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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
November 27 2008

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Posted - June 02 2009 :  1:48:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
English Translations of Dutch Colonial Records a.k.a. "Kingston Papers" (Deed Books 1, 2, & 3)
An index to the English translations of the Dutch court records of
Wiltwyck 1661-1709. The index was first published by the Albany
County Board of Supervisors c. 1900. In 2002, the data was entered
into a text searchable database by the Ulster County Archives.
In 2008 a new field was added to present the entries in their
entirety. These records are the earliest court and land records of
Ulster County.


Reported that the Maqua's have captured a Northern Savage who
confessed that the Northern Savages intend to massacre all the
country people. The Justice and the sheriff order all people into
their respective towns after they have threshed their grain. Also,
instructions to the men posted at the Ronduyt.

Minutes: This Feb. 22, 1675/6.
The authorities, civil as well as military, of the three villages met
together, having learned that the Maqua's have captured a Northern
Savage who has confessed that the Northern savages intend to
massacre all the country people (bruyten luyden).
Capt. chambers asks in what manner we should be able to
defend ourselves? Whether those of Horly and Marbleton should
come here? The courts of Horly and Marbleton are resolved to
Keep good watch, and to defend themselves.
The Justice and the sheriff order all those living outside
the villages to thresh their grain, and each to come within their
respective villages as soon as possible and also that nobody shall
go outside the villages without being properly armed.
It was also resolved to station men at the Ronduyt,
who will have to act according to the following instructions:
1 They shall not admit savages on the Ronduyt
2 is left out in the orig.]
3 Closely observe the number of savages resorting there. If there
are more than usual, whether navigating the Kill or there-
abouts to inform us, and in case of danger to fire three shots.
4 Immediately inform us about any news from either up or
down the river.
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
November 27 2008

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Posted - June 02 2009 :  1:51:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Date 10 /25 /1667
Grantor Chief Pamirewackingh, Esopus savage
Grantee Court
Note Complains that for the last two years his maize has been eaten and destroyed by pigs and requests that some of the magistrates be sent to examine the damage.
Minutes Ordinary Session on Tuesday, Oct. 15/25, 1667
Present Schout Beekman
Mr Berisfoord
and Commissaries.
At this session a chief of the Esopus savages, Pamirewackingh,
appears who complains that for the last two years his maize on his
plantation has been eaten and destroyed by the pigs from
this village, and therefore requests that some of the Magistrates
shall be sent to examine the damage, before they set out on
their hunting expeditions. [This undoubtedly means the Indians]
It is resolved that Mr Beresford, besides the commissaries
Hend Jochems and Hend. Aertsen shall go with petitioner,
for the purpose of inspection. ______________________________________________________________
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
November 27 2008

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Posted - June 02 2009 :  1:58:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Esopus Wars:

The Esopus Wars were two localized conflicts between Dutch settlers and the Esopus tribe of Lenape Indians during the latter half of the 17th century in what is now Ulster County, New York. Like many other wars during the colonial period they were brought about by the clash of European and Indian cultures, the first war having started over paranoia on the part of the settlers, and the second war a continuation of that grudge on the part of the Esopus tribe.[1]

The most lasting result of the wars was the display of power by the Esopus. Although there had been other Indian Wars, the timing of these two wars coincided with the broadening of British interests in the Dutch territories of the New World. The difficult time had by the Dutch in defeating the Esopus made it clear to the British that they would need to be more diplomatic when the time came for them to deal with the natives of New Netherland.[2]
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
November 27 2008

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Posted - June 02 2009 :  2:04:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Inhabitants of the Esopus - Bond to build the Palisades under a penalty of one thousand guilders

Esopus Savages 4 / 21 / 1674 - Says that the Esopus Savages killed some French savages last year.

Esopus Sachems - 1 /22 /1676 - Renewal of the peace made with the governor Nicols.

2 / 3 / 1676 - Treaty Renewal

4 / 27 / 1677 - Treaty Renewal

Esopus Savages - 1 / 24 / 1682 - Sale of their land called Sawankonck.

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