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Posted - August 30 2004 :  1:43:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
It is nice to be able to see Scott. I thought about him most of the day yesterday. I hope that he knew how much we all liked and admired him. He was very open minded about everything and would always listen to somebody's else's point of view. Yep, he's definitely going to be missed!!!


PS I am going to start ending my messages with "Love" because I do love y'all!!! I never did before because I didn't want to seem to personal, but I have come to know and love many that are here!!!

~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
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Posted - August 30 2004 :  2:53:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christina's Homepage  Send Christina an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

I'm so very sad and shocked to see this. I never got to talk to Scott personally or e-mail him but I always liked his intelligent posts and his sense of humor. My prayers and thoughts go out to his family and all his friends here. Scott, may God welcome you safely home...


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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - August 30 2004 :  11:17:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

Scott Bubar, a Stamford, CT resident for the past 16 years, passed away on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 at Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT. Born May 31, 1951 in Brooklyn, NY, he was the son of the late Harley Marshman and Margaret Weber Bubar. He was 53.

Scott grew up in Darien, CT and graduated valedictorian from Darien High School. He also graduated from Yale University. He was a long time employee of the Stamford Hospital most recently working as a case manager.

He is survived by his son, Jonathan Aston Bubar of Stamford, CT and his long time companion, Pauline Costanzo also of Stamford, CT. He is also survived by one brother Mark S. Bubar of Riverside, CT and a half-brother Robert Bruce Perkins of Mandeville, LA.

A Funeral Service will be held at the Edward Lawrence Funeral Home on Saturday, August 28, 2004 at 12:00 Noon with Rev. Mark Scarlata of Stanwich Congregation Church in Greenwich, CT. Burial will follow at Spring Grove Cemetery, Darien, CT.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Stamford Health Foundation, 2015 West Main Street, P. O. Box 110315, Stamford, CT 06913.

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Colonial Settler


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Posted - August 31 2004 :  4:31:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
picture helped put a name to a face.. belive he was active in the rendesvous world, although no mention made at canoe-vous this weekend...
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Many Flags
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Posted - August 31 2004 :  4:51:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
As Malcolm stated earlier, he had met Scott at White Plains reenactment and he assures me that the likeness is what he remembers of Scott.....Many Flags
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Dances with Beagles
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Posted - August 31 2004 :  7:18:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
He will be greatly missed. I always enjoyed his posts, as I am sure he enjoyed posting them!

I keep seeing his avatar in my mind, and thanks for posting a photo.

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Posted - August 31 2004 :  7:56:02 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Well,I never really knew him, like some of us here, but like the rest of yall I enjoyed his posts and replies. My prayers go out to his family.

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Wilderness Woman
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Posted - August 31 2004 :  9:30:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
This is so strange, but that is nearly exactly how I had pictured Scott's appearance in my mind. I don't know why, really... just something about his very dry sense of humor, and his "brainy-ness."

Stephanie, thanks for looking up that obit. Valedictorian, Yale... this doesn't surprise me at all. He was, indeed, a very intelligent man.

Tom, do you happen to know how old Jonathan is? I had the sense that he is still quite young... early teens, perhaps?

"It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imaginings could possibly have been."
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Thomas MacDonald

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Posted - August 31 2004 :  10:22:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit Thomas MacDonald's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi Wilderness Woman

Hmmm ... I know Jon had a few years on my Rachel, who's just turned 13 this August, so I'd guess him to be about 17-18 by now !

I remember Scott once posted a picture of Jonathan, behind the wheel of a sailing boat, but I've searched about the Forums and came up empty? (probably lost during the many board update switch overs)

Susan Boulton may know for sure... I'll ask her next time we chat!

Take care, Mac

Originally posted by Wilderness Woman

Tom, do you happen to know how old Jonathan is? I had the sense that he is still quite young... early teens, perhaps?

'Gott Bewahr Die Oprechte Schotten'
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Wilderness Woman
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Posted - September 02 2004 :  12:27:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
What a nice thing to do, Rich! Dedicating the Mohicanland Forum Board to Scott is very fitting. (See the main page of the Forum.)

Well done, Sachem.

"It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imaginings could possibly have been."
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Bumppos Tavern Patron


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Posted - September 02 2004 :  1:56:53 PM  Show Profile  Visit caitlin's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Wilderness Woman

What a nice thing to do, Rich! Dedicating the Mohicanland Forum Board to Scott is very fitting. (See the main page of the Forum.)

Well done, Sachem.

I concur, very fitting indeed!

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Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."

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Thomas MacDonald

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Posted - September 02 2004 :  4:20:36 PM  Show Profile  Visit Thomas MacDonald's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I would also like to join the tribe in giving thanks for the nice dedication to Scott! Very fitting indeed !

I got the following message from an 'ol friend of Scott's, Susan J Boulton, who writes:

"Hi Mac, How are you doing?
Me not too bad, this thing with Scott has knocked be back some what.
I have tried to register at the LOTM site to thank them for dedicating the site to Scott, but for some reason it won't allow me. I keep hitting agree and it keeps throwing me back to the main page.
Will you thank them on my behalf it is a wonderful thing.

Slàinte, Mac

'Gott Bewahr Die Oprechte Schotten'
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Posted - September 02 2004 :  7:33:31 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I just saw the dedication. That was really nice Rich!!! Scott will always be with us.


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
Winds shall always soothe

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Soldier of the King


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Posted - September 02 2004 :  10:39:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Ditto to the above comments. The dedication is a very nice touch.

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Colonial Settler

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Posted - September 03 2004 :  03:41:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I wasn't going to add anything to this post as I didn't know Mr Bubar but I do send my best wishes to his family at this side time and hope that they can comfort each other.

