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The Huggy Merchant

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Posted - September 09 2002 :  01:11:50 AM  Show Profile  Send Adele a Yahoo! Message
There may be a few people who wish to post thoughts for the anniversary for 9/11....if so, could you please add them to this post, rather than making a new topic for each one.


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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - September 09 2002 :  11:24:26 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Well as a Human I was praying crying and screaming! i was a Mess! I was Over The Top w/Worry ,Stress and my blood pressure was high...and was Horriffied and Cried n cried all day that DAY and a week or so afterward.I DID NOT TRAVEL on a Bus a Train or in a car and venture Outside @ all. NO NO NO.. I did not leave the Apt for 5 days!! and I was Down @ the summer place when this happenned. Drew , my buddy n roomie and. PAL...............................He was 4 blocks away covered in white Asbestos and had to walk /Run home from his wall street offices and I could NOT call into nyc for 4 days. I was Harried and a Mess in NOT Knowing if Drew or mY CATS and friends were OK?? NOT GOOD!

AS for all this 9/11 rememberences??......NOT GOOD! Already this city is very quiet and worried and gettin crowded w/ unwanted people that are here to Mourn?? I say celebrate in the HEART n MIND and @ Church.. NOT @ GROUND ZERO! NO..and in 100 yrs it will be a typical Memmorial like day outing and celebration and it will LOSE IT'S REAL Meaning! I still see n hear people screaming and jumpin outa there office Bldgs....STILL....................................... and those are the hard working folk that got up that fateful morning and shaved and showered while I slept @ home.I feel Guilty...................Drew and I and most pals here in nyc DO NOT want this tribute on 9/11 just happenned and who needs to be reminded of a tragic mess that we just remembered the other day........all of us............we do not need this. Security is not a 100% gaurentee........BUT its not in my hands............................Peace ,Still Antho

Edited by - Anthony on September 10 2002 10:29:35 AM
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King 1

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Posted - September 09 2002 :  1:40:27 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Completely disagree with you, Anth, but then that's not unusual, is it? Remembering is necessary ... forgetting allows it all to happen again. I want to remember. I want to feel it. If everyone does, there's no way our guard is down again. No way we'll ever again respond to terrorism with a single cruise missile ...

Anyway ...

I could write thoughts for days on this topic, but I'll limit myself.

I'll always remember the feeling of complete helplessness as I watched the second tower fall, knowing [or so I thought at the time] that a beloved brother-in-law was in there. I cannot describe the feeling adequately.

Forevermore, when I see the woman who first broke the news to me on that horrible morning, I can feel it all over again.

I remember, very well, the overwhelming feeling of relief & gratitude ... the pride in my Country ... that overcame me the day we began our retaliatory bombing. The tears just burst forth.

I remember the eerie silence in the skies. It was the weirdest thing - for a boy who grew up in the landing pattern path of JFK Airport - to know there was not a plane in the sky. Save fighter jets ...

The chill. I'll never forget the chill. NYC ... under attack. Our Capitol ... under attack. What would be next ... the realization that this was no accident was ... well .. it was chilling!

Walking out in the PO parking lot, for months afterward, to head for home, and hearing the nearby church bells tolling, "God Bless America."

I will never again look at my American flag and not feel the love for my country ... and countrymen.

And the faces ... the taped last messages left on answering machines ... the heroism ... the smoke & dust ... the pure anger I felt [and still feel], that swelled up within me, for the first time in my life, that resulted in feeling that I wished I could join the military and fight for this cause ... the flowers ... the song ... that a plane in the sky now causes me to pause ... Osama's tapes ... the rejoicing over thousands of dead Americans ... A dead classmate, a scarred for life brother-in-law, a cousin narrowly missing being in there and capturing it all on film ... I watched those buildings go up. Who would've thought I'd watch them come down?

This is not simply tragic ... it is not a natural disaster ...

This war must continue, and I will support my President, at least until this long mission is completed. And as I watch the memorials & feel it all over again, I will be reassured by the faith that it indeed, one day, will be ...

That's it. I could go on endlessly.

Good idea, Huggy!
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Posted - September 09 2002 :  2:39:57 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Can't really believe that the one year anniversary will be in just two days. Will have a moment of silence and also might walk by Ground Zero on my commute to or from work.

