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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - January 07 2004 :  2:12:54 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi everyone...
Sorry I did not respond earlier; I didn't check my email until late yesterday afternoon. Yes he is at Mission and I managed to sneak a quick visit with Sharon before they brought him to his room. She was in good spirits, thankfully, and you're right Rich.. she looks GREAT! I work at the hospital, and have fought the urge to visit today because I am afraid he might not feel like company just yet. I'll check in tomorrow. In the meantime, my best thoughts are with you, Soldier #2, and with Sharon, too. She is apparently driving back and forth every day so she can look after the kids as well, so everyone please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as well. What remarkable people and how grateful I am to know them!
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June 06 2002

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Posted - January 07 2004 :  6:35:21 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Dear Eric and Sharon,

I wish you all the best, and I pray for your complete recovery (or "Refuah
Shelemah, in Hebrew). May you be able to climb the rocks of Linville Falls
once again!

Sincerely, Ariel Segal
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Sweetser 4 Rep

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Posted - January 08 2004 :  12:08:33 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

Eric, please get well very soon! Hopefully, you will have a successful surgery and no more pain.
Take care of yourself Sharon; don't burn too much midnight oil!

My prayers and good thoughts are with you both!

My sisters send their best also. (They promise to keep a bit more quiet during your recovery...)

Your friend,

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Gear Gal
Lost in the Wilderness

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Posted - January 08 2004 :  10:00:32 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
My thoughts and prayers are with the Hurleys. Thanks for keeping up posted GG2
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Posted - January 08 2004 :  1:10:43 PM  Show Profile  Send ardensgal an AOL message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

Eric and I want to thank you for your prayers. We appreciated it.

The Dr said Eric's doing good.. His leg doesn't hurt anymore which s what the Doctor was hoping for. His back s in pain which's normal.. surgery and all.

He walked down the hall this morning.

Eric and I have pagers, and we can keep in touch during the day. After work, I go to Asheville whichs an hour drive. Well, he was talking nonsense on his pagers, being on morphine does that I am sure.

My mother in law, and 2 oldest daughters help out with the kids, which helps a lot. The kids are not allowed to visit their Dad at the hosp. due to flu going around.

If all goes well, Eric may come home this Saturday. Keep fingers cross.

We love you all

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King 1

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Posted - January 08 2004 :  1:24:34 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

Thanks, Sharon!
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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - January 08 2004 :  6:40:33 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I just had the opportunity to go for a quick visit to our Soldier #2. He actually looks some better and said he had been up walking a few times today. Keep up the good work! He was still very drowsy though, but I am sure his strength will return to him gradually over the coming days and weeks.
You all will be glad to know that Sharon printed up this entire thread so he could read it and enjoy it from his hospital bed. What an amazing family we have here in Mohicanland!
And to Eric: I do hope that this time of pain will pay off for you in the long run and that by June, you will be way ahead of me on the trail (as usual.) Thank you for being the kind of person who makes everyone you come in contact with feel special. See you in June!
And to the Mohicanland gang: don't fight over wheelchair duty just yet... if they keep walking him enough like they did today he'll be just fine!
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


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Posted - January 08 2004 :  9:45:21 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
This is great news, Sharon. We so look forward to seeing both of you each year.

Eric, take care of yourself and do what those doctors tell you. I know you'll be all over the place in no time...Batan Death March and all. You both are very special people.

See you in June!

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Posted - January 09 2004 :  08:52:37 AM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi Sharon,
I am new to the group but I know how much everybody here loves you and Eric. That is fantastic news about Eric. Please tell him that many prayers are being sent out for him to have a fast and full recovery!!!


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
Winds shall always soothe

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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - January 10 2004 :  1:40:01 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi all,
I paid another quick visit to Eric yesterday afternoon and found him out walking in the hallway (which believe me is a very long hallway.) He was walking with a walker but was doing quite well! He was more like his old self, lively and gregarious, although still in some pain. He was expecting to go home either Saturday or Sunday. Even though he's up walking, let's all keep him and his family in our prayers because he still has a long road to recovery. Baby steps....
Best wishes,
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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Posted - January 11 2004 :  6:14:33 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi there, m' sweet friends!

