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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - June 15 2004 : 05:26:18 AM
Here are a few recent photos of Ariel:
 Ariel Boutette
 Far right - Her kindergarten class - 2004
 Hi-Ho Silver Away
Don't forget! Still Two Weeks to Donate!
Ariel right now is going through the sleep clinic at the University Hospital in Edmonton. We are still struggling with sleep around here. On average Ariel gets only 5-6 hours of sleep per night. The doctors at the sleep clinic asked us to monitor her sleep at home and now they have seen her once over night at the hospital. Lori didn't get much sleep that night.
We have no scheduled surgeries at this time; however dental is a must in the next 6 months.
The doctors who did the surgery on Ariel's eyes last year are just letting things go right now... They attempted a few different methods to get conformers (plastic spacers) in and have failed... They didn't even stay in an hour after surgery and each one is approx $400 a piece. They really do not look like much; they are like clear erasers from a pencil. The doctors are regrouping to see what other ideas they can come up with to get them to stay in.
With the beginning of summer we are seeing the end of a lot of activities and today Ariel completed horse riding lessons and will start up again in the fall... She really enjoyed the horse she had been riding (Pal). Her favorite saying after riding the first time was yee haw. On Wednesday next week is her last day of gymnastics in the afternoon and to finish music is a music recital in the evening.
We really appreciate all that you do and all the many people that help to make Ariel's Cabin a success. If there is anything that you would like please let us know.
Ariel, Kyle, Lori and Garnet
PS - Jayne: This was sent to you, as well, but I guess your connection will not allow communication with the Boutettes ... weird. Anyway, I tried to forward it to you last night. It still sits in my Out Box with other outgoing E-mails. Nothing will send, for some reason!! Also, weird! I can receive mail normally ... R
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

United Kingdom

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 10 2002
Status: offline
Posted - June 15 2004 : 07:03:34 AM
Isn't she just the PRETTIEST, AND CUTEST little girl!!!! Ye can't help yerself wanting to help her!!
Many thanks to Garnet for sharing all the news and goss. It sounds as though Ariel has had a successful first year at school! YAY!!!!

"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)
~ Celtic Wisdom
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - June 15 2004 : 07:52:20 AM
It sure is nice to get updates on her, I enjoy hearing about her progress. |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - June 15 2004 : 08:21:43 AM
How precious she is.
I hope the doctors can come up with a solution to the problem with the conformers. There must be a way...
I would be interested to know if they have begun teaching her letters and numbers in Braille. Here in New York State, the public school systems begin right away, using a TVI (Teacher of the Visually Impaired) to work with the student on a one-on-one basis. This keeps the children on an equal footing with sighted kids, regarding reading and writing. Yes, math and even music can be done in Braille! I sincerely hope this is the case with Ariel, as well. Even with the availability of high technology these days in the form of computer programs that read text and vocalize it, "Braille Is The Key To Literacy" for someone who is blind.
God Bless Her! |
"It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imaginings could possibly have been." |
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Sweetser 4 Rep

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 27 2002
Status: offline
Posted - June 15 2004 : 10:46:33 AM
Very nice to see an update, indeed! Thanks for all the work, Jayne and Rich.
Good luck on the computer....from one who knows. Jo |
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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
Status: offline
Posted - June 15 2004 : 11:31:40 AM
Thanks for passing this on, Rich. I don't know why - just can't directly communicate with the Boutettes! I tried twice to get the pics and info. Now I know why I didn't hear back from YOU!!
So good to see how much Ariel has grown and how involved she is with fun activities. The sleep problem must be tough on the whole family, though.
Thanks again for being the middle-man! 
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