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King 1

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 13 2002

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Posted - March 30 2003 :  04:35:21 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address
I guess now is as good a time as any. The subject matter of today's "Weekly Update" has been tossing & turning within me for a couple of years, every so often rearing its head in the form of a post, where I'd let out some of the emotion in hopes of containing the ill-feeling. Temporary fix only. It's been a feeling that of late has made me feel like I've got to say something, yet never pointed me in the right direction. It's no different now, I've just decided to make a wild stab and see where it goes ... I can honestly say that I have no firm grasp on where this post will lead as I begin it. My mind is a jumble on this topic. Probably, I'll say something that will offend somebody & will come back to haunt me. That's not my intent.

Let's begin with this:

The State of the Web Site: This is the Christmas season, traditionally the slowest time of year around here. This year is no different. Generally, though, visitation remains constant at about 1600 visitors to the Site each business day. We garner visits from all over the World, for a wide variety of reasons. We have finally expanded to our desired 500mb size, allowing for further additions ... we do have more ground to cover. The Web Site remains a creative outlet & serves a good purpose. It shall remain into the future.

The WWWBoard, on the other hand, is another story ...

For the benefit of the more recent participants of our Board, and as a refresher, lets peer back into history ... our history.

Why a Board??? I guess more than anything else, because we could. Back in the beginning, the Site was about 6 or 7 Internet pages ... a home page, a few pages devoted to the guide book, including an order form & DDL's letter, and a very brief links page. In an effort to encourage repeat visitation, we shortly thereafter added the Musings, and that single addition caused the Site to skyrocket in scope & popularity. As an offshoot to the Musings, and like I said, because we could (the web site thing was a brand new field for us; the board a new toy), we decided to add the Mohican WWWboard.

The Aftermath: Setting up the Mohican Board had more impact on us, on a daily basis, than any other facet of running this Web Site, probably more than all other responsibilities combined ... for it made the Web Site interactive. No longer were we the sole inhabitants of the yet-to-be-named Mohicanland ... we had opened the door to all the world ... to every loose cannon, wacko, spam artist, hacker out there ... not to mention a whole bunch of very fine people who shared their lives & Mohican thoughts not only with us, but the rest of the world, enriching the place beyond what we could ever have anticipated. To be honest, we were not prepared for the onslaught. This was a new world for us; we had no idea what we had done. What we HAD done, is open our door to all. Invited a bunch of strangers right here into our living room.

Oh, it was slow to start, as a few of you can remember, but once it took off ... it TOOK OFF! Now, don't get me wrong, there have been MANY, MANY positives to this venture. It is the negatives, though, that are the focus - if I have one - right now, for they are what is bringing this down.

Interactive. Hmmm ... we had no idea. And the Board is not the only interactive feature, of course. We have a Chat Room, a Trading Post, polls & surveys, e-mail, links, & the ultimate culmination of our interactiveness, The Great Mohican Gatherings. But back then, we had no idea ...

The door was opened, and folks filed in ... many fine people, many people involved with the movie, many people who have become friends or partners in one way or another, a few have witnessed it for 4 years. With this good, came the bad ...

Our first real encounter of any significance came real early, with an e-mail that turned ugly over our Horicon reference. We found out, very quickly, that there were a lot of know-it-alls out there, quick to jum

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Diane B.
Colonial Militia

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May 19 2002

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Posted - March 30 2003 :  09:49:15 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Rich, your post has certainly given everyone something to think about. I have communicated to you in personal emails my feelings for this site and for you and now, I will do so here. This post is to you, Rich - but I place it in this public forum to show my support and to express what is in my heart.

My first response is to send you a virtual hug & a heartfelt THANK YOU. I can't begin to imagine the amount of work it takes to keep Mohicanland up & running and I, for one, am eternally grateful for everything that you & Lainey have done & continue to do in that regard. I likewise can't imagine the emotional drain this place puts on you & your family - especially in times of discord & disagreement.

I was not a regular visitor to the Board in December 2000, but I have been hanging around here in Mohicanland for a couple of years now & I have some thoughts on what has been going on here lately. I think you hit the nail squarely on the head when you wrote:

I don't know what is happening here, other than we've allowed politics to override the purpose of this Board. It is destroying relationships, severing ties, changing plans ...

"Politics" is the definitive word here. Anytime you put more than a couple of people together & the talk turns to politics, there are bound to be differences of opinion - sometimes turning quite heated - because different people support different political parties, and candidates, and foreign policies, and beliefs. Of course, each person is totally convinced that their point of view is the correct one, and they perceive anyone who disagrees with that point of view as someone in need of some serious help! This doesn't just apply to "politics" in this country, or around the world; it also applies to personal politics, beliefs and lifestyles. Anytime a topic is "touchy" enough, differences of opinion and controversy are bound to surface. I thank God that we live in a country that allows us freedom of expression without fear of persecution. At the same time, however, I personally find that there are times when the best thing for me to do is to just step back & let those that disagree, continue to do so among themselves, just as you said:
So, other than this, I'll step back & see where the pieces fall.

The older I get, the more I subscribe to a couple of simple theories: 1. Don't sweat the "small stuff" and 2. It's ALL "small stuff." I also hold firmly to the belief that living a life that is as peaceful as possible is one of the keys to a long & happy existence. I will choose a peaceful path every time & if that means disengaging myself from someone or a particular situation for a while, then so be it.

