAL delivered to her door pronto!!!!
I can't help you get your hands on the original of that gorgeous, bare-chested photo of Daniel, but perhaps I can provide you with something almost as luscious to gaze upon...just click on the link below and look for the smiling picture of our Daniel, under the make-up tent:
I was the most fortunate recipient of that photo from Mr. Willis at the 2002 Great Mohican Gathering and upon my return home, I had copies made and mailed them to several fellow Gatherers who were most happy to get them! I still have a couple of extras tucked away and I would be more than happy to send you one of them, if you like.
Rattlesnake Woman
"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth." - Chief Seattle
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Bill R
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 03 2002
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Posted - August 01 2003 : 10:28:12 PM
We'll let the wimmins drool, and talk about MEN things.
The rifle WAS iron mounted. Entirely. It was a 48" Getz barrel, with steel hardware. Patterned off an early Northampton County smooth rifle (which had correct brass hardware etc of course) but MM changed things around a mite for the movie rifle - for aesthetics so to speak. Those are white seed beeds inlet around the barrel pins also. |
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Bill R
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 03 2002
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Posted - August 01 2003 : 10:53:48 PM
Hmmm. Now that I think about it, not only was the rifle iron mounted, I bet the wimmins would like to think of DDL in a similar state..................
*bad gnome. bad gnome* |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 25 2003
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Posted - August 02 2003 : 1:11:54 PM
mr. ed, thank you so much for those fantastic pictures. please web master let ed post as much photos as possible, we never can have enough of it. eastwind. |
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