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King 1

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  08:18:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
I just want to emphasize something about the Donating Members title here on the Mohican Board ...

DONATING MEMBER, as used here, simply means that the particular member has made a cash contribution directly to the web site to help keep it "on-the-air". It implies nothing else.

These donations are very much appreciated by me. Very much so. However, there are many ways to "donate" to this site.
  • Some people donate their time by moderating.
  • Some people contribute financially by purchasing items on a regular basis from the Frontier Shoppes.
  • Some people donate by helping out with the Mohican Gatherings
  • Some people have made content contributions to the web site [photos, essays, etc.]
  • Some people contribute just by interjecting their personality, knowledge, etc. to the proceeding simply by posting.
  • There are probably more ways, and many of you have contributed in multiple ways over the years

So, please understand that I do not consider an official Donating Member [as defined above] to be better, more valuable, or anything else than other members of the Mohican Board. The title and scrolling marquee are just ways of thanking those individuals.

Until your behavior warrants otherwise, everyone is welcomed here.

Clear it up any?

A few other things:

1 - Speaking of Donations ... web site "rent" is due again on August 6 - after having been paid in full for a year [fast year!!!], so if you are considering donating $$, keep that in mind.

2 - The Music ... Lots of people out there hate embedded music on web sites. We here are guilty of utilizing sound on some of our web pages, including the main page of this board. I love that tune, and it would be hard for me to part with it, but I know it has caused problems and distress to some over the years. What say you? Keep it or chuck it? The obvious solution is to add a visual player to the page whereby you can run it or not. It seems to me I tried to do that once and encountered some problems with the .ASP code. I could look into that again.

3 - LOTM Fan Fiction Forum ... is now password protected. At least it's supposed to be. Never tried that before, so we'll see if it works. Send an e-mail for the password. Another option could be to have the posts approved before they actually appear, but that would require a lot of time for a moderator.

Okie dokie ... that's it!

Mohican Press
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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  09:28:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
1. Thanks for the reminder. I've been a backslider but will do better. This website has certainly been worth it to me!

2. Ugh I thought it was just me! I don't mind the one that plays when the message board is opened, but the one on the main pages has driven me bonkers for years!! I've looked all over for a preference to turn it off, but I don't want to have to turn it off every time I visit the page. What I do is just turn down the volume but then I forget to turn it back up when I leave the page. Oh well! It seems louder than other sounds at the same setting, for some reason.

3. Thanks... great idea! That way our authors can still have their fun but school kids who come to the site won't be exposed to something they shouldn't be. I'm glad you were able to arrange it that way so that everyone can be happy.

Thanks Sachem!
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Fitzhugh Williams
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Posted - June 16 2007 :  11:05:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I normally use the Firefox browser. I don't have the add-ins loaded, so I don't hear the music, on this site or others. If I want to hear the music I open the site with Internet Explorer. Good system, works great. I say leave the music alone.

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Gadget Girl
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Winking Lady

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  12:21:41 PM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Regarding the Main Page theme...with other computers it seemed there were two different starts of the song, kind of like singin rounds on Row, Row, Row Your Boat.I have been fortunate at work lately to get 2 newer computers and it does not do that anymore. Even though I usually navigate the site away from the main page, it would be like not getting to smell your grandmothers house again if the tune were gone. It has a very MohicanPress nostalgia feel to me, so I would hate to see it go all together.

Glad a resolution in the fan fiction could be worked out. I hope it works for every body!

Thanks for all you do Rich! I still love this place as much as ever!

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Monadnock Guide
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Posted - June 16 2007 :  3:31:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I like the music Rich, - where ever it is. It "goes with the site theme" very well. I use Fire Fox, but have the plug-ins loaded, - works great. If someone doesn't like it, - that's why the good Lord invented "volume control" so they can shut-off anything they don't like - works pretty well also.

you can keep "The Change"
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Bumppos Tavern Patron


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Posted - June 16 2007 :  3:59:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit caitlin's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I turn my sound off anyway, so either way doesn't bother me.

I'm glad a resolve was found for the fan forum folks as well. Not my cup of tea, but also not one to squash another's creativity.

Jack McCall: "Should we shake hands or something, relieve the atmosphere. I mean how stupid do you think I am?"
Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."

"A nation with no regard to it's past will have little future worth remembering."

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things"
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Council of Elders

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  6:54:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Thanks Rich for sorting all this out for us and putting it down clearly in a post for all to see.

I am like Caitlin in that my sound is always turned off anyway, rarely use it so whatever you decide is fine with me.