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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


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Posted - September 09 2002 :  6:23:17 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I agree, Rich. This was not simply tragic and not a natural disaster. This was planned, calculated, cold-blooded murder. And we must NEVER forget that. As many of you know, we lost Claude's mother in a tornado in 1998 and each year on the anniversary of that natural diaster, which the media always shows pictures of the results, we relive it all and it hurts. So, in a sense, we know a little of what these family members and friends of lost ones are experiencing. And even though losing her was a disaster, it was one of nature....unlike this. So, I will remember. And I'm afraid we are now receiving a warning of what may be on the horizon for our country....our world. God bless America, God bless our Armed Forces, and God bless our allies.

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Posted - September 09 2002 :  9:31:35 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
On September 11, 2001, I remember feeling total and utter disbelief. I work at a Central Bank here in Ottawa and that day everyone just simply stopped working, set-up all available televisions, and just watched and prayed. I don't recall that ever happening before. Even though we are so far away from New York, everyone here was in total shock.

Already this city is very quiet and worried and gettin crowded w/ unwanted people that are here to Mourn??

Anth, I've heard people say that they feel compelled to go to New York, see the site and mourn ... I would certainly go if I could, and I would bring my children so that they would remember too.

God Bless America, friend and neighbor!


Edited by - Brenda on September 09 2002 9:32:49 PM

Edited by - Brenda on September 09 2002 9:34:00 PM
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offer of peace

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Posted - September 09 2002 :  10:48:12 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Good post Rich.I often think about when we used to respond to an emergency call and never thought twice about it.We never gave it a thought that one of us had a good chance of being carried off to the emergency room after the incident or worse. We all looked out for one another and had each others back.That's why I identify with the FDNY boys that heard the call and went in.They did not hesitate-They went.Just like us many years ago which I still dream about.The bells and the buzzers.Running all over the place trying to help a fellow staff from being a statistic.I think about how we all used to hang out in the station looking out the plexiglass windows waiting for the next incident to jump off.We all had that certain bonding and looking out for one another.When ever I see replays on TV of those guys going in,I cry.I cry for all the heroes that never made it out.I know how they felt.You just want to help.I will continue to always remember to my dying day.They watched out for one another just like us and if you or I were there as FDNY instead of SCTA's,we would of went in without question just like we use to do in secure service. I'm not trying to be machco here,I just feel their pain and wish I could of helped those heroes some how.I'm just rambling on.......I was glad to see you on duty because I knew you would be there.And from your post,I have no doubt you would have been the first to right behind.

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King 1

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Posted - September 10 2002 :  05:49:11 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I know the feeling, Jim. It's a helpless feeling, it really is. Just wanted you to know that your post meant more to me than you can imagine! Thank you. And, the feeling's mutual!

Vincent wrote:
Can't really believe that the one year anniversary will be in just two days. Will have a moment of silence and also might walk by Ground Zero on my commute to or from work.

It's so true ... it was yesterday, was it not?
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The Huggy Merchant

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May 17 2002

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Posted - September 10 2002 :  06:13:18 AM  Show Profile  Send Adele a Yahoo! Message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I remember that day so it was yesterday....

I was getting ready for Connor's weekly therapists meeting and I had the tv on when a newsflash came on saying that a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers. I turned on Sky News and then switched to CNN and remained glued to the television set, to see, shortly after 2pm here, the second plane hit the South Tower. Shortly after, the first of Connor's therapists arrived, and joined me watching the pictures. We sat and debated what had happened, and I remember arguing over the size of the planes...I remember thinking "they cant be commercial passenger planes, they have to be privately hired Lear jets or something". As, Connor's therapists kept arriving they joined us in front of the news, and we watched. I think the worst moment for all of us, was seeing the people hanging out windows and then those poor, desperate people tumbling out of the buildings. It was just too much. At about 3pm, half an hour late, we had to switch off the tv and start Connor's meeting (all of us wondering what was going on in NY). At 4.30, the meeting finished, and I turned the tv back on, to see that the towers were no longer standing. The tv stayed on CNN for the next couple of days....

This was not just an American tragedy....people of over 100 different nationalities were killed that me, this will never be about patriotism, or flags, or anthems. It will just be a constant reminder of what mankind is capable its very worst, and its very best.


