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King 1

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  06:48:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address

... in the Beginning

Back around Thanksgiving, you may remember, I mentioned a surprise visit from Eric & Sharon Hurley. I said at the time, more on Eric at a later date.

This is the later date.

When I opened the door that afternoon what stood before me was quite the shock. Sharon looked great. Eric? Well ... he was stooped over like an old man. He looked the way I often feel. He was about a foot & a half shorter. Could not straighten up. His back is blown out ... we talked about pushing him around in a wheelchair come this June at Linville ... Those of you who remember this mountain goat - bounding effortlessly over rocks & through gushing waterfalls - might have a hard time visualizing this, but there he was. I told you, I was surprised.

Anyway, Sharon asked me to post about him today, as he is undergoing surgery this morning - prayers for a full recovery are in order.

I guess the beating he took from Magua & the Hurons in the cave has, at long last, taken its toll. In reality, Eric told me he believes this stems from a childhood injury that perhaps was never adequately addressed.

Sharon wrote, last week:


We were in Asheville all day yesterday.. 4 hours at Spine Center to see
Dr, discuss all the options. The Dr said all the
other options doesn't work for Eric, the next step is surgery for Eric.
Eric s scheduled to have surgery next Tues., a week from
today. The surgery will be at 7 30 am, however he have to be there at 5
30 am. It's an hour drive, it would mean we have to leave the house no
later than 4 30 am. He would need a bath that morning (using speical
soap to scrub his back), I would guess we have to get up at 3 or 3 30
am? The surgery will take about 6 hours, the doctor said. The doctor
in Asheville is Harvard graduate, so must be a good doctor.

We don't want to go to local hosptials, all the nurses we know, or
friends we know told us not to go to local hospitals.

After Spine Center, we went to hospital where Eric had the pre op, blood
works, and EKG, etc... Then we went to a place for Eric's brace on his
stomach and back.. We will go back Wednesday for fittings.

Eric s very upset and terrified being under anthesis (spell?) (put to
sleep for 6 hours). He knows there's no other options.. either to live
with what he have or to go for surgery. He will have to stay at the
hospital for about 3 to 5 days. Out of work for about 6 weeks.


So, old buddy, here's wishing you a speedy - and full - recovery!!! Pushing you around in a wheelchair at the Gathering - though I volunteered - is not my cup of tea!!

You can E-mail Eric at home [I guess he'll be there by the weekend], at:

... many moons later
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


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Posted - January 06 2004 :  07:16:04 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
OH NO!! Simply cannot imagine Eric not running all over the place and jumping up on rocks. This is too much.

As for the pushing around in the wheelchair, put us down for duty (which reminds me...sign up!!) Rich, is their mailing address the same as when we sent our orders in for t-shirts?

Eric and Sharon, we'll be thinking of you today and praying for a speedy recovery.

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Colonial Militia


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Posted - January 06 2004 :  07:38:35 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Rich, I'm keeping Eric in my prayers and will let Wes know about this.
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Colonial Settler


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Posted - January 06 2004 :  08:04:18 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Eric... You are one of the reasons we enjoyed our first gathering so much. And keep coming back for more. Today and everyday you will be in our prayers. We pray for a safe and speedy recovery, and that we may see that mug come June.

Rich do we know what hospital he is in ( Family works and lives in Asheville hosptials)

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  08:21:04 AM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I will be praying for Eric and his family!!!


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Oak Leaf

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  09:39:09 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Eric & Sharon,

Karen & I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. (Karen would send them personally, but she's visiting our mom in Indy - I will pass on the news.) All those years of bounding around those mountains will surely help you with a speedy recovery! We'll be anxiously awaiting to hear that all is well after surgery!

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Gadget Girl
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Posted - January 06 2004 :  09:40:22 AM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
You can betcha all the prayers and good thoughts I can muster are headed his way this minute. Eric is one of the most selfless and dear people I've had the pleasure to meet in my lifetime. I wish you speedy and thorough recovery my dear friend!

GG -
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Posted - January 06 2004 :  10:37:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christina's Homepage  Send Christina an AOL message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Good thoughts and positive energy headed to Eric and his family! I hope he'll be back and better than ever very soon!

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The Dutch Trader


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Posted - January 06 2004 :  11:25:31 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ilse's Homepage  Send Ilse a Yahoo! Message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hope you will get well soon, Eric. A gathering without you jumping al over the place is not the same.

Blessinz of teh Ceiling Cat be apwn yu, srsly.
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The Huggy Merchant

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  12:38:53 PM  Show Profile  Send Adele a Yahoo! Message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sending good thoughts from over here and wishing a speedy recovery for you...and by the way, what an absolutely stunning family that is, don't you think?

