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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 17 2002

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Posted - June 10 2002 :  09:09:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good morning Mohicanlanders! I was going through my Gathering "stuff" the other day and came across the journal that I kept from last year. Good memories and I absolutely cannot wait until next week. Anyway, I summed up the event with a little entry that I thought perhaps I'd share here with all of you. Maybe it will bring a smile to your face and jog a memory of your own. And to those of you who will be coming for the first time, maybe it will give you a small glimpse of what you have to look forward to....


What started out as love for a movie and the lust for a longhunter woodsman clad in buckskin and breechclout became a time in my life that was more deeply stirring to my blood than any imagining could possibly have been.

The Great Spirit and Maker of all Life laid before my eyes the majesty of His work. What an artist He is. I saw the heights and depths of His paintbrush's strokes. I saw strength in falling and rushing waters. I saw streams of sunlight peer through His forests.

He allowed voices, strings, and the sound of the pipe to tickle my ears. The sound of water and the quiet of the woods. Greetings from strangers who, after a few days and a bit, were not strangers.

From the cup of a French Trader, pure mountain water danced across my tongue. Food prepared with love by so many was spread before me. And a mysterious amber liquid, as well as another liquid of which the recipe remains secret, was shared around the camp of a Scottish clan.

Warm hugs and handshakes welcomed me. I felt a tree branch helping me climb to the top of the world. Cold mountain water cooled my feet.

Voices of laughter and song were there. Lines quoted from a favorite movie were forever being said. Stories were told, stories were heard, stories were shared through words and through the loving hands of a young Soldier.

The fragrance of clean, fresh air was breathed. Woodsmoke and campfire aromas wafted through an encampment. The scent of leather and buckskin encircled my nose. The smells of balsam fir, sweetgrass, sage, and cedar tied in bundles now grace my home.

One who is often portrayed as savage came unarmed and in peace baring his wife and son along the way. Beads and strong whiskey, mirrors, tools, and clothes were all inside. We took everything. So many things were done and no one was spared from the happenings. It was indeed an adventcha. We all survived and the worst did not happen to anyone.

So, to all of you who are considering making this trek, though you are strangers, you cannot be left behind. Your friends will think you are indeed a breed apart and make no sense when you tell them of your plan. Do not try to make them understand you. Push hard and good luck.

I came away forever changed. The Gathering is so much more than traveling hundreds of miles to see a movie. Many new paths were crossed and lifelong friends were made.

So, come prepared to have an unforgettable time. Looking forward to seeing familiar faces and new faces as well.

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The Huggy Merchant

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 17 2002

Status: offline


Posted - June 10 2002 :  10:36:19 AM  Show Profile  Send Adele a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
OK...on the subject of memories...and since I won't be joining you this year, so memories are all I have are a few of mine...

From Gathering 3 (my first)

* Being picked up by Diana, Cecilia and Connie at my Charlotte hotel, seeing the look of relief on their faces when they realised that I smoked, and therefore they WOULD still be able to smoke in the car on the way to the mts...and hearing all the gossip over breakfast!

* Sitting on the top of Table Rock, snivelling into a kleenex with Rich on one side of me and Clabert and Dana on the other side...and not having any of them ask why.

* Watching our honeymoon cabin for two start out with four people, and end up with six by the last night.

* Being chased by a golf cart at Bear Den Cabins whilst lying down in the back of a flat bed with Dana and Clabert, and wondering who was going to slide out first (don't ask!)

* Meeting the Sweetsers (nuff said!)

omg...too many more ...onto...

Gathering 4

* Travelling over with Ilse - an experience that cannot possibly be put into words!

* Climbing Chimney Rock from the carpark to the summit and back with Ilse. Highlights being Ilse stopping about half way up the first track, wheezing, lighting a cigarette and saying "You know, if I make it to the top....I think I am going to throw myself off" and also...getting down in one piece!

*Bumping into Lainey and Wes Studi outside the movie theatre and getting a private introduction (hehehe!)

*The Pot Luck Dinner - fabulous!

Dammiiiiiiit! There are just TOO many good memories!! But the best thing about the gathering? The friends you make....of that..I am in no doubt!


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