This message recently went out in an email to past Gatherers, but I wanted to make sure everyone had the lodging information even if they aren't on the email list!:
Thanks to our friend Donna (the one who has attended all the Gatherings), we now have a group rate available at Sleep Inn. The manager was out of town for several weeks when I made contact to reserve their meeting room for our raffles and Ariel's Auction, but thanks to Donna's efforts, we now have confirmation of a group rate from Henry, the manager. You will need to call the toll-free number and tell them you are with the Mohican Gathering to get the group rate. 866- 901-1033
Also... I have started received Gathering registrations in the mail, and some are from old friends we haven't seen since 2001! This is shaping up to be an excellent Gathering and I hope you will all register soon.