I'm SO SORRY to hear that you have been in hospital having surgery, Eric!! THAT'S THE PITS!! Though when you think about it, if it's going to get you back on your feet and walking upright again, perhaps it's a good thing!! I'm ALSO SORRY TO HEAR you are in such pain!!! OOOUCH!!! Actually it's a year ago, two days from now, that I had my OWN 11 hour surgery! Major stuff - lots of pain, but heck! I'm skippin' around like a young thing now!! Ah,ah,ah!! NO AGE COMMENTS FROM YOU!! And hopefully, you too will soon feel better!!

But - walking the halls??? THAT sounds promising!! Well, KEEP IT UP KIDDO!!! Before you know it, you'll be nimbly jumpin' in and out of those Falls like you've never had a problem!! And if they keep offerin' ye morphine, TAKE IT!! You don't get NO MEDALS for being in pain!!

Do take care of yourself, my friend!! I want to hear that you've been a real good boy, done your exercises, eaten up all yer greens, taken all yer medicine - and that you're making a REALLY GOOD RECOVERY!! If I DON'T hear that, well... Don't make me come over there!!!

Well Sharon, I hoping that YOU are looking after yourself too!! I can imagine how worried you must have been and how awful it is must be, watching Eric struggle to get back his health. HOWEVER, try and take a little time for yourself to relax. It sounds like the hospital is taking real good care of yer man, and Eric's doing all the right things. So YOU just try and find some time to look after yourself!

My loving thoughts to you both! I'm thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery, Eric!



"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)

~ Celtic Wisdom
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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - January 12 2004 :  2:44:34 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Kate! Long lost Kate! I think you do need to come over here and straighten Eric out, and even if he's fine you should come anyway!!! See you in June?
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Karen W
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Hair Feathers

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Posted - January 13 2004 :  3:52:12 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Eric and Sharon, I'm sorry to be so slow to send you my best wishes, but please know you've been in my thoughts ever since Jayne told me about the surgery. I'm so happy to read all of these positive reports about Eric's progress as I cannot begin to imagine a Mohican Gathering without him running all over the place and being such a big help to us less nimble folks! Kate's right about the morphine~it does make a person goofy, but is given for a reason. When I had surgery a few years ago, I got in trouble with the doc for not taking enough pain medication~and he could tell just by the way I moved. So, Eric, take the medicine as you need it, follow all of the doc's instructions and I expect to see you and Sharon in June. In the meantime, you and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
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Colonial Settler

last of the mohicans

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Posted - January 16 2004 :  4:34:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Donna's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I'm happy to read Eric is recovering well. My thoughts and prayers have been with him and Sharon
these past two weeks. Life sure gives you some challenges every once in awhile.
I hope I'll be able to come to the gathering this year. It would be great to see everyone again.

All my best to you,

Been onboard since 1998.

"Push hard, 'cos you got to clear the French outpost by dawn."
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May 27 2002

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Posted - January 20 2004 :  6:41:11 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christina's Homepage  Send Christina an AOL message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Eric, glad to hear that the surgery apparently has gone well. I hope you'll soon be on the road to full recovery...and Sharon, my thoughts go out to you and the rest of the family! Let's hope by summertime Soldier No. 2 is back better than ever!
All good thoughts to Eric, Sharon and family --

See this face? This is the face of a woman on the edge.
Whoopi Goldberg, "Jumping Jack Flash"

