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James N.
Colonial Militia

James N

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October 24 2007

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Posted - October 15 2011 :  11:45:45 AM  Show Profile  Send James N. a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by richfed

Thought I'd update this topic:

Though I am still nuts, , things are getting better. I feel better - old, maybe, but better -- the foreclosure issues with the house I live in have been resolved, finally, after nearly 2 years and several hearings [most of which were canceled], and Lainey and I are talking a little more civilly these days - working on issues.

Now, if only the Dallas Cowboys would get to a darn super bowl again!

Rich, I'd never visited this part of the Forum before, so had missed the story of your "travials". Let me assure you we all have our personal "backstories" and problems not unlike yours; I've survived divorce ( once ), ridiculous and unfulfilling relationships, layoffs and firings ( several! ), and as I get older - I turn 65 in a month - increasing health issues. ( Minor so far, thank God, limited mostly to cataract surgery, high blood pressure, an enlarged prostate, and 2 fairly small skin cancer removals. ) Retirement, originally forced by circumstances, has become pretty pleasant as long as I remain careful with my resources, always an issue for me. I seriously hope your situation continues to improve, and want to formally thank you for allowing me this forum to reminesce about the period of my life I find most fulfilling in retrospect and the opportunity to share them with other members, along with photos of my more recent travels.

The main thing, however, I DON'T share with you is a love for the Godawful COWBOYS! Though I lived in Irving growing up and Dallas most of my adult life, I never ONCE attended one of their - or anybody else's for that matter - games! ( The ONLY time I set foot inside Irving's now defunct and demolished Cowboy Stadium was for 2 Gun Shows. ) All my life I've thought "pro sports" of ANY kind were just so much "Bread and Circuses" to keep the unruly masses distracted and inert!
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets

Winking Lady

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May 17 2002

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Posted - October 17 2011 :  5:26:21 PM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Rich, I'm glad to hear you are still the rest of us!!

VERY glad to see you feel things are better. Better is also good to hear!

I sure do wish I could drive around Marion everyday about this time of eyar and see all the lovely fall colors. Hurricane Irene de-leafed most of the trees she take down, so we aren't in for much a display I fear!

Take Care, Buddy! GG
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