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Monadnock Hiker
Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 31 2017

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Posted - November 06 2021 :  4:46:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Had a great day at the Fort at No. 4 today. Aside from the usual Abenaki (they were there too) there were two Pequot & one Mi'kmaq. The Mi'kmaq were from Atlantic Canada & northern Maine. In fact there was a young Pequot squaw too. She played the part of a squaw, - didn't pretend to be a warrior. It was a tad cool & these folks weren't wearing much - more power to them. - The Vermont Abenaki Chief played a small drum (tom-tom?) & sang two songs - in the Abenaki language, really good. - Another spoke for a few minutes in the Algonquin language & then translated what he had just said ... While I was there (late morning to about 1:00P) the turn-out was low, but as I was leaving there was a number of cars driving in - so the afternoon turn-out was better. About 99% of the event was held inside.
Fitz, - "Snapper" said to say hi ...
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Fitzhugh Williams
Mohicanland Statesman

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July 17 2005

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Posted - November 07 2021 :  08:25:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I would like to have been at that one. That was Snapper behind the trader's counter, right? I haven't seen him in 10 years! I see they had some nice "Michel Nicol" Saintonge pottery there. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at that. After all, I have it siting in my dining room as well. There is a family I know from the Bangor, Maine area that usually do these types of events. His name is Ken Hamilton. I didn't recognize anyone as him.

The Pequawket Alliance had their annual Fall meeting there on Oct. 31. From what I saw it was a good turnout. Of course, it was just a Unit meeting so not for the public unless they happened to be there. I understand that they made a $2000 contribution to the Fort for roof repairs. I am sure it was welcome.

Maybe some day I can get back up there. I even had to miss an event this weekend at Fort Toulouse, AL. Just too much going on with the family.

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Monadnock Hiker
Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 31 2017

Status: offline


Posted - November 07 2021 :  10:54:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Yes, - Snapper was at the trading counter when that pic was taken - but over near the fireplace when he told me he knew you. - He apparently had over-heard me talking with one of the Abenaki's about THIS site. - He said "you know Fitz??? - I told him no, but we post on this site & I'll be posting a few pics later today & he (Fitz) will probably see you. - I have a few more pics if anyone is interested - but they're pretty much like these.
Unfortunately, the Fort just cancelled it's annual "Harvest Dinner" for this year. That will be the second year in a row - Covid. ... The "Grand Hall" is always packed and it's $45.00 per person ($90.00/couple) - the food is donated by he local markets/merchants & it's probably the biggest single money maker the Fort has. - Everytime I go I donate a few bucks to the "roof fund" - a separate "dedicated fund" for the roof only - not general expenses. - Great to hear about the Pequawket Alliance donating $2000.00 for roof repairs - much appreciated I'm sure . - Don't recall hearing Ken Hamilton's name - but I didn't know most of the folks that where there.
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