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Fitzhugh Williams
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Posted - October 17 2008 :  08:53:05 AM  Show Profile
I talked with a couple of the French Broad Rifle members at our local range yesterday. We can forget ever using the FBR range again. It seems that someone from the Gathering told the owner of the property that we had "leased" it from the FBR. The FBR rents the property from the actual owner, and the owner was furious that the FBR would sublet it for a profit. They threatened to throw the FBR off the property. After a couple of meetings they were able to keep the range, but only with an increase in rent. They had planned the build a permanent roof over the shooting line to replace the canvas one, but with the increase in rent and the undesirability of building a permanent structure on property which you may loose, that has been shelved. And since the range is used for large state shoots, the permanent roof was something that would have made a difference, possiblilty financially, to the club. So for 2010 and after, no more FBR.

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - October 17 2008 :  09:55:11 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
WOW... this is news to me. Was the owner of the property even there? I guess i thought the FBR owned it. I am sure it's just a big misunderstanding but I really really hate that we caused the FBR so many problems. Let me assure everyone that we make a small voluntary donation to the FBR, it is not a lease for profit. It is not much more than would cover the gas it took to mow the grass before our event. I really hate that this happened because the FBR has been so good to us over the years.
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Karen W
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Posted - October 17 2008 :  1:38:07 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I'm really sorry to hear this news also. I wasn't able to attend the day at FBR this year, but have been there other years and it was such a great place to be. I'm sure sorry that the Mohican Gathering has caused the FBR problems and hope nothing like this ever happens again.
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King 1

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Posted - October 18 2008 :  10:31:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
That is very bad news ... FBR had turned in to a staple. I am sorry to hear of this!
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King 1

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Posted - August 23 2009 :  10:24:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Another bit of possible bad news - though there is plenty of time for this to be resolved:

I heard from a fellow recently who had purchased my book and embarked On the Trail. He called me to say the the Cliff & Skyline trails at Chimney Rock Park were closed indefinitely as the State Department of Parks were making them safer for users. That, if it were still the case next year, could be a major blow to many.

Like I say, though, there's plenty of time for them to finish the job, I'd think. I do not know what their projected time frame for finishing up is.
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Fitzhugh Williams
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Posted - August 23 2009 :  11:20:53 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Yeah, some kid crawls under the wire and all of a sudden things which were OK for MANY years are suddenly not OK? Of course the parents not watching him had nothing to do with it! Used to be it was a privately owned site. Now the government owns it. That's the difference.

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Posted - August 23 2009 :  1:11:23 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Fitzhugh Williams

Yeah, some kid crawls under the wire and all of a sudden things which were OK for MANY years are suddenly not OK? Of course the parents not watching him had nothing to do with it! Used to be it was a privately owned site. Now the government owns it. That's the difference.

And once again, another good example of people ruining a "good thing" for good folks, who follow the rules. So hence the new rules and regulations!

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indian warrior 2

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Posted - August 30 2009 :  03:09:26 AM  Show Profile  Send Sunshine a Yahoo! Message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Man what a bummer. Many years ago a friend of mine and I did the complete loop. The skyline and cliff travel meant so much to me. I have a fear of heights, and a fear of falling plus at 5' and 250lbs I am was not exactly in shape. The fact that I did the trails felt like such a huge accomplishment. I remember thinking good gravy it's just a bunch of 2 by 4s going up. Than going down it was sheer cliff on one side and ricky chain link fence on the other side. To go through the rock wedge I had to toss my back pack through first and go side ways. At the end of the trail I felt on top of the world. I think my favorite thing was the pond on top. I took off my shoes and waded in with all the other folks. Instead of feeling like a fat middle aged person I felt FREE.

Here's hoping the project is finished before June 2010.
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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - August 30 2009 :  11:34:34 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Thanks for the info about Chimeny Rock Park, Rich. Another endangered Gathering venue seems to be Blue Ridge Motion Pictures Studio, which is currently closed and for sale. Like CRP, there is still time for this to be resolved before the next Gathering, so we'll wait and see. I just can't imagine a Gathering without Chimney Rock!
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King 1

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Posted - September 06 2009 :  09:55:53 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Skyline Trail - at least to Exclamation Point - has been reopened. I read that they project 11 months to finish completely.
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Colonial Settler

last of the mohicans

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Posted - February 14 2010 :  2:07:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit Donna's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I've been reading up on the work being done at Chimney Rock Park.
You can click on these links to see for yourself.
They say they want the public's comments and list an email address so
you can tell them what you think. (see pictures)

It thought it was pretty good as it was. Even though building that
platform right under the rock profile you see so much in the movie
ruins the beauty of it.