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King 1

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  1:38:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Because of my great attention to detail and my never-ending quest for the whole story, I ... well, I ... uh ... seems I neglected to ask what hospital he is in!!! Some Sachem I turned out to be! I would guess Memorial Mission/St. Joseph's [they're one these days], but am not certain.

Steph works there ... Steph?
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Lost in the Wilderness


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Posted - January 06 2004 :  2:19:28 PM  Show Profile  Visit Jeanneda's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

Our prayers are with you and your family. Since I give anesthesia for a living I must tell you that advances have made it much better than before--but surgery is never good. I hope to see you up and about and enjoying everything to it's fullest soon. You made out trip in 2001 absolutely terrific.
I am not good on the computer but I wish you the absolute best so I hope this message comes through loud and clear!

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Colonial Settler

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  2:25:30 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sending good vibes and best of luck with the surgery and to a speedy recovery!

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Bumppos Tavern Patron


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Posted - January 06 2004 :  3:07:53 PM  Show Profile  Visit caitlin's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!
We wish you a speedy recovery!

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  4:00:10 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

Here's to the speediest of all recoveries!

Warm regards,
Vincent, Debbie & Bryan
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Lost in the Wilderness


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December 19 2003

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  6:31:50 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Eric and family, We will keep you in our prayers, for health, healing, and deliverance from this terrible set back. May you be feeling better and out and about soon. Our prayers.

Dave McGee, Tammy, Dave Jr, Christopher, Desiree', Caitlyn, Trevor... Ohio

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Native Heart

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  6:43:43 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Phil & I both send our love & prayers for Eric's successful surgery and super quick recovery. A Mohican Gathering without Eric's stories & smiling face is unthinkable! It was one of the many great joys of Gathering #5 for us to have met him. Please get well quick, Soldier #2. We're all counting on you to come through this with flying colors!!!

Best Wishes,
Karen & Phil
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Posted - January 06 2004 :  6:59:12 PM  Show Profile  Visit Yogi's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Have a full recovery Eric! Hope to see you in June!

Pat (& Yogi)
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Dances with Beagles
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Posted - January 06 2004 :  8:49:32 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
You'll be in our thoughts and prayers through your surgery and recovery. It sounds like you're in good hands.

I hope they straighten you out! (your back, I mean!)

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Bald Eagle

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Posted - January 06 2004 :  9:49:02 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Eric, get well and take care of yourself. Will see you in june Stan @Teri
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Posted - January 06 2004 :  10:15:19 PM  Show Profile  Click to see ccorner's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Even though I have never got to know u very well, I want to wish you the very best to a speedy recovery and the best to your family as well. As a nurse, I know how hard it is to be stagnant when your so active naturally. Hang in there you'll be fine. I'll put in a prayer in for all of you. Carol
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Lost in the Wilderness


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Posted - January 06 2004 :  11:17:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit ColonialWoman's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
It's Memorial Mission. I was in a workshop Monday with Sharon and they were pretty resigned to the surgery. She said that over Christmas about all he could do was put together models. I hope to hear something in the morning. When I saw Eric just before Christmas he was having constant pain. I hope the surgery gives him back his mobility. You described him pretty well.

I once pushed a friend up the Linville Falls trail in a wheelchair. It can be done! But let us hope Eric is able to make it on his own!
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offer of peace

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Posted - January 07 2004 :  12:06:20 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Don't know you personally Eric but I can relate with you about the spinal problems.I had one surgery already and need another one.Hang in there.
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Lost in the Wilderness


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Posted - January 07 2004 :  11:56:34 AM  Show Profile  Visit ColonialWoman's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sharon just dropped by my classroom and said that Eric had come through the 6 1/2 hour surgery just fine but it would be a while before they know whether or not it was successful. They gave him morphine and got him up already. He will be in the hospital at least 4 more days.
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King 1

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Posted - January 07 2004 :  1:02:37 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Thanks for the update, Susan.

Yeah ... received an E-mail from Sharon in which she pretty much says what you said. Included a photo, which I've elected not to post. Eric's face is puffy & looks bruised ... was Magua in the operating room? In the photo, he appears dead .... pretty unsettling to see.

God bless you, Eric!

I should say, last I spoke with Eric, he fully intended to be at the Gathering. He was upset about possibly having to pass on the Nolichucky!!
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Posted - January 07 2004 :  1:39:28 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sorry to hear about Eric. A Gathering without your active presence won't be the same. But just having you there will be great! We will pray for a full and quick recovery for you (and your family). It is hard to watch someone you love I know it must be hard on them as well. Take care Soldier #2, we think fondly of you often. The Whitney's, Mark, Kathy and Nathan
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