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soldier 2

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January 21 2004

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Posted - January 21 2004 :  10:30:23 AM  Show Profile  Send soldier2lotm an AOL message  Send soldier2lotm a Yahoo! Message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Wow! What a great feeling you all have given me. Makes me want to tear up. Stop that! Smile.
I had a check up yesterday and thought I would share with you what the Dr. said. I am coming along very well. They took x-rays and WOW! Talk about being a Borg. I have two rods approx. 5/16" x 8" long, running up each backside of my spine. What I thought would be a few small screws turned out to be 6- 70mm long (almost 3") screws. I was not ready to see that on an x-ray. The Dr. said I am progressing very well. I can stand straight now and have regained my normal height of 5'-10". I was measured just before surgery and was only 5'-8½”. The last two disks were completely gone and now they are packed with bone taken from my hip to regain the height. Needless to say I am unbendable in the lumbar area of my back. The Dr. assures me that I will get back to a normal life. The incision is healing very well and is really itching to let me know that too. I will return to the Dr. again on Feb. 16th and hope I will be back at WPCC on the 17th. Until then, I am stuck at home losing more hair. The Dr. gave me the OK to ride in a car so long as I don’t over do it. I still can’t drive. If any of you are going out for lunch sometime, want some company and will be in the my part of the world, I would love to join you. You’ll just have to give me a ride. Smile.
It is always nice to know that folks are thinking about others when they are down and out. Speaking of which, I was looking back through my pager the other day and noticed that several of you had emailed me with words of care and thoughtfulness while I was in the hospital. Including one from Wes. I am glad that I re-checked my pager because I don’t remember reading them in the hospital and I had my pager with me the whole time. Those were some good drugs! If I responded, I hope I was nice. If I was not nice or didn’t respond, I am very sorry. Please forgive me, for I knew not what I was doing. Now that I am of sound mind and that I am of sound body, I want to say thank you again. I hope I never have to repay your kindness for I hope you never need it. However, if you ever need it you can count on me for any help. I hope to be to somewhat of my normal self by gathering time. I know I will be a bit slower than my norm. As for rock hopping....Hmmm that one is going to be a tough one this year I am afraid. I will have to see but I hope I will be able to again one day. The miles add up on ones body when you try to live the life of the 18th century. Thank God I have 21th century medication and friends with powerful good sprirts.
Thanks again to all of you. You’re a great family to have.

PS now I have to figure out how this message board works. Smile
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Bumppos Tavern Patron


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Posted - January 21 2004 :  11:34:39 AM  Show Profile  Visit caitlin's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
It's so good to see you on the board.
So glad you're doing better!
We think of you often. Take care of yourself!
Caitlin & Jeff

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Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."

"A nation with no regard to it's past will have little future worth remembering."

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things"
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King 1

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Posted - January 21 2004 :  1:39:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Glad you're up & about, mate!

While you might not be bouncing around rocks any time soon, there's a few folks who wouldn't mind seeing you bounce around here a bit, you know?
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Colonial Settler


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Posted - January 21 2004 :  5:27:45 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Eric. We are so glad to hear that you are doing well. You and your family have been and will be in our prayers . Really looking forward to seeing you in june.

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Gadget Girl
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Posted - January 21 2004 :  5:47:58 PM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Eric,

I see you are a Bumppo's Patron as of......TODAY (even though you've been around since the beginning of time...OOOPS ...I mean Mohican Time)! Well, it's good to see you feeling like posting and hope to see your sweet widdle around more often! I so hated to hear all you had to go through, but it sounds like the outcome may be worth it. Follow doctor's orders, take care of yourself so you can continue to heal up real good now...DON'T OVERDUE THINGS!!! ..., and I can't wait to see you and Sharon in June!!!! I missed so much not seeing you two last summer!


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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


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Posted - January 21 2004 :  6:16:12 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

So glad to see you round these parts. Sounds like you're following doctor's orders...keep that up! So looking forward to seeing (for real)you in June. Take really good care of yourself. Hello, Sharon!!

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Posted - January 21 2004 :  6:51:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi Eric,
I'm going to be a first timer at the Gathering this year and I really hope that I am able to meet you and Sharon!!! Keep getting better because I want to see you running and jumping and swinging from the vines in June.

Take care,

~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
Winds shall always soothe

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Oak Leaf

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Posted - January 21 2004 :  10:08:54 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hello, Eric! So good to hear from you. Look forward to seeing you in June whether you're hopping the rocks or not! Wish I WAS going to be in your neck of the woods sometime soon to take you up on the lunch outing. No such luck, though...sigh. Will have to wait til June for that NC mountain fix.

Take care of yourself and say hello to Sharon.


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Longhunter With Child

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Posted - January 22 2004 :  1:45:25 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

Really glad to hear you're progressing as well as you are. Not as glad as you are, but glad none the less. Hope the healing continues and sees you come full circle. Thoughts are with you.

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Colonial Settler

last of the mohicans

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Posted - January 25 2004 :  3:59:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit Donna's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Dear Eric,
I'm so happy to hear you are doing well. Sounds like you have some
good Doctors there. You're a real fighter too. Makes you heal faster.
I wouldn't worry too much about your hair. With your wonderful
personality, and great smile, you don't need any!
I hope your day without pain comes very soon.

Take care,

Been onboard since 1998.

"Push hard, 'cos you got to clear the French outpost by dawn."
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