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Gadget Girl
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Posted - September 10 2002 :  08:54:51 AM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
This was not just an American tragedy....people of over 100 different nationalities were killed that me, this will never be about patriotism, or flags, or anthems. It will just be a constant reminder of what mankind is capable its very worst, and its very best.

You are so right Adele! Although I have had a renewed sense of patriotism. My Medical Director, who is from Afghanistan and one of the kindest souls on this earth, came rushing in the department office just minutes after the first plane hit to tell us all. We scampered to the department TV and were all glued there until well after the second plane hit. He said immediately it was the work of Osama (he has been lobbying Washington for years trying to get the government to help do something about the plight of women in Afghanistan and the terrorist factories there and the 9000 Madrasas - Islamic fundamentalist schools- in Pakistan that were feeding into these camps and into the Taliban) - he knew the second it happened - had known for years what this man was capable of - I still wonder why we didn't know more knowing there were warnings out there.
Later, I had to go see my patients in the clinic and heard of the first tower collapsing and was so dazed for a in the world could that happen, it just didn't seem possible!!!

I will also never forget the sight of the billowing smoke on Manhatten I saw from miles away on the New jersey Turnpike on my drive to Boston five days later (had a meeting there, could get a plane in but no guarantee of when I could get out, so I drove by myself all the way, all night). Smelling the smoke the minute I hit the DC city limits (there was more than the smell of smoke in that scent - an odor of evil comes to mind). My experience of visiting the Freedom Trail in Boston the next day will be with me forever, just seeing how people had changed in the six short days after that tragedy, seeing the graves of others that had gone before us that had helped shape this country that was now being attacked. I will never forget...the smell, the smoke, the tears...the fear of going to sleep and not watching TV for 24 hours a day, ...the guilt I felt for not having enough tears to cry to all those fallen, ...a new picture added to my mind when I hear the word "hero", ...a new reverence for the phrase "Let's Roll!"

Nope, I'll never forget!


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Posted - September 10 2002 :  10:36:38 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
well........ OK RICH........ BUT, we here @ home and most NYC folk agree who were asked and polled , they agree w/ Drew n I......i agree with yr post Most Not all of it...but ..who 'NEEDS' to be reminded this THIS sonn??........all the people in this Bldg and all the people drew work with agree w/ me/us.. Two..They polled Ny'rs and 81& said NO NO NO! NOT NOW, NOT HERE ,NOT this soon! I Pray for THE FAMILIES of Lost loved ones STILL MOURNING!.. i PITY the SAD REMIDERS all Over the palce for them too........i speak for most ny'rs.. RICH,...Your 'NOT' here and you cannot imagine the mess it looks like now in nyc with tons of security and so on. Its security threats happennin all over agian.hy not have this service in a Mass in church??or in our Hearts @ HOME??

NOOONE was more upset than I. I had to calm down and for days i was told i was too too emotional and not normal to grieve so very much...Now i want to put it all behind us and remember in OTHER ways..................a caring Anth

I Can Only be as Nice as I am :) and not :(Worse!

Edited by - Anthony on September 10 2002 1:52:30 PM
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - September 10 2002 :  10:41:10 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
and jim Good NY FD post on behalf of our Fire Dept here in Manhattan and all others elsewhere.Im still searching for my pal Larry Vogt ..a firefighter who LIOves in our Bldg and my ole Franklin Sq next door pal Don Caleri?? where r they? i hurt this day.. both were fighters for over 16 yrs in nyc...i miss him Larry an ole 'affair o mine' and cant locate him................he was a Gem of a human spirit

I Can Only be as Nice as I am and not Worse!
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Posted - September 10 2002 :  11:24:29 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
AND ALSO RICH and all Otheres :.................

