I was IMing with Clabair last evening and he told me that Cassidy (many of you will remember her from Gathering 2001) is a member of a National Cheerleading Team. She and her team received first place honors at a competition this past weekend in Austin. There are photos if you're interested. Let me know and I'll send you their way. Congratulations Cassidy!!
You're right, Theresa, Cassidy is very grown up now! She is so pretty! But I can't figure out who she looks more like; Clabert or Cyndie. I think we should DEMAND that they all attend this year's Gathering so we can figure it out! Want to start a petition? Stephanie
I'm with you on this one, Steph. Just wasn't the same last year without them. OK...Menards...now hear this! A committee is being formed even as we speak to get your arses back to the Gathering come June!
oooooooops! i did it agian.. i thought it was a Thread Re; www.davidcassidy.com ......... hehehe sorry ....BUT GOOD LUCK to her 'cheerleaders ROCK'...got many a relative who's been/is one my.. sis was for yrs....peace, a ra ra sis' BOOM' ba chanting wanna be cheerleader'Anth
I'm with you on this one, Steph. Just wasn't the same last year without them. OK...Menards...now hear this! A committee is being formed even as we speak to get your arses back to the Gathering come June!
And, after all, they do need an appropriate place to renew their vows! What better place than Table Rock?!?