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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
February 12 2004

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Posted - October 28 2006 :  8:48:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sorry about the typosin my first post. I was in a hurry. I will have to spend more time proof reading. It was "Arthur St. Clair" from Ligonier that my people defeated in 1791. I let my fingers "do the walking" across the keyboard a little too quickly.

Question: were any of you at the re-enactment at Ligonier this October?

I was at the fort after the parade with a cousin who was dressed like George Washington. We made quite a sight for the tourists. Many photographed us together. They didn't believe that we are really cousins.

The crowd was really big at the fort. I could hardly see any of the battles.

I had a real good time, as always.

Take care.

Ken Lonewolf
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate

Skull 2

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Posted - October 28 2006 :  10:40:27 PM  Show Profile  Visit Seamus's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Yes, Lonewolf, I was there, leading my Pennsylvanians, as usual, and quartered in the Officer's hut next to the Loyalhanna Street gate, our customary quarters. Also attending were Wilderness Woman, Sjt. Dammer ( if you have read Sjt. Munro's fine works you'd know his name),Sjt. Malcolm MacWilliam, Pvt. Davey Gunn and several of the other lads of the 77th...JohnsTon, Drummer Armstrong, young Christian, to name a few.

I am sorry I did not see you in the fort. I was Duty Officer right after the parade, so I would have been stationed in the Officer's Barracks headquarters wih Major Grant.

You are right...there were lots of attending public, and we gave them a good show! The volleys from both sides were crisp and 'spot on' making for a vicious sheet of flame across the lines.

Life's journey is not to
arrive at the grave safely
in a well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways,
totally worn out, shouting
'...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'

~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle


~~Aim small, hit the b*****d right between the eyes!~~
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Fitzhugh Williams
Mohicanland Statesman

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July 17 2005

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Posted - October 28 2006 :  11:35:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
And Lonewolf, I believe you live in Charlotte? There is a new site at Statesville, NC, on the 1756 location of Fort Dobbs. They have a garrison each month, but two larger events, one in October and one in April. The native side represents Cherokee, but most are actually of other nationalities. We could have used more Cherokee this fall. You might consider it.

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Colonial Settler


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February 12 2004

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Posted - October 29 2006 :  1:15:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Greetings Highlander,

I will "second" your opinion of the Governor of Pennsylvania. I have written to his office many times to complain about treatment of my Indian friends, as well as myself, at French and Indian sites in Pennsylvania, and in particular, Bushy Run Battlefield, where I was told that I could attend, but that I could not wear my Shawnee regalia to honor a 4x great grandfather, Willenawah (Great Eagle), who fought there, or my Shawnee people who died in battle there. My ancestors' blood literally permeates the fields there! I consider this to be a real "slap-in-the-face" to decendants of those who fought there!

I was not really welcome when I showed up in regalia to the 250th anniversary of the Battle at Fort Necessity, where the same Shawnee "grandfather", Willenawah fought with the French, and George Washington is a family ancestor through marriage! I was shunned by Park Service personnel whom I have known for years. It was a good day, but talking with some of the re-enactors, I understand that they greatly "restricted" the re-enactors as to what they could do there. I really don't know how to correct these sad situations for those of us who try to keep the history of these places alive, and present an awareness to the general public of the immense history of this great and pivotal State of Penna.? If we have to be restricted by the very Park Service people who should be appreciative of efforts of people like yourselves, and descendants of those who fought, such as myself, then much is being lost.

For the many letters I have written to the Governor, I have never received a response! I have also written letters of concern to the "Westsylvania" magazine, a fine publication who claims to support the local history of Westsylvania; and again, no response! Are legitimate questions not deserving of an answer? Is choosing to not respond not considered to be very bad manners. This type of non-response "is" bad manners among Indian people! I have always been cordial and non-threatening in my correspondence, but that doesn't seem to work, or illicit a response!

Most states have a "Representative for Indian Affairs"! Pennsylvania is one of the few who do not! As far as the Governor is concerned, there must be no Indians left in Penna., although we hold several pow-wows and gatherings in the state. Actually, there are thousands of us! We haven't gone anywhere! We just dress like everyone else when we go to work. And we all don't "look like" Geronimo. Never did! Most of us are now mixed-bloods, but that doesn't dilute the way we think.
I have discussed these matters with our "State Representative for Indian Affairs", here in North Carolina where I now reside, and he tells me that the Pennsylvania State Government is one whom is particularly hostile toward real Indians.

This whole situation of the Governor's sorry attitudes toward your re-enactors, as well as real Indians is really sad , especially since many scholars consider Pennsylvania to be the real "Cradle of America". And a state that decided the direction of how America would move forward as a Nation. Many of the most important engagements in the French and Indian War happened in Pennsylvania, and particularly in western Penna.
Much ofthe Revolution also took place in Penna.

Maybe you and I can get together and send the Governor a couple of history books! Obviously, he is not fully aware of the history of his own state.

As far as "money from history", has this Governor never visited places like Valley Forge? Or the historic sites Philadelphia, or the multitudes of tourists at re-enactments at Gettysburg, which brings several millions of dollars to the state of Pennsylvania? Has he never visited the Park Service sites suchas Fort Necessity, Fort Venango, Fort LeBeouf, or any of the other historic sites?

Maybe he is "sniffing" too many fumes from "Three Mile Island" that has affected his

Ken Lonewolf
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Lost in the Wilderness

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January 15 2005

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Posted - November 24 2006 :  06:03:55 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Lonewolf, did they give a reason you couldn't dress out at Bushy Run?I went several years ago and dressed out with no problem. No offence meant here but you might need to get some more historically correct clothing. There is also some Native politics come into play recently at some of the sites I work at and I know some of the Oklahoma amongst other tribes were interested in what was going on at Historic sites here in the east.
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