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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - May 23 2004 : 6:49:47 PM
Thanks to a generous donation from Two Hawks Gallery in New York, there will be two prints by Onondaga artist Eli Thomas - one for a raffle at the Spirits on the River dinner, and another for the auction.
You can see these prints on the gallery website at - click on Iroquois art, then look for the prints called "Spiritual Symphony" and "White Pine with Wolf". Joanne Shenandoah is in the first, so that one will be raffled off at the dinner. Like last year with the Bill Miller painting, I'll sell tickets to others besides Gathering folks - but Gatherers will have the first opportunity to see the print at the Geneva and to buy tickets.
Now...go check out that website!
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - May 24 2004 : 05:16:16 AM
Looking really good there, Jayne! Nice work ... by the artist ... and ... YOU! |
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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - May 25 2004 : 11:46:13 AM
Now it's looking like "Spiritual Symphony" will be signed by Joanne Shenandoah! Despite a very busy schedule and not being home much, she has offered to sign the print. Really a nice lady!  |
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - May 25 2004 : 12:07:34 PM
Can a gal that won't arrive until the morning after get in on the Spirits on the River (or as Cecelia calls it..."Smoke on the Water") raffle?
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Sweetser 4 Rep

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
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Posted - May 25 2004 : 12:25:57 PM
AHHHH. Smoke on the Water....a GREAT song for those of us around in that time....
Jayne, what a lot of GREAT work on this; great prints on the site; good on you!
I've sent you an email; if you DON"T get it email Rich for my addy...need to talk to you...(in lieu of "it's torture Jack"....) Looking forward to seeing you and everyone.. Jo |
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Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: February 10 2004
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Posted - May 25 2004 : 10:42:09 PM
Both prints are beautiful, but it's "White Pine with Wolf" that I want to come home with. (The wolf reminds me a little of my dog . . . good enough excuse). So GG, if you want me to act on your behalf with regard to the raffle, I'll be happy to do so. And I'll be trustworthy, too. |
"I've gotten so fascinated with the eighteenth century, I'm going to stay there." -- David McCullough
"Nothing to it, brother." -- Barack Obama |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 08:04:39 AM
I'm with you on that one, Bookworm! That is just beautiful. Ever since I read Farley Mowatt's "Never Cry Wolf", I have been fascinated with these much maligned creatures. I have a large photo of a gorgeous wolf hanging on my office wall. |
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Sweetser 4 Rep

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 11:51:48 AM
Out of interest, how long does she sing/do her thing at the resturant? Just wondering? Jo |
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Lady Ann

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 20 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 12:51:58 PM
There is no set time limit to her performance in our arrangement. She can sing as long as she wants...and if her performance is anything like Bill Miller's, it will be about two hours. Which is usual for a solo concert performance.
Those of you who were at the Bill Miller concert, we truly got our money's worth, don't you think? |
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Karen W
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 04 2002
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Posted - May 26 2004 : 2:56:29 PM
Absolutely Ann!! I'm really looking forward to this year's concert.
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Karen W
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 04 2002
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Posted - June 06 2004 : 1:03:41 PM
Hey guys, I got to see these prints for real at Jayne's house yesterday and they are awesome. Much better in person than on this little screen!
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

United Kingdom

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - June 06 2004 : 3:10:40 PM
Uh... SORRY Bookworm, but... you're gonna have to FIGHT ME for that print!! It reminds me of MY dog, too! 
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Then you get her in one of her 'devil' moments!! When she wants in, she WANTS IN!!! There was a time when she could get through the cat-flap... It didn't take her long to outgrow it, but it took her a little while for that to register with her... 
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She REALLY IS a 'snow dog'...
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Sorry, but... my Mum just has to have that print!!!
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"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: February 10 2004
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Posted - June 12 2004 : 09:17:18 AM
Kate, the fort -- er, print -- is yours! What a beautiful dog!!! What's her name? She really does look like the wolf in the print. I'll have to buy a digital camera just so I can post some photos of my dog. She's a shepherd/lab mix, at least that's our best guess -- shepherd coloring and tail, lab head. Her name is Kish, and therein lies a tale: Her first family (we're her second) adopted her as a puppy from an animal shelter, where she had been given the name Kish. Given the location of the shelter, I think she must have been named by a graduate of the former Kishacoquillas High School in Lewistown, PA, colloquially known as Kish. Kishacoquillas was a Shawnee chief who lived there in the mid-1700s. (Lewistown also had a high school called "Chief Logan," named after another Indian chief, one of Shikellamy's sons. They've now been combined into a school district called "Indian Valley.") So I think that my dog, with a pedigree like that, should be considered a worthy citizen of Mohicanland in her own right! |
"I've gotten so fascinated with the eighteenth century, I'm going to stay there." -- David McCullough
"Nothing to it, brother." -- Barack Obama |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 13 2002
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Posted - June 12 2004 : 5:16:02 PM
I agree. Kate's dog is beautiful!!! What is her name Kate?
Kay |
~ An Infinite Zephyr~ Some things never end As long as goodness exists Winds shall always soothe
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