Been onboard since 1998.

"Push hard, 'cos you got to clear the French outpost by dawn."
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Colonial Settler

last of the mohicans

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Posted - May 08 2010 :  4:48:10 PM  Show Profile  Visit Donna's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I was just visiting the Chimney Rock webpage. I was wondering
what they have open. They still have our Cliff trail with all the film sites still closed. So sad....
Here's 2 links to their new Trail Maps.

This other link to the trail information.

Been onboard since 1998.

"Push hard, 'cos you got to clear the French outpost by dawn."
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Oak Leaf

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Posted - May 08 2010 :  5:12:49 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hey, Donna!

It will surely be odd not to do those trails this year, won't it??

I checked out the maps. Cool interactive one - I like it!

See ya soon.
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Colonial Settler

last of the mohicans

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Posted - May 09 2010 :  9:06:34 PM  Show Profile  Visit Donna's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi Jayne!
Yes, the Gathering just won't be the same without visiting
the cliff trail. It's always been my favorite location.
I'll like the interactive map when it has all the trails on it.

Well I've made my reservations. I'll be heading to N.C. once again.

Hey would you like to see what my backyard looked like on 4/27
Check out this video.
See ya'll Donna

Been onboard since 1998.

"Push hard, 'cos you got to clear the French outpost by dawn."
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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Oak Leaf

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Posted - May 11 2010 :  10:01:07 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Well, I like snow, but... I'm enjoying our 70+ degrees, thank you.


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Colonial Settler

last of the mohicans

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Posted - June 07 2010 :  11:31:04 PM  Show Profile  Visit Donna's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I wrote to the people in charge at Chimney Rock Park.
Here's the reply I received.
Re: A personal viewpoint on Chimney Rock Park
Friday, June 4, 2010 11:34 AM
From: "Charles Flink" <>Add sender to Contacts To: Donna
Cc:,, "Max Rogers" <>


Many, many thanks for your letter and your input into the Master Plan for Chimney Rock State Park. There are so many folks, throughout North Carolina and across the nation, who have taken the time and the opportunity to provide us with their thoughts and ideas on how to best conserve and protect the unique landscapes of this world-class resource. We have heard from many folks how important the trails network is with respect to the visitor experience. So, again, thank you.

Please keep in touch with the progress of the Master Plan by visiting Greenways Inc. will be working with State Parks to develop a draft master plan for release later this summer. The final master plan is scheduled for completion in the fall of this year.


Chuck Flink, FASLA
Greenways Incorporated

I hope you all write to them and tell them what you think.

The following is the letter I sent.

How I discovered, Chimney Rock Park, N.C.
In 1998 I watched the movie. Last of the Mohicans. I was taken with the beauty of the final cliff scene's. I thought to myself, how I would love to walk those trails and visit the waterfall. When the movie was over, I searched on my computer on one of the actor's name. That's when I found the website Mohican It was amazing. All I wanted to know about the movie, especially where it was filmed. At that time they had decided to do a get together for all the fans to visit the film sites. I quickly signed up.