They Just did **Breaking News** @ 10 a.m on all local channels and on CNN go look! Re: More THREATS in NyC this week ''BECOUSE'' of ther 9/11 MeM. service and are WARNING all ny'ers to be on gaurd...who the 'HELL' wants this all over again?? Our phones have been ringin OFF THE HOOK to Be careful and stay home & WHY??.NO NO NO............and Drew and his office are not going in ....too afraid ...and rich you say you disagree?? un GEE pal..YOUR ''NOT HERE'' IN NY & THREATENED ALL OVER AGAIN!! Yr Safe in yr arae and we are not?? they say? so NO noone wants this 9/11 stuff tom/w.. execpt for tourists!& people who Have NO IDEA WHAT WE ALL WENT TRU AND ARE GOING THRU ALL THIS WEEK!.........anth

I Can Only be as Nice as I am and not Worse!
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offer of peace

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Posted - September 10 2002 :  1:08:16 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Even though there were numerous nationalities killed that day,this still was a direct attack on our beloved country.I have a renewed sense of patriotism and sing anthems every chance I get.Tomorrow I will get my fill.If I were any younger and this broken down body of mine would allow it,I would be over there with the boys shoulder to shoulder fighting.I don't agree with everything this country does at times,but when you get suckered,you fight.I would gladly die for our freedom.No questions asked.And remember the countless other guys who made the ultimate sacrifice.This is going to be a long war and we are all soldiers here at home too for homeland security.The enemy is all around us.Keep vigilant.

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Posted - September 10 2002 :  1:53:50 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
JIM ....YOUR A BETTER MAN THAN I............Peace Bro..... Anth

I Can Only be as Nice as I am and not Worse!
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offer of peace

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Posted - September 10 2002 :  4:30:24 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
No I'm not- Your right down there in the zone!You can form your own homeland security team! Captain Anth and the Rangers!

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offer of peace

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Posted - September 11 2002 :  09:42:35 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

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Posted - September 11 2002 :  11:45:36 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
thanx ....Jim .i DID make Meatballs 'Italain' style and brought them to the men @ ground Zero last yr.... i made tons n tons of Italian stuffed meatballs for weeks and fed our BRAVEST for weeks @ a time.....................................anth

I Can Only be as Nice as I am and not Worse!
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Posted - September 11 2002 :  11:48:36 AM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
and *GOD BLESS THIS GOOD EARTH* as well as ~~America, THE BRAVE~~ anth

I Can Only be as Nice as I am and not Worse!
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Sjt. Malcolm MacWilliam

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September 11 2002

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Posted - September 11 2002 :  12:41:43 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
We WILL remember with strength and vigilance, ever watchful to protect our government, our way of life, and our citizens. Sjt. MacWm.

"Let us therefore encourage each other, and show the whole world that an American, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any mercenary on earth." George Washington, 1776

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Gathering Sachemess

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Posted - September 11 2002 :  1:28:23 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Well I have to agree with Anthony here. I am not against a quiet, tasteful, personal remembrance, but this media blitz of wallowing in this tragedy can only serve to open fresh wounds. No I don't think we can know what it was like to be in NYC that day, or today. But I think the respectful thing to do would be to go about our lives and do our jobs. If we grind to a halt as a nation then we have let them win. Yes, remember and pay respects, but anyone who has turned on a tv or radio today knows that the media is just taking advantage of this and it is almost sickening.

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offer of peace

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Posted - September 11 2002 :  3:24:29 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
GOOD MAN ANTH! Feeding all those heroes! Your my hero too! God Bless you for what you did.

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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


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Posted - September 11 2002 :  5:53:55 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
On the one-year anniversary of the 1998 tornado, there was a big remembrance ceremony at one of the places that was hardest hit. It was hard...the media was there as well. BUT, looking back, it was part of the healing process. That date, like this one, will come again, year in and year out. And when that date rolls around, the wounds are opened again. We will always be reminded through the media, perhaps not to this magnitude, but we will be reminded.

This has been a hard day. As I prepared for work, I was catching bits and pieces of the early morning broadcasts and had to reapply my make-up before going to work. Finally, got myself together (I thought) went out the door to be greeted by the carillion bells of my church chiming at the precise time "Amazing Grace". More tears. Pulled myself together (I thought), got to school and witnessed two little sixth grade boys raising the half staff. More tears. At 8:30 we had a brief memorial service in the auditorium set to music and photos and flags being carried by students and parents who had only last week said good-bye to loved ones on their way to "who knows where". Yes, it is so very painful. But we must not ever forget this. If we do, we become complacent and therefore vulnerable and then....So, if today's media coverage is a bit much and not the way you wish to remember, turn it off. I have had to do that many times already but that doesn't mean that I don't grieve and that my heart is not breaking.

