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King 1

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Posted - July 15 2020 :  4:02:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
... Colonel Munro in "Last of the Mohicans" at 83.

Great guy and a lot of fun to interview!

BBC Article

Maurice Roeves: A Heart to Heart with Col. Munro
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Monadnock Hiker
Colonial Militia

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August 31 2017

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Posted - July 15 2020 :  5:16:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sorry to hear this Rich - but it's probably not a real surprise either. The years really do seem to "speed up" lately. - RIP Maurice ... Well done.
An off-screen friendship:
One memorable Holywood screen role for Roeves was in Last of the Mohicans acting beside Daniel Day-Lewis and Wes Studi.

Studi played Magua, a native American villain who ripped the heart out of Col Edmund Munro, played by Roeves.

His friendship with Wes Studi lasted for more than 25 years and they met often near Wes's home in Santa Fe. Studi said on social media that they shared haggis together.
MP: Shall we move on to the spirit of Colonel George Munro of The Last of the Mohicans?

MR: Yeah.

MP: First of all, how did you land this role?

MR: I happened to be on a fly back from LA to London, and I was called up for the interview to see Michael Mann. They gave me three scenes to do, which I learned, I always learn everything and do it without the script. I went in and I did one scene and he said, "Yeah, good." Eventually, I did all three scenes, plus he directed me in a couple of scenes, so I was in there for really an hour, which was quite extensive. The story I heard later, I didn?t hear at the time, but I heard later that he had said, "Right, that's the one, I?m not seeing anybody else." But I didn?t hear that, I got it in about two months, the story that drifted back to me was that that?s what he?d done. But, he had to fight 20th Century Fox to get me because 20th Century Fox wanted Albert Finney. I was kind of pleased that I beat Finney to the role because I worked with Finney years ago when he started to direct ... when he started at the Glasgow Citizens, and I was just a second year drama student. I thought he was terrific. I thought he was absolutely great! It was him who got me smoking French cigarettes, which I still do. So, that was kind of nice, and that was simply how I got the role. About two months later I got a phone call from Hollywood, "You got it" and stuff.
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Fitzhugh Williams
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Posted - July 16 2020 :  07:50:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
My favorite picture of them:

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Fitzhugh Williams
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Posted - July 16 2020 :  07:56:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
"that they shared haggis together"

FWIW, eating haggis is not all that different than eating a heart.

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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James N.
Colonial Militia

James N

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Posted - August 08 2020 :  10:15:16 AM  Show Profile  Send James N. a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

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RIP - A fine fellow!
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