You are a Child of The Universe..No less the trees than the stars..YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE...YOU are a Child Of The Universe.Sophia... Take kindly the Prayers from 'US ALL'. You are a Child Of The Universe.....and wether or Not is clear to us right doubt the universe will 'hold for you' SOPHIA. MY DEAR CHILD are @ peace w/ god and getting Better n Better every minute and as a young child of the will 'Strive' Anthony says................for Sophia 'YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE' .... no less than the trees n the staRS...........SOPHIA you have a 'Right to be Here'......
To : Rich n Lainey and the Federici Clan...........
Let this Not Blind you to life as it is......especialley do not fain affection, neither be cynical about *Hope ,for it is as perrennial as the grass*...take kindly to the council of Your Years. Nurture your Strentgh n Spirit,to shield you in sudden misfortune...but do not surrender yourself to Imagining's and many fears are born to fatigue n lonley too, Rich n Lainey are Children of The Universe....and I, Anthony....Love you and Respect you Two, EVEN peaceful w/ God .and keep Peace w /yr Soul...with all its broken dreams That gives us n deals out to us....strive to be peaceful and Sophia will pull through it all and Anthony will be here for you two and lil ~SOPH~!ALWAY'S.........