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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 17 2003

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Posted - July 30 2007 :  5:50:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Hi. The Alamo Plaza program, " A Star Reborn" has been posted as a
quicktime to the following link:

username: mfpp
password: pixels

Thanks to Gary Foreman for the information. Visit the link above, and fill in the proper info, in able to view a short presentation of Alamo Plaza: A Star Reborn!

Share this with as many people as possible. The time for writing letters to
Mayor Hardberger is almost upon us.
Be ready to act.

As you all can see, there is a huge effort to give Alamo plaza the recognition it deserves! If you want to find any more information on this project visit Alamo Sentry at , under "Latest Alamo Research".

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Posted - July 30 2007 :  8:49:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
What an awesome place that will be! "I think we've all been promoted."
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 17 2003

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Posted - September 21 2007 :  03:10:07 AM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
This just in from Gary Foreman!

Here we go...the Alamo Plaza letter writing campaign has begun. And here is how it works:
The purpose of your letter is to give the Hon. Phil Hardberger, Mayor of San Antonio, an idea of how valuable Alamo Plaza is to all Texans and people around the world.
Simply, this is your opportunity to state your disappointment with
the Plaza and how it doesn't communicate the importance and deserved reverence of a famous historic site. We suggest you keep it short and direct.

Just address your letter to:
Honorable Phil Hardberger,
Mayor of San Antonio, Texas

Make your statement about the Plaza and describe your disappointment/disgust/letdown. Share your suggestions on how it needs better interpretation, signage, and delineation. We advise everyone not to direct any of your comments towards the Alamo grounds or DRT. This is about the other 70% of the Alamo compound. Again, be direct, honest, and sincere. Add some
personal information--your vocation, place of origin, your interest in historic sites, etc.

Sign the letter with your full name and be sure your street address and email address is included. This will help verify the authenticity of your letter in case there is a follow-up by city or state officials.

Sending your letter is easy and no postage is required. You can email your letter as an attachment to:
Reference (Re:) Alamo Plaza in the subject header. Or
you can fax your letter to: 219/477-5487.

Please share this with any and all individuals who have ever stepped into Alamo Plaza and asked that universal question---
"Is that all there is?" We already know that hundreds of people are ready to jump into this effort and they, in turn, will get many others to join them. We are expecting a tremendous volume, so act quickly and decisively. It is time for all of us to reclaim this Sacred Ground.
Thank you.

Time to spread the word! The hour is at hand!

Remember the Alamo!

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 17 2003

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Posted - October 05 2007 :  9:28:31 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hello everyone,

I just got off the phone with Gary Foreman and he was very concerned that the letters are coming in slowly!

Listen, If you've ever stepped onto Alamo Plaza, write a letter. If you ever wanted more to be done to get a better picture of how the compound looked, write a letter! This is our chance to change things and "restore the integrity of the original mission compound"! By taking the time to write that letter and sending it in, you are contributing greatly to this "noble cause"!

Information concerning this project can be seen above.

The hour is at hand!

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King 1

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Posted - October 06 2007 :  08:13:15 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
DONE, Wade!
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 17 2003

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Posted - October 06 2007 :  6:58:34 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Thank you Rich!

Who else is sending in a letter?

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 17 2003

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Posted - October 24 2007 :  11:36:36 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

There's all the information about the Alamo Plaza project! If you haven't yet, send in your letters now! The hour is at hand!

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