I was at Fort Frederick last weekend and there was a man selling wampum belts. I liked his work and since he used glass beads, they were not all that expensive. When I saw this one, I had to have it.
"This belt is a record of the days of my father's people."
"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
Very good looking belt Fitz. ... On my last visit to No. 4 when the Abernaki were there I bought a wrist band that looks very much like a small wampum belt - from Linda Longtoe - the wife of Roger Longtoe, Chief of the local Abernaki's. - She made this one - in fact they have a place in Jamaica, Vermont called "Two Otters" where they sell "Native American Arts". - His handmade tomahawks go for about $100.00 ea. - look absolutely great - but didn't buy one.
Back in 2002 I was at the Mohican Gathering in Asheville, NC. There was a shooting match at the French Broad Rifles range and I won second place. It was a small wampum belt which I understand was made by the Abenaki and sold through their site. Probably the same source. I still have it in my souvenir room. It is similar to the Mohican belt, but a slightly different pattern.
"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"