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 Donations for Ariel's Auction 2006
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 13 2002

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Posted - January 23 2006 :  6:26:44 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Gang,
The Great Mohican Gathering 2006 is less than five months away, so I decided that I better get to work on Ariel's Auction and the raffle. As most everyone knows, we have an auction for a beautiful little girl named Ariel Boutette. For those of y’all that don’t know, Ariel was born without eyes and other problems that affect her heart, lungs, and spinal cord. Ariel has had many surgeries and hospital bills mount up, so we try to help as much as we can by holding this auction for her. If you would like to know a little more about Ariel, you can go to “Ariel’s Little Corner of Mohicanland" on this site. Just click on this link: or you can go to another site for Ariel:

To be able to raise money for Ariel, we need donations for the auction. The donations can be most anything. Anything relating to LOTM is always good, or anything around that time period. Anything Native American is great or if you are one of the talented ones that know how to sew, quilt, paint, or have any other talent and you want to make something, then that would be wonderful!!!
We also had people make baskets that had items from their state in them. They were a big hit. So, just anything that you would like to donate would be dearly appreciated!!!

If you will be at the Gathering, then you can just bring your donations with you. If you want to help Ariel out but won’t be able to attend the Gathering, then you can just PM me or write to me at, and I will give you my address so that you can send the donations to me and I will bring them to the Gathering. Just put “Donations” in the subject line so that I don’t accidentally overlook your email.

I just want to thank everyone in advance for their generosity to this very special cause. I also want to thank Kate and Jayne. They have been organizers of this auction in the past and they both have done a splendid job. I just hope that I can do half as well as they did!!!
Thanks again!!!


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
Winds shall always soothe

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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Oak Leaf

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 23 2002

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Posted - January 24 2006 :  12:09:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

I have no doubt - NONE - that you will do a FABULOUS job with the auction and the raffle. Karen & I may not be able to attend this year, but count us in as helpers if we do make it. We also intend to donate to both.

Please be in touch if you need any input re organization, etc. I have some left-over items from last time and can put them in the mail to ya. Or...bring them with us if we can.

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Gathering Sachemess

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 23 2002

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Posted - January 25 2006 :  09:17:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Jayne and Karen,
Thanks for your continuing support of this cause. Of course, we prefer that donations be delivered IN PERSON!
Hope you can make it!
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 13 2002

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Posted - January 25 2006 :  6:26:14 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I agree with Steph. I sure would love to see both you and Karen again this year!!! I will be getting in touch with you soon. Definitely need some help from an expert on this auction!!!


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
Winds shall always soothe

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