Jacy x
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Posted - September 04 2004 :  11:00:33 PM  Show Profile  Click to see ccorner's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I will miss Scott's humor and wonderful passages he posted. I'd like to send my prayers to his family in this difficult time.

I know this is late, but the previous reply wasnt posted for some reason.

God speed Scott.

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Sweetser 4 Rep

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Posted - September 05 2004 :  5:24:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
My most deepest and sincere thoughts and prayers to Scott's family; I am saddened that his "aim small, miss small" signature won't grace the pages any more. I enjoyed his posts. Again, my deepest sympathies to his family. My prayers are with you.
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Colonial Settler


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Posted - September 05 2004 :  6:07:53 PM  Show Profile  Send Ithiliana an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I'm so sorry to hear about Scott's passing!
His comments and ideas were interesting and insightful, and his absence will be a loss on this board.
May he go to a better place.

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Posted - September 06 2004 :  3:55:10 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Bea's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I only found out today about Scott's passing and I am deeply saddened by it. I enjoyed Scott's posts very much and his deep understanding when it came to European topics in the Lion's Den. His posts will be greatly missed..My condolences go to his family!!

Carpe Diem
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Dark Woods
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Posted - September 25 2004 :  12:21:17 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dark Woods's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I have been away from the board for a while, so I belatedly add my condolences.

May the perpetual light shine upon you Scott, and may you rest in peace.

We become what we think about.
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Posted - September 26 2004 :  09:25:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I was sorry to hear of Scott's passing, and send my sincere conolences to his family. It's sad to lose a Mohicanite.
May he know the greatest joy in his final reward of Heaven!

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Thomas MacDonald

Angel 3

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Posted - October 29 2004 :  8:30:32 PM  Show Profile  Visit Thomas MacDonald's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Thanks to Red Maria & John Maddox Roberts for informing me about Scott's participation on the Pyracy Pub forums .....
I've added a few of my original posts to the thread John started there, concerning the loss of Scott !

You can view/join there discussion at this link: Pyracy Pub

Slàinte, Mac
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King 1

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Posted - October 31 2004 :  06:13:45 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
The man made an impact, didn't he!
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Thomas MacDonald

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Posted - August 24 2006 :  12:16:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit Thomas MacDonald's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Just wanted to acknowledge this day, August 24th, as it's been two years now that we have been without the kindred spirit of Scott Bubar !
They say as long as you remember a person they are never really gone, so with this in mind, I raise my glass to parted friends, and cherish the memories of days past !

Till we meet again, Rest in Peace, my friend, Mac

*Here is a thread I posted last year on some of the boards Scott frequented (I may have missed posting it here ?)

Remembering Scott ... and the Molly Stark !

This coming August 24th will mark the one year anniversary of the loss of our good friend [URL=]Scott Bubar[/URL]!
(alias Sikandur here on NetSword, and Deacon Frye on the Pyracy Pub)
I did not want to let this date pass without once again mentioning how much we miss our old friend, and to remember fondly all the great discussions, comments, and humor, that he brought to the many boards where he participated !

Scott had a soft spot for cannons .... and he seemed to take more than just a little interest in the period that founded his country, the American War for Independence !
It is with that in mind that I bring you (and Scott, as I’m sure he’s reading along here :-) the following !

Last weekend the family and I took a short trip up north, via Rt. 13, and passed thru the New Hampshire town of New Boston. I’d been through New Boston many times in the past, actually having partied there sometime in the mid-80's .... (but that’s another story) ....but never put two & two together to realize that this was where the famous [URL=]Molly Stark [/URL] cannon resides, given to the town by none other than New Hampshire’s most famous soldier
[URL=]General John Stark[/URL] !

[URL=]History of the Molly Stark Cannon[/URL]
“The famous Molly Stark cannon, captured from the British at the battle of Bennington (VT) by New Hampshire troops under the command of General John Stark on August 16, 1777, has for many generations been the proud possession of the citizens of New Boston. She is two hundred and twenty years old, having been cast in Paris, France, in 1743. Old Molly, as we affectionately call her, has had a most glorious history, serving under the French flag once, the British twice and the American twice.”
–excerpt from “The New Boston Artillery Company and Molly Stark" Clement A. Lyon 1963

In 1743, the cannon and a mate were cast in Paris, ornately decorated with a shield and crown flanked by American Indians armed with bows and arrows. Both cannons traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to protect the citizens of Quebec. The British forces at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham captured both of the cannons in 1759. Once again, both cannons changed hands when they were surrendered to General John Stark at Bennington in 1777.

“the fruits of the victory were four pieces of brass canon, several stand of arms, eight brass drums, a quantity of German broadswords, and about 700 prisoners.” Our gun, Molly Stark, was one of these four pieces, it being a four pounder.”

The Molly Stark cannon (named affectionately after General Stark’s wife) served in defense of the British siege at Detroit, Michigan, during the “Second Revolutionary War” the War of 1812, and was actually recaptured by the British after the surrender of the city. As fate would have it, the Americans captured Old Molly from the British once again, this time at the Battle of Fort George during the same war.

Prior to his death in 1822, General John Stark removed old Molly from storage at the first arsenal built by the United States (in Watervliet, New York “The Arsenal City”).

Old Molly was retired from active duty and presented to the New Boston Artillery Company of the 9th Regiment of the New Hampshire Mi

'Gott Bewahr Die Oprechte Schotten'
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King 1

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Posted - August 25 2006 :  06:33:21 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Time flies, and Scott is still sorely missed!
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