T O P I C R E V I E W |
Irishgirl |
Posted - July 08 2007 : 5:25:51 PM We all know that Uncas is probably the ladies favorite character in the movie (well most of us that is). Just wondering who the guys favorite character in the movie is. This one is for all you men out there in Mohicanland. Who is your favorite character and why? |
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Light of the Moon |
Posted - August 04 2007 : 7:15:37 PM Bang ! You're dead, Obi! |
Obediah |
Posted - August 02 2007 : 10:50:54 PM quote: Originally posted by Lapus
**US Apache Longbow Helicopter Pilots advice to the enemy**
"Don't run, you'll only die tired!" 
Later days, Lapus
Snipers ... one shot, one kill... |
Dark Woods |
Posted - August 02 2007 : 2:21:30 PM quote: Originally posted by Irishgirl
Hawkeye and his big gun you'd think that would impress us ladies not get you guys excited
Best get out of them thar woods Ky 
This backwoodsman has what appears to me to be a standard rifle. http://www.wpclipart.com/US_History/Too_Near_the_Warpath.png I think his lady would feel more secure if he had the greater accuracy of the long rifle. |
RedFraggle |
Posted - August 02 2007 : 1:19:46 PM quote: Originally posted by blackfootblood
Boys and toys don't mix...........
Wait . . . I thought they were the same thing. Silly me!  |
Dark Woods |
Posted - August 02 2007 : 1:10:14 PM quote: Originally posted by Light of the Moon
Oh sure. A vain woman bent on having gorgeous hair and catering to men morning, noon, and night. Uh-huh.
It looks likely that she will pay a high price for catering to the men in the fort by bringing in water for their morning coffee. http://www.flickr.com/photos/garris/104396682/ It could be considered poetic justice that her "gorgeous hair" is likely to hang on a warrior's coup stick. |
Lapus |
Posted - August 02 2007 : 12:38:22 PM **US Apache Longbow Helicopter Pilots advice to the enemy**
"Don't run, you'll only die tired!" 
Later days, Lapus |
Obediah |
Posted - August 01 2007 : 11:24:17 PM SNIPERS' MOTTO: "You can run, but you'll just die tired." |
Light of the Moon |
Posted - August 01 2007 : 11:12:50 PM Warning: DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK FOR A SECOND!
That's what needs to be tattoo'ed on your forehead, Brownie! |
Brownie |
Posted - August 01 2007 : 3:19:56 PM Oops , sorry Light! Got you with my gun! Now Uncas is all mine ! |
Obediah |
Posted - July 28 2007 : 2:15:59 PM I was thinking more along the lines of Shooter. |
Light of the Moon |
Posted - July 28 2007 : 1:29:43 PM Probably. But I was envisioning tete-a-tete battle not a fighter jet looming overhead. Oh well. I've been playing too much Halo, I think! |
Obediah |
Posted - July 27 2007 : 12:07:04 PM If your cover was blown, you'd be getting shot at by something with a much longer range than a grenade! |
Light of the Moon |
Posted - July 26 2007 : 10:06:48 PM quote: Originally posted by Obediah
Just what would a sniper need with grenades?
They are something to throw when your cover's been blown and you're out of ammo, you silly!
That or your just itchin' for a good knock down drag out fight so screw the secrecy! |
Obediah |
Posted - July 26 2007 : 4:56:48 PM quote: Originally posted by Light of the Moon
Yeah. Girls have better aim and more patience. An Army Officer told me that once when he was trying to recruit me off the streets in SC. That was, of course, after I told him the only thing I'd be interested in is carrying a sniper rifle and a handful of grenades!
Just what would a sniper need with grenades?
And Fitz, does that mean that in the 1970's all brides wore almond colored dresses?  |
Fitzhugh Williams |
Posted - July 26 2007 : 4:21:26 PM Son to father, "Why do brides wear white?"
Father to son, "Because all appliances come in white." |
Obediah |
Posted - July 26 2007 : 12:07:18 PM Oh yeah ... a REAL woman!  |
Light of the Moon |
Posted - July 26 2007 : 11:34:07 AM Oh sure. A vain woman bent on having gorgeous hair and catering to men morning, noon, and night. Uh-huh. |
Dark Woods |
Posted - July 19 2007 : 11:14:20 PM quote: Originally posted by Obediah
I've always been told that there are only two kinds of women: those who are blonde and those who want to be...
Here is an artistic tribute that I made to the blonde frontier woman. The woman that Alexandra Cameron was, and who Alice might have become. http://www.flickr.com/photos/36066289@N00/743628154/ |
Light of the Moon |
Posted - July 19 2007 : 12:40:18 PM Yeah. Girls have better aim and more patience. An Army Officer told me that once when he was trying to recruit me off the streets in SC. That was, of course, after I told him the only thing I'd be interested in is carrying a sniper rifle and a handful of grenades! |
blackfootblood |
Posted - July 19 2007 : 11:59:01 AM Boys and toys don't mix........... |
Fitzhugh Williams |
Posted - July 19 2007 : 09:40:18 AM I wonder what Freud would have to say about that?
"Sometimes a flintlock is just a flintlock." |
Irishgirl |
Posted - July 19 2007 : 08:43:52 AM Hawkeye and his big gun you'd think that would impress us ladies not get you guys excited
Best get out of them thar woods Ky  |
Kyfrontiersman |
Posted - July 18 2007 : 9:27:52 PM Ha, reckon like that sounded as if I've been in the woods just a mite too long?  |
RedFraggle |
Posted - July 18 2007 : 5:40:14 PM quote: Originally posted by Kyfrontiersman
But nobody mentioned the rifle gun that Hawkeye carried? Guess that's the difference 'tween boys and girls?
Well, I guess that's one way of putting it! 
Kyfrontiersman |
Posted - July 18 2007 : 1:27:40 PM But nobody mentioned the rifle gun that Hawkeye carried? Guess that's the difference 'tween boys and girls?  |