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King 1

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Posted - March 04 2007 :  07:16:42 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote

Memories and where did the time go. Ariel is currently in Grade 3 at
Elmer S. Gish School in St. Albert. GRIT played such a role in Ariel’s life
that she has blossomed and improved with what she has learned. The first
year in GRIT was spent doing in the home learning with side trips to
practice her skills. The second was in a preschool where she met lots of
friends and had some input from a program with caring teachers. We still
try to visit the preschool during the year to keep Ariel in contact with the
teachers plus new students. The third year has taken us to where she is
presently. She even asks to go to school on the weekend. The school is
awesome as they have since day one taken Ariel under their wing. She is
using her walking skills plus orientation and mobility advice to make her
way around the school. When I take her to school on Wednesdays, she is
greeted constantly while we make our way to her classroom by students,
teachers and support staff. Her favorite person is her aide Mrs. G whom
she asks to do Engine, Engine Number 9. Ariel’s second favorite person is
the music teacher. She spends time in his music classes and you can tell as
she counts like him now plus she can identify pieces of music. One person we can’t forget is Mr.
Knoll, Ariel’s principal. On Valentines Day she took a Valentine Card for him to the office. He
asked her what she had for him and she told him she had a kiss for him. Mr. Knoll and Ariel do
one on one singing in his office with help from her aide.
Ariel’s community activities include gymnastics, music, horseback riding and she is also a
second year brownie. She has been doing gymnastics since the first year of GRIT and is much
more confident. Her favorites are the beam, trampoline, and the bars. She has been doing music
for about the same time. We believe the music classes have improved Ariel’s speech plus she
definitely knows her instruments and which ones go with each song. Her music teacher has to
negotiate with Ariel as Ariel constantly throws out songs while still singing ones. Her teacher
can not believe Ariel’s memory as she can pick songs from a couple of years ago from her
memory and request them. She is going into her third year of horseback riding through Little
Bits. Ariel knows her horses name and some of the commands. She has good posture while in
the saddle but last year they had to try a new horse a few times because she fell asleep on the
other horse because of its even gait. Ariel has done two years of Sparks and is working right
now on her second year of Brownies. She participates with an aide as I am Tawny Owl with her
group. Ariel loves the grand howl and just loves it when they are “howling”. The Brownies in
Ariel’s circle help her with her dues and they sign the attendance book for her. All this
community participation keeps Ariel busy as well as us too while getting her world to grow
Ariel’s vision statement is what keeps us focused on what her goals are. We created a CD of
songs and pictures to represent the best times of her little life. We still use the CD to do
presentations in the community as well as the government. Who knew just having a clear vision
of the possibilities would make such a powerful statement.
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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - March 04 2007 :  2:22:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Looks like Ariel is doing very well. Thanks for sharing the update. :-)
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Monadnock Guide
Council of Elders


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
March 14 2005

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Posted - March 04 2007 :  3:44:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sounds as though she's getting some excellent attention - to say the least.

you can keep "The Change"
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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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