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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Oak Leaf

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 23 2002

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Posted - June 06 2004 :  12:06:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To everyone, Gatherers and Non-Gatherers,

There's still time to donate an auction item; still time to get one in the mail to me if you can't attend! Ariel's Auction is full of promise for a successful fundraising year - funds that will benefit the little girl born with no eyes. I've heard from SO many who are bringing donations with them, and have received several in the mail from those who can't be there. So to those of you I haven't heard from yet - please open those big hearts and donate SOON.

Yesterday, I received the Fashion Baby made by Wilderness Woman (Joyce) who unfortunately can't attend. She put countless hours of work and energy into this beautiful doll (see pictures on the Ariel 2004 topic). In Joyce's words, to sum it all up...

"I enjoyed every moment of making her. Even when I had to take things apart and re-sew, I kept thinking about little Ariel and how fortunate I was to have two "normal" children who have eyes and can see all of the beautiful things in this world. I see blind people every workday, and I know how difficult life can be for someone who cannot see. The doll was a labor of love... for a very special little girl."

Couldn't have said it any better myself!

Let me hear from YOU at *******************

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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Oak Leaf

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 23 2002

Status: offline


Posted - June 06 2004 :  12:08:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Whoops! You can get my email addy on Gathering info pages!

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Karen W
Colonial Settler

Hair Feathers

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
June 04 2002

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Posted - June 06 2004 :  1:07:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Geez! Wouldn't you know that the doll came after I left and I didn't get to see her. I'm really looking forward to seeing the product of all of your loving efforts, Joyce. I know just from seeing the pic-tures that she has to be wonderful.
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