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Monadnock Guide
Council of Elders


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
March 14 2005

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Posted - March 08 2017 :  12:31:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The other pillar that supported Trump throughout his campaign was the multimillionaire Robert Mercer, who proudly occupied third place among the largest donors to Trump in the pre-election period. He’s an executive director of the investment fund Reinaissance Technologies. In 2011, Mercer invested 10 million dollars in the above mentioned Breitbart News.

In just 10 years, Breitbart News has become a media phenomenon, having the largest number of supporters on Facebook and Twitter among all media sites.
We can now safely state that Trump’s campaign was a success due to the fact that he took advantage of this big data and the company that explores it – Cambridge Analytica. This company specializes in a new form of political marketing – so-called microtargeting – based on the OCEAN methodology. When Trump hired Cambridge Analytica back in June 2016, analysts in Washington took this step with a grain of salt, but the end result was impressive. This company was purchasing all sorts of personal information about future voters, starting with newspaper subscriptions a person may have and ending with medical records. After all, you can obtain almost any information about a person in the US these days. Then Cambridge Analytica added this data to a list of registered Republican supporters and the information about their behavior within social networks. Thus, Trump knew exactly what he was supposed to say to please potential voters. This OCEAN approach has been the reason behind Senator Ted Cruz’s breathtaking start of the campaign. By the way, in late 2014, Cambridge Analytica was assisting Ted Cruz in every way possible, since he was sponsored by the same billionaire, Robert Mercer…

you can keep "The Change"
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Monadnock Guide
Council of Elders


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
March 14 2005

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Posted - March 08 2017 :  12:36:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I contributed financially to the Trump campaign - and was constantly getting emails about what "he should talk about" ... it worked. Gawd knows how many folks around the country were getting the exact same thing ... smart.

you can keep "The Change"
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King 1

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Posted - March 08 2017 :  4:46:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Same here, MG!

He's got the WH & Congress, but he will have to continually fight progressivism from the unelected bureaucrats lodged throughout the government, the entertainment industry, academia, and most of the media. Tough go, but I believe we finally have the fighter in there that just may be up to the task!
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Fitzhugh Williams
Mohicanland Statesman

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Posted - March 09 2017 :  07:44:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I still think they all missed the point. People voted for Trump because they can't stand Hillary. If they Dems had had a respectable candidate they would have won.

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Monadnock Guide
Council of Elders


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
March 14 2005

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Posted - March 09 2017 :  11:02:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
The Republicans (Trump) ran A MUCH DIFFERENT CAMPAIGN this time, - not even close to what they've done in the past. They kept everyone involved, and on a daily basis - something THEY NEVER DID BEFORE. - The Dems have been losing seats in almost every state in the country, Governorship, Mayors & they essentially let the white working class go, especially white men - thinking they could cobble together a bunch of minorities/victims etc. to win. - With all the unhappiness/anger & unemployment among those people I'm not convinced the outcome would be any different than it was. - States like Ohio, Pennsylvania etc. have been slowly cleaned out of industry since the start of NAFTA. - It was only a matter of time until "folks had had about enough" of Washington's fun & games. - They/we brought in an outsider who said "the whole place is a swamp" that needs to be drained - he is/was right and it caught on. - I doubt the Electoral College outcome would be any different - no matter who the Dems ran. ... Trump Made JOBS is focal point, while BHO & company, including HRC was running on who could use what bathroom ... no comparison.

you can keep "The Change"
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Soldier of the King


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Posted - March 19 2017 :  6:12:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Fitz stated: If they Dems had had a respectable candidate they would have won.

Well Fitz, the next respectable Democrat candidate will be their first, in a very long time

The Sarge

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

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