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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gadget Girl Posted - June 11 2002 : 8:39:21 PM
Hey Rich,

Is it as hot up your way as it is down here? 98 tomorrow? Did I sleep right through June and July and promptly wake up in the middle of August? My flowers are chokin' in the dust, my 'maters are wiltin' despite twice daily watering, my peppers are a shrivelin'!!!!

Have you happened to be privy to an extended forecast for next week? Please tell me cooler days are ahead for our proverbial two mile hikes! Thank Goodness for keep cool gadgets or I'd be in a panic fer sure!

Well...out back again to practice my hawk throwing. I've gotten pretty good at not going through the slats of my neighbors fence

Ros, oh Rahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ahz, come here now and hold this little tiny log whilst I make improvements to my wrist snap during my whizzin' HAWK HURL!!!!!!!! There's brandy to won WOMAN!

Just nine days and a bit!!!!!!
Gadget Girl

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jayne Posted - June 13 2002 : 10:10:49 AM
Ok, Rich. But with that forecast, I know I won't be turning my back on YOU! Any evidence of buckets, hoses, waterguns, etc and you're in TROUBLE! Chris...don't I recall YOU being a contestant in that contest? Beware - THICK tshirts may be in order, especially on the Nolichucky!


richfed Posted - June 13 2002 : 06:12:06 AM
Yeah, me thinks Ariel's forecast is much better, too!

One week to go, and here's the forecast [Marion being about central to all the sites]:

15-Day Forecast for


Thursday 6/20
Partly sunny.
High 79 / RF 77. Low 56 / RF 64. Max. UV 7.


Friday 6/21
Warm with a good deal of sunshine.
High 84 / RF 82. Low 57 / RF 64. Max. UV 7.


Saturday 6/22
Partly sunny and warm.
High 84 / RF 82. Low 60 / RF 66. Max. UV 7.


Sunday 6/23
Warm with intervals of clouds and sunshine.
High 86 / RF 85. Low 62 / RF 70. Max. UV 6.

Sounds just fine, at this point! And the forecasted rain earlier in the week just might help out the Nolichucky a bit!

PS to Jayne ... We'll find a way to douse you yet ... the wet t-shirt thing, you know!
asegal Posted - June 12 2002 : 5:43:18 PM
OK...checked Accuweather and Weather Channel for Chimney Rock itself
(didn't know they got that specific).

Accuweather--rain Mon/Tues, partly cloudy to mostly sunny, high 70's for the Gathering (YAY!)

Weather Channel--Gathering: low 80's; Thursday: Isolated thunderstorms
Friday: PM Thunderstorms (doesn't go any further) (BOO!)

Well, now you know how absolutely consistent and accurate weathermen are!!

Here's hoping, Ariel

Jayne Posted - June 12 2002 : 4:32:52 PM
Sorry, Rich. I'm gonna go with Ariel's forcast news! Sounds good, Ariel!


asegal Posted - June 12 2002 : 4:25:39 PM
Hey all, good news? I checked Accuweather again, and the big downpour will be THIS weekend (in Asheville, at least. Is the weather THAT different in Chimney Rock?) Accuweather predicts sun and 70s temperatures for Asheville during the Gathering.'s hoping!

Ariel Segal

richfed Posted - June 12 2002 : 07:46:27 AM

Have you happened to be privy to an extended forecast for next week? Please tell me cooler days are ahead for our proverbial two mile hikes! Thank Goodness for keep cool gadgets or I'd be in a panic fer sure!

It's been HOT, let me tell you ... but not too bad as the humidity hasn't been way up there. Looks like it might cool down over this weekend ...

Regarding long term forecast ... I was holding off looking - for FEAR - but did, at your request. It depends on who you want to believe. The Weather Channel has a typical summer forecast: hot, humid, thunder storms. AccuWeather has a near washout! Of course, these things change considerably over time, so I won't panic ... yet.

Bring yer rain gear, is all I can say!

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