Once again Rich, thanks for all your hard work on this wonderful site. I don't know how you manage to do it all. Much appreciated.

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Light of the Moon
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Car in Fog

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Posted - June 17 2007 :  12:19:58 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
We'd be lost without you Sachem!

Thanks for the neutral outcome! As for the music, I like it but I usually have the sound off unless I'm visiting a site that requires it. I say leave it.

I live in my own little world - but that's okay, they know me here!
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - June 23 2007 :  9:32:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I'm with Diana here - the music represents so much to me - days gone by, as well as the present Board. I keep my sound 'on' - it works for me!

Hope all is well in MOhicanland.



"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)

~ Celtic Wisdom
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Gadget Girl
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Winking Lady

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Posted - June 23 2007 :  11:29:18 PM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hey there Miss, Kate!!!

Miss ya! I SOOOOOO need to write and catch up with ya!!!
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Many Flags
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Posted - June 25 2007 :  11:13:04 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Kate...Kate!! And of course, GG!! Good to see both of you post since I have been gone for so long. I'm trying to get involved a bit more. Off to Williamsburg this weekend as we "redcoats" take the town and cause havoc among the "rebels". It would sure be good to see you all. I saw Davey Gunn this past weekend and have been in contact with me lovely cousin Seamus!! Old friendships never wane. Take Care....Many Flags
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - June 30 2007 :  8:50:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Diana! How nice to 'hear your voice'! I've been thinking about you such a lot this last little while and hoping you and Jordan were good! A big wave back atcha!!

Many Flags - it's good to see you here too! Like you, Mark, so many things happening that keep me out of the Mohican loop! Every so often though, I try to make my way back to see what's happening! It's just great when I pop in and see these oh so loved 'signatures'!

(Sorry not to say 'hey' before now. I'm just back from Glasgow - yep! Was at a Retail Park (buying new kitchen tiles) only 10 minutes from the Airport when the Terrorist jeep was slammed into the Airport building! We were leaving Burger King (4 year old Morgan was 'just famished!' to head off to pick up daughter from work and got caught up in the most HORRENDOUS 'tail back' of traffic on the M8 which runs past the Airport and we wondered what was going on! So son-in-law phoned his Dad (who lives next to Hospital where Terrorist with suicide belt, was taken!) who told us what was going on! Other terrorist was taken to Police Station about five mins drive from daughter's house! (It's a Police Station set up specifically to deal with Terrorist suspects. The Lockerbie (Flight 103 to U.S.) Bomber is in Barlinnie Prison in Glasgow.) So we put the car radio on to find out what was happening 5 miles away!)

BACK TO BUSINESS! I would be HEART SORE to find that oh so familiar music was missing from the 'Front Page'! When I hear that music, I know I am 'home'!! So I'd be happy for it to be kept. I understand that some folks' computers rebel at the 'embedded' music but... somehow it just wouldn't seem right without it... *sigh*...



"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)

~ Celtic Wisdom
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Posted - July 03 2007 :  9:32:44 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christina's Homepage  Send Christina an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
How cool it was to see Kate had posted on one of my rare drop-ins from the Ether.

I too would miss the music.

Hi Kate and Gadget Girl, and hi to others from the "before-time!" I miss those days...

Oh well...

See this face? This is the face of a woman on the edge.
Whoopi Goldberg, "Jumping Jack Flash"

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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets

Winking Lady

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Posted - July 03 2007 :  10:41:34 PM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hey Red (Red haired Lass) and Steph (Smurfette) GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN HIGHLAND GAMES this next week - Games actually 7/12-15th!!! I'll be up there for 9 days (ya just can't get too much "Men is Kilts"!)

WANNA COME ON UP?????? (ah, boys...mind oot the gutter!) There will be some very lovely long-haired drummers from Glasgow there! ALBANNACH! (

*Kate wish we could some day see them together - the Fringe next year maybe??

GG (lover of all things LOTM and Scottish!)
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


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Posted - July 04 2007 :  08:29:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Woohoo! Hey Kate, Christina,Steph, and Diana! Long time...too long. I often think of past Gatherings and all the fun we all had...miss that. Claude and I have mulled over possibly someday getting to the Highland Games. I know we'd both enjoy that. Have any of you read Born Fighting? It's a really good read about the Scots-Irish settling into the Appalachian Mountains. Kate, I've thought of you this past week in regard to the bombing in Glasgow. Damn terrorists! Stay safe my dear.

As for the music, mine is on and I love it! Thanks, Rich.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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