![The Mohican Board! [Bumppo's Redux!] The Mohican Board! [Bumppo's Redux!]](images/wwwboard.gif) |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - October 13 2007 : 09:25:28 AM
Oh me oh my-o ...
The more things change the more they remain the same! Trust me, this is nothing new.
April 1997 - October 2007 ... over 10 years been doing this now. That's a good chunk of time. Seen many a scenario. I guess I'll see a few more before all is said and done.
This one - to me, in the grand scheme of things here on this board - was so very minor. Yet, I was inundated with comments. So, maybe it was not as minor as I thought.
I will try to keep my comments generalized, so please, no one take any personal offense. None is intended. This is directed at all board members, of which I am one!
Seems that some folks feel the board is too "cliquey" ---
Well, I'll be damned! Isn't it somewhat natural for folks to group together based on interests and personalities? This board covers a wide spectrum of topics. It has evolved in that regard over the years. Some are serious; some are light. Some are celluloid; some are historical. Everyone is welcome to participate in any area they wish. Participation is encouraged. I see no signs of unwarranted exclusions by anyone. I really don't.
One has to remember, though, that every conversation does not have to boil down to Uncas & Alice ... or, crotches, for that matter.
If there is an Uncas & Alice thread ongoing, and you have nothing pertinent to say, simply stay out of it; same applies to a serious discussion on French & Indian War tactics.
That's about as simply - and plainly - as I can state it.
Some will internalize; some will rationalize; some will be in denial; others will pro-actively try to fix things; some just don't care; a few look at it as a "free-speech" issue and don't give a hoot if there are rules. Those are the people who get the boot.
The purpose of this board is still to have fun, provide information, and to promote community. Within that scope, I expect civility and to always remember that this is a family show. I bent over backward to provide a playground - privately - for those of you who feel it necessary to push the limits. ~ [See the Fan Fiction forum] ~ There were some who thought I was being too generous. I can't please everyone all the time.
About Banning: On rare occasions - and I think all who have been here for a long period would vouch for this - I have had to, after making all possible accommodations, ban someone from these boards. One was actually a good friend of mine from the 70's. If one constantly violates the rules, they will be gone. I don't like to do that. We're here to communicate not EXcommunicate, but if all else fails, well ... Most folks who have left have done so of their own volition. Lord knows, I wish many had not!
About Cliques: Remember, there are a very few here that have occupied the premises for nearly that entire 10 years. Is it not normal for close friendships to have developed? Many have met in person over the years, at the Gatherings, in particular, but also in other venues. Amazing what face-to-face can do for serious bonding. Is that not natural? There have been serious traumas here ... those who were here and supportive when my daughter, Sophia, was near death, for example ... well, is it not understandable that I may feel a close affinity to those people? There is no attempt to shun newer members. NONE! All are welcomed by the "veterans," and should be ... by the same token, it is every "newbies" responsibility to try to fit in without alienating everyone else. It is no different than any other social situation.
Bottom line: The Board is what we make it. There is a responsibility that every participant has toward making it a habitable place.
So, in my humble opinion, it all boils down to people skills. Please use yours!
Love you all!
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - October 20 2007 : 08:11:29 AM
An after-thought to the update:
Good ... folks are playing nice -- one week after!
WW: THANK YOU, for your years of service in a thankless job. You are always welcomed to take yer job back, btw!!
Links to camaraderie past [before we had the features of this board] --
The Mohicanland Masses - Man, I miss those people!! Hey, GG, Caitlin, Christina, Mike & Joe: still here after all these years! 
Visitor Comments - Some of which is published in my book.
WWWboard Archives - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back!
And, of course, The Mohican Gatherings
An e-mail from an old friend a couple of months ago:
... Find myself perusing your website (not the board! do some of these people even acknowledge or visit the rest of it...). Ah... the Gatherings.... and the Courier! And all those interviews! You and Elaine have created a true gem on the web (Webb???). I had forgotten how good it was, because I got so focused on the board.. :-( Silly me.... it was always the trail, right? ...
I wonder ... how many of you have truly explored this web site to see what it is really all about?? I hope, all!!
Have fun!
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Bumppos Tavern Patron

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - October 21 2007 : 12:51:12 PM
 Yup! I'm still a kickin' around!  |
Jack McCall: "Should we shake hands or something, relieve the atmosphere. I mean how stupid do you think I am?" Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."
"A nation with no regard to it's past will have little future worth remembering." A.Lincoln
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things"
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