Posted by Miss Marcia on October 03, 1999 at 16:31:47:
*la, la, la, mi, mi *
"Nuthin' says lovin',
Like somethin' from the oven,
And Miss Marcia says it BEST!"
Well, let me get this here peach cobbler out of the oven, and get started puttin' together the fixin's for a Fish Fry. My handsome hunk, Benton, has just sent me a message that he has finally landed that big ol' catfish, and is headin' my way with a whole crowd for dinner. Oh, boy! I do SEW love fried catfish and hushpuppies. I'll just get this batter all stirred up and ready, and cool down the fixin's for some nice mint juleps to go with Oh, I should get the grease to heatin' up in the skillet, too. This will be SEW tasty! ! When the gang gets here, I'll be good to go!
*la, la, la, dum-de-dum, hum, hum, hummmmmmm*
Miss Marcia