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Karen W
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Posted - September 11 2002 :  7:10:25 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
One year ago today I was in Chicago with a dear friend helping to take care of her 4 year old grandson. We were busy following his rather rigid schedule and were unaware of anything wrong until after noon when someone who was supposed to come to work with Ethan called to say she would not be coming. I knew something was very wrong by Mary's reaction on the phone and when she hung up all she could say was turn on the TV. We were in shock, to say the least. Of course our first reaction was to want to go home immediately. Chicago was shut down and we couldn't have made very good progress even if we could have left, I'm sure. We had to wait until the next day for Ethan's other Grandma to come to stay with him anyway. What I remember most about the drive back to Indiana was seeing no planes in the sky. No planes around Chicago and Indianapolis~so strange. On September 13 my husband, his sister and I went ahead and left for a long planned trip to Ocracoke Island, NC. We debated about it a lot, but, after all, the President said we should go on with our lives. Again there were no planes. But so many flags!! Flags everywhere~it was a stirring sight. Even on the beach the flags were flying proudly from the pickups and 4 wheel drives. Now a year later I sit here on this hill we have called home since June 26th. We have no cable TV and as yet have no satellite dish. In some ways I have found this to be a blessing! I have, however, read lots of articles in the papers today. I think what really has affected me the most was the Columbus paper printing the names of all those lost on that horrible day. They are in small print and run across 4 sections of the newspaper~4 sections! It made me realize when I looked at all those names just how many people were lost. And the loss of everyone of those people affects how many others? We have to remember this day, there is no doubt about that. We all just have to do it in our own way. I'm proud to be an American. God Bless America!!

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Posted - September 11 2002 :  11:19:19 PM  Show Profile  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
To me the victims of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon finally awakened this great nation to the horror of hatred and homeland terrorism. While I was surfing the web the other day I came across a website that showed a picture of a cross created by the tower collapse. In this case I don’t think of this cross as a Christian symbol but as a sign of sacrifice. Although the victims didn’t die by choice, their deaths gave the survivors and America a sense of patriotism and certainly heightened national security.

There was a wonderful quote on the radio today, “Looking back as we move forward.” In remembrance of all those who died a year ago today, I went to church to pray and reflect. But as every program and news website is taking a poll on making Sept. 11 a national holiday, I’d rather see it as a national day of mourning and prayer to remember all victims of terrorism. Within the last 20 years many have died because of terrorism. How do the families feel who lost loved ones in the Lockerbie Scotland plane crash, Oklahoma City bombing, and the Lebannon Marine compound bombing? I don’t think anyone believes those lives are worth any less than the Sept. 11 victims but certainly they’re overshadowed by 9/11. Think about Memorial Day. Most people see it as the beginning of summer, but “Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.” ( Yes, I know there are parades and people hang flags at home, but do you know anyone who visits a cemetery to place flowers on a soldier’s grave? I’d hate to think if 9/11 became a national holiday that in 20, 50 or 100 years Americans saw it as a day off and great store sales.

To close, I wish much peace to the survivors and victims families who relive the terror because of the media and pray their pain will ease with time.


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King 1

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Posted - September 12 2002 :  06:18:41 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

"Let us therefore encourage each other, and show the whole world that an American, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any mercenary on earth." George Washington, 1776

Gotta love our Georgie!!!! The Father of this Country with Words for the Ages!!!

I only watched the Fox News Channel, so I cannot comment on any of the other media coverage, but, their's, like the event & aftermath itself was gut-wrenching & heartbreaking. It was filled with mourning, praise, determination, Patriotism, strength of character, resourcefulness. It made me cry; it also made me laugh. Despite all the terror, horror, catastrophic mêlée ... I found it all, in the end, rather uplifting!

As was the case on that date last year, I found myself working at the Post Office window yesterday morning. At 8:46 AM, I excused myself, went in to the darkened supply closet, and had my own personal & private moment of silence.

It was necessary, but overall, I "enjoyed" "sharing" the reflections with the participants in these poignant events and the millions of others who looked on. Fox News coverage was done tastefully, informatively, in a dignified manner ... with much grim determination for the future and much respect for the fallen ...
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