In the last eighteen months, I have lost four members of my family, including my baby sister last April; and my father, who passed away less than two weeks ago. You and your family have endured a long and trying time ever since little Sophia came into this world in October and thankfully, the reward of her homecoming is in sight. What I'm trying to say here is, we know from personal hardship and experience that family is what really matters, above all else. Let those who choose to spend their time and energy in negative thoughts and disagreements continue to do so. I hope that if and when the time comes to close the Board, it will be due to positive things, such as the need to spend more time with those that you love, and not

Rattlesnake Woman

"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth." - Chief Seattle
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Oak Leaf

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May 23 2002

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Posted - March 30 2003 :  2:18:37 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Well said, Diane! I will take to heart your "don't sweat the small stuff" philosophy. Sorry to hear of your sad losses. Yes, Rich - what will be, will be. Hope you're having a most enjoyable day with your family.

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offer of peace

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July 08 2002

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Posted - March 30 2003 :  4:08:33 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Ah Rich, Don't you just long for the old days before cyberspace when we were punched,kicked,spat at,had our noses broken,cursed out for eight straight hours (sometimes sixteen)hair pulled (sometimes by the ponytail) urine thrown at us,(feces too),choked,shirts torn,being bloody,and just plain being locked up on a nice day looking out through the security screens. Oh, and listening to Livy the cleaner rant and rave all day.Feel better??
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offer of peace

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 08 2002

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Posted - March 30 2003 :  4:20:34 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Oh,I forgot about being attacked with mop wringers,metal spoons,razors and pencils. Remember we had to do battle with pink dishwashing gloves on because of a guy named Freddy? The F.B.I. called me on that one years later. Really! Talk about being paranoid after that phone call.
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King 1

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May 13 2002

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Posted - March 31 2003 :  05:51:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Yeah, Securemann ... small potatoes!!! Thanks for cheering me up!!!

Let me reiterate what I said the other day [Saturday?] elsewhere on this board:

There has been no thought - much less discussion - given to the closing of the Mohican Board. It's not, despite the post made on the board the other day by someone [since deleted] and despite the impression you may get when reading this week's Weekly Update [above]. I just stumbled upon the quoted post in my search for "historical" posts for an upcoming web page & thought it somewhat appropriate in light of recent events here.

I am still not 100% sure of exactly what happened - some posts were deleted, and some stuff, apparently, took place behind the scenes. So, if you are in the dark, join the club! I just hope no one takes extended leave over this whole matter ... It should not have become personal.

Mend fences, don't break 'em!
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 27 2002

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Posted - March 31 2003 :  11:21:16 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christina's Homepage  Send Christina an AOL message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by richfed

Yeah, Securemann ... small potatoes!!! Thanks for cheering me up!!!

Let me reiterate what I said the other day [Saturday?] elsewhere on this board:

There has been no thought - much less discussion - given to the closing of the Mohican Board. It's not, despite the post made on the board the other day by someone [since deleted] and despite the impression you may get when reading this week's Weekly Update [above]. I just stumbled upon the quoted post in my search for "historical" posts for an upcoming web page & thought it somewhat appropriate in light of recent events here.

I am still not 100% sure of exactly what happened - some posts were deleted, and some stuff, apparently, took place behind the scenes. So, if you are in the dark, join the club! I just hope no one takes extended leave over this whole matter ... It should not have become personal.

Mend fences, don't break 'em!

Rich, just a short note from "Red" who comes and goes but has still always been here:
I agree totally with the above admonition: "Don't sweat the small stuff." After 15 years in journalism, I've learned to do just that. I get e-mails and voice mails and mail calling me everything from a fascist to a communist, slagging my religious and political beliefs, slurring various races and creeds and ideas, etc. etc. etc. And I've learned that there are always going to be, whether they're strangers or friends, people who can't handle discussion of various ideas or stand the fact that there are folks who disagree with them. They've mastered neither the concept of civilized discourse nor the essence of the right of free speech. And in the process they can make those around them feel miserable.
But guess what? It's all small stuff in the larger scheme of things, like love, happiness, family and TRUE friends.
So don't let whatever latest agendas or splintered feelings have surfaced get to you. As has been said by others, you've got more important things (angel Sophia, for instance) to worry about, and by and large a good group of folks here who DO know how to talk with one another and genuinely love having this place to come to.
My three cents,
Hope it helps.
also known as the erstwhile "Red Haired Lass"

See this face? This is the face of a woman on the edge.
Whoopi Goldberg, "Jumping Jack Flash"

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Colonial Settler

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February 03 2003

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Posted - March 31 2003 :  6:59:08 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Rich and Lainey,

With all that you and your family have been through in the last six months, I have to confess that I wonder how you've been able to manage things in Mohicanland...yet, here you are, both doing a phenomenal job of it.

When I first found the board, I lurked for a long time before I worked up the courage to post. I'm still fairly new to the community, but it feels like home. The Mohicanites have been wonderful to me. It's been the most fun I've had in cyberspace!

The thing that struck me most about it was how much people care about each other. You've given us a much-needed and very rare form of expression. Thank you both for still being here for us.

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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - March 31 2003 :  7:04:55 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Rich and all,
I agree with the "don't sweat the small stuff" idea. Most of us have enough strife to deal with in our every day lives, why carry it over into something fun? This should be an escape, a place to enjoy. I am so grateful that you have created this place and that we have this big family. But like all families, there is some degree of squabbling. The laws of sociology demand that. But do you throw it all away? I can't say because I'm not the one having to soothe hurt feelings and play referree all the time. It's unfortunate that things go like this from time to time and I am sure it is discouraging. But do the rewards outweigh the hard times? Only you can say... but know that you and Elaine are loved and admired and that most of us only want what's best for you.
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