When I arrived in Asheville I went to the visitors center. I didn't find anything on movies filmed in the area especially CRP and Last of the Mohicans. I thought they were missing a great opportunity to attract more visitors.
I visited Chimney Rock Park for the first time with our group of about 46 people. I was thrilled to hike the cliff trail . Visiting natures water bath where Alice jumped. Seeing the rock profile that was so clear in the movie. Another special spot was the big flat rock where Uncas and Magua fought. Some people were even excited to see the tree that Uncas grabbed on his climb up. Then onto the top of the falls were the final fight scene was filmed. In this year, you could look across the valley and see the area where the Huron Village once stood.
This was such a great time. Eric Hurley who was in the movie, wore his British uniform and carried his gun up the cliff trail. Susan Houck wore a period dress and headwear and recreated Alices suicide jump. (Not completely of course) Other visitors walking the trails were interested in our group.
I have been back to Chimney Rock Park, seven more times since then. The first few times, they still had the props display in the gift shop, which was always great to see. It was disappointing when it had to be returned. We had great get-togethers at the Pavilion with breakfast and our bagged lunches. We even had the CRP staff who were there during filming, give us their personal memories of it. We loved hearing all the stories. They had a sign at the bottom of the elevator, welcoming our Last of the Mohicans fan club. They made us feel very welcome and special.
Over our eight gatherings our group has introduced hundreds of people to CRP including myself.
I have bought many items in the gift shop. T-Shirts and posters, magnets and other items. We have specially made wooden items that were made for us. A wooden box, a compass, and a round mirror, to name a few. I found ice cream in the gift shop that I loved, that I can't find at home. I even took pictures of the inside of the ladies restrooms. The artwork is wonderful, and so unique. I think of the person that did this, and all the work that was involved. I'm going to miss seeing the bathrooms.
I'm driving down to Asheville for the ninth time this June. And, for the first time our group will not be visiting CRP, because of the trail closures. I am extremely disappointed. CRP was always my favorite day during our itinerary. Well hike table rock Mountain, hike the waterfalls at DuPont, and visit the site where the Fort stood at Lake James. We've visted the Biltmore estate numerous times, and we've white water rafted on the Nolichucky River. Weve visited other film sites too, including the former Blue Ridge Studios.
I'll never forget the year at Chimney Rock Park when a local film crew hiked up to interview some of our members. They filmed them at the top of the waterfall. It was shown on the local news.
I remember how disappointed I was when CRP built that big wooden platform right underneath the profile rock seen in the movie. To me, it was like building a gift shop onto the face of Mount Rushmore. It took away the natural beauty. There are plenty of places to see the scenic vistas while you hike up. I didnt think this platform was needed.
I've hiked all the other trails at Chimney Rock Park. But I still find the cliff trail the best one. I still can't believe it's closed. I wish the park could have stayed in the hands of the original owners. Now its obvious it will never be the same.
I live in Vermont. I've hiked many mountains, including our own Mt. Mansfield, and Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. They don't have paved walkways and wooden stairs everywhere. The trails are mostly natural, as they should be. They do maintenance on them every year. But you can't make a trail completely safe. People have to be responsible.
I hope you'll listen to what the locals want for CRP which they grew up visiting. And for us out of Staters to reopen the trails that made Chimney Rock Park a place not to be missed. I do know, if these trails stay closed. I won't come back to CRP again.
Im thankful I got to see it when I did, and Ill cherish the memories.

Heres a link to our website and all our gatherings.

Been onboard since 1998.

"Push hard, 'cos you got to clear the French outpost by dawn."
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Colonial Settler


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Posted - June 08 2010 :  6:09:30 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Donna

It thought it was pretty good as it was. Even though building that platform right under the rock profile you see so much in the movie ruins the beauty of it.

I have to agree, Donna. I see in the pictures that they're busting out the concrete. It makes me nervous to think they're paving over the paths. To me, when parks do that, it takes away from the natural atmosphere of everythingalmost takes you out of the natural wonder of it all--but I'm sure the accessibility will be much improved. My first trip down there was in 1993, the summer after I saw the movie in 1992. It was amazing! Just unbelievably gorgeousI haven't been back since, but I just hope the state doesn't mess with CRP too much.

''Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we cannot eat money.''

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Bumppos Tavern Patron


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Posted - June 09 2010 :  3:53:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit caitlin's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
You go, Donna! Excellent letter!

We had a family reunion come up that influenced our decision not to attend this year (lotta family getting up in the years), but must admit we would have missed visiting CRP. Loved doing the "run" that one year down the path. Don't know why they mess with a good thing.

We'll miss you guys.... *sigh*

Jack McCall: "Should we shake hands or something, relieve the atmosphere. I mean how stupid do you think I am?"
Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."

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Colonial Settler

last of the mohicans

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Posted - June 09 2010 :  7:49:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit Donna's Homepage  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi Caitlin,
Thank you. Yes, we sure had some good times on that trail.
It's a real shame it's closed.
I'm going to miss seeing you and Jeff too. I would have liked to
have met your girls and seen them get a kick out of the waterfalls
and trails.
I hope your reunion is well attended and fun.


Been onboard since 1998.

"Push hard, 'cos you got to clear the French outpost by dawn."
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