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Bumppos Tavern Patron


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Posted - March 03 2008 :  4:10:47 PM  Show Profile  Visit caitlin's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Well, I had a nice suprise this weekend. Now ladies, don't get all jealous, but I got to meet Obediah! He was out in Arizona visiting and made a point to come out to Goldfield Ghost Town, see a gunfight and meet the family. I didn't have the camera, but I think that he got a few picks, so I look forward to seeing them.

Obi, it was a real pleasure meeting you and your gang. I hope that if you make it out here again, we can get more time to visit.

Jack McCall: "Should we shake hands or something, relieve the atmosphere. I mean how stupid do you think I am?"
Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."

"A nation with no regard to it's past will have little future worth remembering."

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things"
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Posted - March 03 2008 :  5:40:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I'm just upset that you didn't drag him into a mudpit and make all of us girls proud. Just kidding!!! I am glad that y'all were able to get together. Looking forward to seeing the pics of y'all out on the old west.


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
Winds shall always soothe

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Posted - March 03 2008 :  5:54:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
How nice! I guess he's a nice guy after all! Can't wait to see the pics.
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Gadget Girl
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Posted - March 03 2008 :  8:52:06 PM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I think meet-ups with MohicanLand friends are just the BEST!!!

Obi, isn't Caitlin just a sweet dear gal? She brought her Jeff to the first gathering I attended (the second one, it was her second one gathering I believe - Caitlin was one of the original gatherers) and the video camera never left the boy's hand! The next gathering - they are married and made the trek for a quick gathering visit even with Caitlin in a the delicate situation of being with child! It was good as always to see them again! It's nice to still have her around...on the forum. We'll take her anyway we can get her! I hope your pics turn out Obediah!

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Colonial Settler

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Posted - March 04 2008 :  04:59:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Aww that's great!
I wish I didn't live across the pond or was very rich so I could come out a meet you all...maybe one day
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Council of Elders

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Posted - March 04 2008 :  09:11:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
That's great that you met Obes Caitlin No "mud-pit" around that's just too bad. Should have "improvised" and used whatever was nearby. He sure does love to 'rassle

Goldfield Ghost Town sounds like my kind of place. Nothing like seeing a guy dressed up as a "cowboy" toting guns. Used to love going to "Buckskin Joes" out in Colorado when we lived there. Gunfights and hangings on a daily basis

Hope to get to Arizona some day and if we do will be sure and visit the Ghost Town.

Can't wait to hear Obi's version of your meeting and see the pics

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Mohicanland Statesman

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Posted - March 04 2008 :  8:16:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Just to make certain ones here happy, yes, Caitlin & I did discuss mudpits, but only in passing. Let's face it, it's just a tad dry for a mudpit in Arizona!

Caitlin, if your hubby ever gives you any grief, just let me know. I'll stand on a table & we'll have any eye-to-eye talk!

Hey, I was really happy to meet you & your family, Caitlin...and I know we'll meet again, even though it may be it NC.

We almost missed the last gunfight of the day, just barely made it there. Afterward, I asked one of those cowpokes if she was there; he pointed out Windy Bill, immediately ran & got her -- everyone knew who I was! I had forgotten what a great group of people re-enactors (of any stripe) are! I only wish we'd had more time...

BTW, I only ended up with one (1) picture. It's in my photo album.
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Bumppos Tavern Patron


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Posted - March 05 2008 :  5:30:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit caitlin's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Yes, mudpits were discussed in passing. If he would have visited a week earlier it may have been a possibility with the little rain we had. Lots of dirt out here, you know.

What a great picture! Thanks, Obi! And yes, I told my husband he had to take care. Wish we had more time too...

GG... Thanks for the kind words... you're such the sweetie. Yup, my Jeff did have a grip on that video camera, didn't he? Alas, I only hope he will again!

Jack McCall: "Should we shake hands or something, relieve the atmosphere. I mean how stupid do you think I am?"
Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."

"A nation with no regard to it's past will have little future worth remembering."

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things"
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