United Kingdom

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
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Posted - June 14 2004 : 7:04:02 PM
Hey there, Mary,
I think your dog sounds BEAUTIFUL!! Yes, you will DEFINITELY HAVE TO post some pics of her! German Shepherd, Lab... two SUPER breeds, with some really good qualities!!! I would think the mix will be a dog with a great look - and great temperament!! What a wonderful pedigree Kish has!!!! Oh, I ABSOLUTELY AGREE!! She must be the site 'mascot' with a name like that!
I LOVE 'mixed breed' dogs! I think they are usually good, well balanced canines with good temperaments and most importantly, happy to be with people, espcially children! From my experience, all the 'mixed breeds' I have known have proved to be the best qualities of their 'mix' and they have been good, loyal, obedient, and TRULY LOVING animals!
We had a lovely 1/4 Corgie, 1/4 Husky and a 1/2 working Collie (was the farmer's sheep dog), called Hamish. He looked JUST like a Corgie (though his tail was not docked. The seller offered to do it for us but I wouldn't hear of it. Their tail is their 'voice'! I wouldn't deliberately have the seller's vocal cords cut!) and he had the Collie need to 'round things up', particularly children! You always knew where he was as you'd hear kids shouting 'come back with my ball!' He was a DEVIL for stealing and dribbling kids footballs off their pitch!!! 
And I'd have a 'mix' again. However, growing up in Canada and watching the Huskies run with the sleds just always had a fascination for me and I swore I would have one some day. 'Someday' came last June, when we picked up 'Trouble'!! Her name is Aurora (Aurora Snow Princess is her Kennel name), 'Rory' for short - when she's being good. When she's been in trouble, it's 'YOU BADDIE!!!' She's full of energy, she's always in trouble, she's REALLY HARD WORK!!! But... she is THE MOST AFFECTIONATE DOG!!! She LOVES human contact, loves being petted, LOVES ATTENTION!!!
She also LOVES DIGGING UP PLANTS! She has decimated some beautiful (and expensive!) Hibiscus and Clematis plants I had, so I replaced the Hibiscus (well, the Clematis too) - and she dug THAT ONE UP TOO!! Now... I have replaced it once more, (bought THREE 'just in case'! Well... they WERE 'on sale'! and - I PUT WIRE CAGES AROUND THEM! She'll be hard put to dig THESE up!! Yeah... *sigh*... she's JOLLY HARD WORK!! But... she's really just a baby yet (14 months) and - WE LOVE HER TO BIIIIIIITSSSS!!!
Thank you so much for your lovely comments, ladies! WE think she's a pretty girl....
"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - June 14 2004 : 8:45:48 PM
"Aurora!" For the Aurora Borealis... How pretty.
I love the photo of Rorie in the snow. Those eyes! Man, does the Call of the Wild come out in that look! |
"It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imaginings could possibly have been." |
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Colonial Militia

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: February 10 2004
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Posted - June 15 2004 : 5:34:13 PM
That is too funny, Kate -- our dogs must be sisters under the skin (or fur)! The reason we now have Kish is that the woman of her first family declared she was taking her back to the shelter because she DUG UP THE FLOWERS!!! "And they were perennials!" -- that was apparently the last straw. A serious case of misplaced priorities, IMHO (and in yours too, it appears). I don't know why she never thought of putting fencing around her flowers. Her loss, our gain! I've told Kish that someday we'll plant flowers just for her and she can have a great time digging them up. And like Rory, Kish is extremely loving and affectionate -- we say her true breed is "affection hound." I agree with WW about Rory's Call of the Wild look -- she looks SO MUCH like a wolf, you clearly deserve the print! |
"I've gotten so fascinated with the eighteenth century, I'm going to stay there." -- David McCullough
"Nothing to it, brother." -- Barack Obama |
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