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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 07:17:26 AM
There may or may not be a Weekly Update this week, as I've got a little shindig to attend later that may turn into an all-nighter, so let me address this right now.
You will notice that all posts ever made by Anthony, prior to late last night, have vanished. If he started the thread, then the entire thread is gone. That is a pretty drastic step. One which I have never had to take before in the 8 years of the Board's existence.
I have not yet taken the step of blocking him from the premises. One last chance.
It may have seemed like a no-brainer to many of you - and, in fact, it was - but it was a hard decision nonetheless. As many of you know, Anthony [simply "Tony" back then] and I knew each other back in the 70s. I did not know he was gay in those days. I'm not sure he even was. In any event, he was always polite & a gentlemen. Not at all, on the outside, what we see today.
My problem with this whole thing is that I did not really read his posts most of the time. To me, they made little sense & took too much effort to try to figure out. So, I skimmed them or didn't read them at all. Thanks to many, many of you, it was brought to my attention - thankfully, Lainey took the bull by the horns, earlier - the true nature of the posts ... degrading, insulting, lewd, entering the realm of pornography.
It was an easy decision at that point. Bad as I felt - I don't relish hurting anyone - they simply had to go. All I had to do was to imagine a poster - any poster - saying similar things to the female members of this Board. They'd be gone, without hesitation. Not for a moment would we allow that. Why should this be any different? It's not.
What needs to be remembered at all times is the origin, and nature, of this forum. The Last of the Mohicans.
Everything else - outside of the Six Degrees - is here for the benefit of those originally attracted by the main theme to expand their horizons & have room for endless discussion. As you know, these forums are regularly indexed by the major search engines. We have had enough problems with pornography over the years without bringing it upon ourselves. Not to mention the fact that some young people are regular visitors to this site. Come here for French & Indian War info and be exposed to that? I think not!
Quite simply, Anthony's behavior here has been wrong & very inappropriate. I'm not sure there is a place for it, but certainly, that place is not here.
Overwhelmingly, I believe, this decision will be supported. There may be a few who feel I am being unduly harsh. My only alternative was to go back & edit his posts on an individual basis. Quite frankly, I don't have time for that. It was much easier, quicker, and more effective to simply delete them all - even though that's not exactly what I wanted to do.
Moderators, he is free to post here, but if the posts continue in their past vein, and if they're in your forum, edit or delete as you deem proper.
Anthony - I am quite sorry. You've been warned, in the past, over & over. I have no idea why you feel it so very important to constantly - regardless of the topic at hand - flaunt your sexuality, but it can no longer be flaunted here. The sad thing is, the issue could have been maturely discussed - your opinions expressed - without degrading yourself. In the end, that's what you have done. You've done your "cause" not one iota of good.
As someone said - if this is allowed, how do we justify any moderation here at all?
I had no answer.
Rich Mohican Press
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 23 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 07:58:15 AM
quote: The Sachem says: Overwhelmingly, I believe, this decision will be supported. There may be a few who feel I am being unduly harsh.
No Sachem, I do not believe you were harsh at all. On the contrary, I think that you gave him too much 'rope'. When Anthony continued with the borish descriptions of his sex life, I was infuriated that none of the moderators stepped up. I may be way off base, but they seemed eager to silence those who were criticizing a crooked public employee, but they did nothing during Anthony's vulgar tirades (In a forum that both the fair sex and the under-18 crowd frequent). I only posted my 'smack-down' to Anthony, when the moderators appeared to be on an extra long coffee break, and only when he attacked me directly.
Okay, enough of my 'spouting-off'. Overall, I support your decision, and I feel that you have given him every chance in the world to behave in a more civilized fashion.
Good job, Sachem, you know the Old Sarge will back you up...
Your Most Humble Servant,
Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy. 42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote (The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)
"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit" -Or- "Recruit locally, fight globally." |
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 08:17:34 AM
Thank You! |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 08:22:27 AM
Actually, Sarge, some of the moderators did "prod" me into action!!! |
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 23 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 08:47:30 AM
Fair enough, Sachem, I stand corrected. Sorry for the outburst.
Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy. 42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote (The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)
"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit" -Or- "Recruit locally, fight globally." |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 08:56:58 AM
Moderators are give certain and particular topics/forums to moderate. All moderators do not have the ability to delete at will.
Thank you, Rich and others. You gave Anthony plenty of space and time to tone things down. |
Theresa |
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 09:07:17 AM
Theresa is right, and those of us who are not assigned to a particular Forum where we can act directly can always PM the Moderator for that Forum and give a "heads-up", since we all have other lives and may not be aware of a problem until it is well underway. We all appreciate the assistance. While we may differ greatly at times and may give an impression of division, we are a community, and we all look out for the others. After all, is that not what a community does? |
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting '...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'
~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle
 ~~Aim small, hit the b*****d right between the eyes!~~ |
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Wilderness Woman
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 10:25:46 AM
As a moderator, I would like to offer my apologies to the Mohicanland community. Although I am not a moderator in the particular forums Anthony was posting in, I waited entirely too long to register my extreme displeasure with other moderators or the administration. For that I am very sorry.
In my defense, I think that I was so stunned... and there were some who appeared to feel that his posts were OK... my "newness" as a moderator... I simply did not know what I should do. Finally, I came to my senses.
Rich, you have absolutely done the right thing. Thank you to both you and Lainey for your wisdom and your courage. And now...
"It Is Finished."
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 08 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 12:30:15 PM
Good move Rich and Lainey. You both employed the best treatment for nausea. |
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Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: August 28 2003
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 7:34:29 PM
Whew! I am so glad to know that what was said is NOT acceptable to most of the folks here. I was reading the posts, and noted that the sexual remarks and bad language were not initially deleted, and I began to wonder if this site was the right place for me. My hat is off to the moderators and administrators here for making the hard (no pun intended) but right decision.
Many message boards have rules posted so that there can be no misunderstanding about what is Ok and what is not. Nobody likes having to make and enforce rules, but if the rules are stated in advance then perhaps it will help keep those who like to "push the envelope" so to speak from feeling picked on.
Of course no matter what an administrator does, someone, somewhere won't like it and will cause trouble or quit. Ain't life grand?? 
Love to all, Carter
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 13 2002
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Posted - March 20 2004 : 8:43:17 PM
Rich, You did the only thing that you could do. Even though Anthony is a friend of yours, some posts just aren't acceptable. I am sure that Anthony is a nice person, but he just tried to push it too far. Rich, you are extremely fair and I don't think that anybody on this board could ever complain about the decision that you had to make. You know that I think the world of you!!! 
Kay |
~ An Infinite Zephyr~ Some things never end As long as goodness exists Winds shall always soothe
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: March 13 2004
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