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 Mohican Games prizes announced!

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Angel [@)-] Angry [:(!] Applause [h-h] Approve [^]
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nerd :B paying homage [bow()] Pink Ribbon [&!] Question [?]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lady Ann Posted - June 11 2002 : 09:44:36 AM
After searching the territories for many moons and vigorously bargaining with assorted traders, I have FINALLY selected the prizes for which you will be competing in the Mohican Games, held on June 20th:

Blackpowder Shoot: 1st prize, leather belt-pouch possibles bag, hand tooled with Celtic knotwork and secured with a bison tooth clasp AND a large bottle of fine French brandy. 2nd prize, a handwoven purple and white wampum hatband.

Tomahawk Throw: 1st prize, a fully lined wool possibles bag with a hand beaded front flap and horsehair and metal cone fringe AND another bottle of that brandy. 2nd prize, a hand beaded leather medicine bag.

Men's Footrace: 1st prize, a hand-hammered copper gorget attached to a wampum and antique bead necklace AND Yep, more brandy. 2nd prize, a hand beaded leather medicine bag.

Women's Footrace: 1st prize, a handwoven Chingachgook wampum choker and armband AND Yippee! more brandy. 2nd prize, a hand beaded leather medicine bag.

Third place ribbons and Special Merit ribbons will also be awarded.

So, even if you have never competed in these events before, even if you have never shot a long rifle or thrown a hawk, consider this: 1. There will be lots of talented folks at the Games site to teach you the arts of shooting and throwing AND willing to lend you weapons for the competition. 2. It is a well known fact amongst shooters and hawk throwers that while skill and practice do play a role in your success at competitions, the biggest factor is LUCK. First time competitors have been known to yank the rug out from under the old-timers and walk away with all the loot...and it happens more often than you might think! 3. The prizes are REALLY GOOD STUFF! (and of course there is all that fame and reknown that goes with establishing your prowess as a modern day Hawkeye....)

So oil up yer rifles, polish them hawks and limber up the ol' legs...The Great Mohican Games are about to begin!

P.S. I hope to have pictures of the prizes up shortly for viewing.
Hint to all those who plan to watch the shooting competition...bring your binoculars...makes it much easier to spot a bullet hole at 100 yards!

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jayne Posted - June 12 2002 : 4:36:47 PM
AWWWWWESOME prizes, Lady Ann. Hadn't planned to compete, but you almost have me convinced to do it!


Lady Ann Posted - June 12 2002 : 07:41:57 AM

Diane B. Posted - June 11 2002 : 12:19:04 PM
Dear Lady Ann,

I didn't see mention of a prize for the winner of "The Kiss" competition. I would gladly sign up to participate in that one myself - if we could somehow get DDL himself to attend the Gathering and be on the receiving end of said Kiss at this late date!

My God, that would be a prize all by itself!

Diane B.

Lainey Posted - June 11 2002 : 11:15:22 AM
Isn't Lady Ann the coolest Lady of the Blackpowder Shoot & Mohican Games???

What a sport!To borrow a phrase from Miss Dana ... "WOOHOO!!!!!!"

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