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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - May 16 2004 :  5:15:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote
In reply to Dances with Beagles on another thread,the Alamo didn't do well in the box office and is leaving theatres.Your best luck now may be the DVD in a few months

Here's my review on the Alamo.

If it wasn't good I wouldn't have seen it 6 times.It was a good portrayal of what may of happened.Not great,but it's the best Alamo film yet.

The cinematography is amazing.One scene follows a volley from the West battery to the inside of the Alamo compound.Very breathtaking scene.My favorite cinematography scene is an arial shot that lasts for about 10 to 15 seconds of the Battle of the Alamo.It is a breathtaking shot of the Mexicans rushing into the fort.With the signal rocket flying through the air and the silhouettes of soldados and defenders's a very memorable scene.

The soundtrack is good.Again,not great,but it fits the film well.But my favorite track is (according to the soundtrack cover)the Battle of the Alamo,Part 6...which is played when Crockett makes the decision...will he go down as David or Davy.In a very memorable scene,tear-jerking a bit as well,Crockett swings away as the soldados rush in.Again,the soundtrack fits well.

As for accuracy,it showed some of the major points.Not as accurate as I had hoped for,but it well done in my book.

Acting was good.Thornton stole the show as Crockett.Everyone did their job well,except for Quaid who,in my opinion,was unconvincing as Houston.

Otherwise,a good epic film.

Below contains if you haven't read the film don't read on.

Bowie goes down well and it was touching.He fires off a shot from each pistol as the soldados rush in.As he turns and reaches for his knife the Mexicans bayonets him.But his hand isn't on his knife,but on a locket with a portrait of his wife inside it.

Travis,well what can I say,he's shot in the forehead and killed immediately.he doesn't die until the Mexicans are climbing up the fits well.

Crockett's last stand is the most amazing of all the Alamo films.After Micajah Autry is killed by shrapnel from when the Mexicans turn the 18 pounder towards the breastworks infront of the Alamo Crockett,with his arm bleeding and breething heavily, says "I'm real sorry about all this." You can tell he never meant to be caught up in all of this.Him and five others immediately run into the church as the soldados slowly make their way toward the church.The camera shows the last defenders breathing heavily and having to except what's about to happen.The camera then cuts to Crockett's face...he is stairing at the Esparza boy...they share a very meaningful can tell this shared look is as if it's all of America looking up to Crockett.He then quickly turns as the Mexicans get closer to the church and he knods,knowing he must be "Davy" at this point.And as the soldados pour into the archway...Crockett swings his rifle.It cuts away as the last defenders are overwhelmed.

After a quick shot of Houston looking into a candle and regretting not going to the help of the men at the Alamo.It goes back to the aftermath of the battle.You see Santa Anna talking to a defender.But who is he talking to? It's Crockett.He's on his knees,bloodied.There is a defiant look in his eyes and before he is executed.He puts Santa Anna in his place with a defining remark and dies heroically.

I liked it.
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Posted - October 04 2004 :  07:28:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I finally saw it, Wade! Twice, in fact. I know very little about the Alamo, so when I watched it the first time things were a little confusing, especially the scenes with Houston and the founding fathers of Texas (not sure here -- is that who they were?). Decided it was worth a second look, and on second viewing I thought it was a superb movie. Great cinematography and soundtrack, and excellent performances all around (don't know enough about Houston or Santa Anna to know how convincing those actors were). I thought that Billy Bob Thornton as David Crockett was just wonderful -- one of the most memorable characters I've seen in a long time. Seems not too difficult to make a bad guy compelling because they're so often over the top (think DDL in "Gangs of New York" or De Niro in "The Untouchables"), but to make a good person fascinating is difficult, and that's what he did. If he doesn't get an Oscar nomination, it'll be as unjust as when Wes Studi didn't get one for Magua. Definitely a DVD I'll buy and watch again. Guess there's not much doubt about what you got for your birthday .... (And a very belated happy birthday, Wade!)


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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - October 04 2004 :  3:28:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit Dillon1836's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hey Bookworm,

Yep, got the dvd and it's great. I'm hoping for a Director's Cut so more deleted scenes will be included, but I can only hope.

The dvd is good.And ofcourse, the film is too. Try watching it with commentary from Alan Huffines and Stephen Hardin. That's very entertaining and informative.

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King 1

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Posted - October 07 2004 :  05:45:21 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
After watching the DVD, I have to upgrade my initial opinion of this movie ... it really is very good [critics be damned!]. The cinematography is truly outstanding ... some excellent shots.

I would have liked to see it fleshed out just a bit more, but the one thing that really irks me about the film is the wimpy reading of Travis' most powerful letter ...

Other than that, a good viewing!
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