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James N.
Colonial Militia

James N

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
October 24 2007

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Posted - May 26 2011 :  11:52:38 AM  Show Profile  Send James N. a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
This April I made a pilgrimage with my oldest friend from high school ( ! ) to San Antonio and of course the Alamo. We visited my old reenacting friend, Dr. Richard Bruce Winders, who is now the curator of the venerable shrine, who took us behind the ropes into the normally off-limits side rooms to see some recently discovered Mexican War-era graffitti left by soldiers of the U.S. Army while the chapel was serving as a military storehouse! I was also heartened to see again the 1987 IMAX film, Alamo - The Price of Freedom which Bruce and I had worked on one very long, hot June back then. I'm somewhat surprised this movie is still being shown ( every hour-on-the-hour! ) at the Rivercenter IMAX Theater, just one block from the Alamo grounds! It was largely a "labor of love" project, filmed and manned mainly by reenactors, even in the technical areas. It was produced and directed by Academy Award-winner Kieth Merrill and filmed entirely on the old set originally built in the 1950's for John Wayne's The Alamo. Though only 42 minutes long, it is probably the most accurate and authentic version ever filmed!

When I got home, I dug out my photo album; I hope you enjoy seeing some more of my "movie adventures"!

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Our Dallas-based group outside one of the Brackettville "Alamo Village" set buildings. I am at far right, standing next to Bruce Winders, with whom I've swapped hats!

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Standing in the plaza of the Alamo talking with actor Steve Sandor who played Jim Bowie. I represented Louis "Moses" Rose, one the men of Bowie's command.

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I played "nurse" to Bowie during his final illness in this scene cut from the film.

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As "Moses" Rose, during the climactic scene where Travis draws the line here in front of the chapel, I "respectfully decline" to cross it and instead run off!

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True to form for any production like this, we reenactors spent half the time as Mexicans storming the Alamo; the next time I'm seen on film, I'm leading an assault party climbing the north wall! Here I'm at right in a little scene I set up for my amusement, whereby Generalissimo Danny Sessums, who actually coordinated the battle on the Mexican side, apes Napoleon in a famous engraving.

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With the son of one of our reenactors playing a Mexican soldado and actor Enrique Sandino who played Generalissimo e Presidente Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 17 2003

Status: offline


Posted - November 25 2013 :  01:35:23 AM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I remember your role as Moses Rose and am happy to work with Dr. Winders at the Alamo today as I am a history interpreter there. Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing!
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James N.
Colonial Militia

James N

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
October 24 2007

Status: offline


Posted - November 30 2013 :  2:11:13 PM  Show Profile  Send James N. a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi, Dillon! I've seen some of your posts on the John Wayne's Alamo forum and even attempted to join it, but it was too big a PAIN considering that the owner of the site was in the hospital at the time and trying to coordinate timing to be admitted to such an August place was too big a pain-in-the-butt. Too bad, too, because I really wanted to contact Chris Bliss and Marty Brazil who post there. Chris and I worked on this Alamo as well as Turner Network's Civil War naval potboiler Ironclads, and Marty and I reenacted together back in the 1980's and worked on The Blue and the Gray.

Say hello to Bruce ( Dr. Winders ) for me!

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