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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 29 2002
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Posted - May 29 2002 : 10:37:26 PM
I just looked at a map and realized how much running around is going to be involved during these 4 days. Is everyone planning to stay in Chimney Rock for the entirety? I was thinking it might be simpler to spend the night before the raft trip in Erwin, but I didn't take into account how late it might be by the time we leave Spirits on the River.
If most are spending the night of the 20th in Chimney Rock, what time will you be leaving in the AM to make the 8:30 start time at USA Raft? I have a dog that I will be dropping at a kennel in Erwin for the day, so I have to allow time for this too.
Any suggestions? My head is swimming.
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 29 2002 : 11:37:37 PM
Hi Yogi,
I understand your concerns. This will be my fourth gathering and I have ALWAYS preferred staying the entirety in Chimney Rock...with the exception of this year. I too noticed the distance of some of the places (knowing that Dupont Falls is an easy distance but the Gorge is a one and a half to two hour drive from CR - just wait until Sunday morning, trying to get to the Blue Ridge Parkway and beat the sunrise to Green Knob Overlook- AND trying to negotiate that curvy road in pitch black when your coffee mug accidentally hits the car lights off - RIGHT ILSE??? ) and have opted this year to try Hendersonville for few nights. The down side of THAT (and it's a considerable one) is missing all the fun and shenanigans at the Geneva with all your new friends. I did a mapquest trip estimate from the Quality Inn in Hendersonville and it estimated two hours trip to Erwin, you might try it from CR (my experience has always been that they overestimate times, but not taking chances on going to a place I'm not familiar with - I will probabaly leave by 5:30 to allow breakfast and lost time). I know this makes for some early mornings zzzzzzzzzzzzz, but believe me, it will all be worth an early rise!!!!
**A note to new gatherers - Sunrise at Green Knob can be a bit chilly, even in June (see old gathering photos) so bring a jacket or a blanket to snuggle up in.
Look forward to seeing you in June! Diana S. 
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - May 30 2002 : 07:16:47 AM
Logistics! LOGISTICS YOU SAY??!!?? Since when has logic had anything to do with a Mohican Gathering? I mean, in the beginning, Rich didn't know Marcia, and Marcia didn't know Myrrh, and Myrrh didn't know Eric, who didn't know Chris, who had never met Jo, who had no idea who Carol was ... yet, we all pitched in together & made a happening!
BUT, to answer your question, there is no denying that a Mohican Gathering does involve a lot of running around ...not to mention driving! But, in the four years we've done 'em, it's been nearly 100% smiling faces ... oh, there has been a frown or two - a couple who have probably cursed the day they ever heard of a Mohican Gathering - but, by & large, it's been a piece of cake for everyone.
Now, THIS year, in particular Day One, there really is some moving to be done. If you go to the competition, you need to go from CRP, to Marshall, to Asheville ... all in one day ... that is a lot. After that, it's really not bad at all. Day Two - the Nolichucky - involves a long haul to get there, but then that's it. Day Three is all in the Hendersonville area. Day Four, though at 4 different locations, is all in Linville Gorge & vicinity.
The Gatherings involve early morning long hauls - of that there is no doubt - but, there is little choice. The 6 counties in which LOTM was filmed cover a wide area!
So, my advice is to get your head to stop spinning, relax, go with the flow ... when it's all over, you'll say, "Hey, that wasn't too bad!" Right, Jo!?! 
Go back over to The Gathering Pages and read what folks had to say. And they've been through it!
Rich Mohican Press
Edited Portion:
Well, I got so carried away there, I forgot to answer the question!!! The folks at USA Raft assure me it's a one-hour drive from Asheville to Erwin. CRP is about an hour from Asheville, so, I wouldn't leave CRP any later than 6:30AM ... probably 15 minutes sooner, just in case. Coming from Marion, as I am, will be roughly the same.
Edited by - richfed on May 30 2002 08:55:20 AM |
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