Posted by Miss Paddletale on October 07, 1999 at 13:49:23:
*QUACK-QUACK-QUACK! Squark!! Squawk-squawk! ACKACKACK!!!*
Ohmigosh, omigolly! I do NOT understand what is happening here! *Squark!!* Help, help, help! The Old Crone's wattle hut is floating awaaaaaaaaaay!! Help! *Quack!! Quack!!* And Old Crone is lying prostrate on the floor therein! She fell victim to a BLUNT remark! *ACK!!* Call the paramedics!! Call Dr. Well Bee! Call the COAST GUARD!! *quackquackquackquack!* We MUST rescue her at once! Hurry! Hurryhurryhurry! No time to lose!! *squark! squack!!* Oh, if only someone could swim out to the hut and tow it ashore, like those three handsome heroes did a few weeks ago! *ACK! SQUACK!!* Wait a minute...I'm a DUCK!! *I* can swim!! *kersplash! paddlepaddlepaddlepaddle!!*
Ohdear, ohdear...*big hop on board!* *pantpant!*
Old Crone, Old Crone...wake up! WAKE UP! Well...guess it's time for some beak-to-mouth resuscitation! * and two and three and two and three and...puffffffffff!* Old Crone, can ye hear me??? It's Miss Paddletale...wake up, I say! You're made of tougher stuff than this! Get up and help me pole your wattle hut back to shore. I've already splashed out the flames. Come on now, take a deep breath! *slap! slapslapslapslap!* OK...guess I have to walk her around the deck till she comes outta it...lemme get my wing around her, here. *pace, pace, walkwalkwalk, pace*
that's it, Old Crone, round and round we go. *ACK!!* Turn AWAY from the light, turn AWAY from the light!! Come on back now, where you're needed!
*quackquackquack!* Can anyone on shore swim out here and give me a hand? I have matters under wing for the time being, but things aren't over yet....HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! *squawksquawksquawk!!!*
Frantically Yours, as usual,
Miss Paddletale