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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hawkeye Posted - June 02 2002 : 07:02:00 AM
Hi Everybody,
At Rich's suggestion (and a good one too) I'd like to introduce myself and my wife, Cherie'. This will be our second Gathering (we attended last year's). We're from Fredericksburg, VA... an area rich in Revolutionary and Civil War history.
We enjoyed last year's Gathering so much, there is no way we plan on missing one again. The scenery is wonderful and the friendships we made in just those four days was icing on the cake.
I'll be attending this year's event in period longhunter attire with all the bells and whistles. Cherie' will also be getting in on the act as she has a buckskin dress she'll be wearing on occasion.
We're looking forward to seeing the familiar faces as well as new ones. For those of you coming for the first time, you're in for a real treat.

Best Regards,
Marc and Cherie'

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ilse Posted - June 11 2002 : 5:12:19 PM

Pfft!...was not! I have just spent two days trying to free my hand from the paintbrush to which it seemed to have permanently soldered itself Damn I hate decorating!

So Ms 'Thank God for the post Post Edit Feature'


I bring thee solace:


Adele Posted - June 11 2002 : 11:30:57 AM

*perk*.....did someone mention Russell Crowe?? .....*droooooool*
Yes, dear. For a while already, in fact. But you were napping weren't you?

Edited by - Ilse on June 10 2002 4:15:44 PM

Pfft!...was not! I have just spent two days trying to free my hand from the paintbrush to which it seemed to have permanently soldered itself Damn I hate decorating!

So Ms 'Thank God for the post Post Edit Feature'


Lainey Posted - June 11 2002 : 10:09:48 AM
Dinner at SOTR it is! Will Rich be at the same table?

Uh uh .... he starts too many food fights.

Diane B. Posted - June 11 2002 : 08:03:51 AM

[Dear Diane,

I like the way you think - We HAVE to talk!!! Let's *do* dinner at, oh ... say, SOTR????]

Dear Lainey,

Dinner at SOTR it is! Will Rich be at the same table?

I can't believe that the Gathering is only a little more than a week away & I've got mixed feelings about that: I want it to hurry up & get here but I know that once it begins, it will be over all too quickly. Still, I'm looking forward to it - and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, too!


Diane B.
a.k.a. Rattlesnake Woman

~The earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth. - Chief Seattle

Ilse Posted - June 10 2002 : 4:13:43 PM

*perk*.....did someone mention Russell Crowe?? .....*droooooool*
Yes, dear. For a while already, in fact. But you were napping weren't you?

Edited by - Ilse on June 10 2002 4:15:44 PM
Adele Posted - June 10 2002 : 10:14:51 AM
*perk*.....did someone mention Russell Crowe?? .....*droooooool*

Ilse Posted - June 09 2002 : 6:40:08 PM
Lainey said:

Pshaw! Another one!!! If you can resend the "stuff" ... Yes. Yes. I do believe we hear a T! Ilse the T ... (3 to go!)
You'll GET the GAT.

Oh, snitzy! I'll dig into my picture archives next. Surely I can come up with something totally objectionable. Do I hear an G vaguely in the distance? I'll get back to you on that interview.

As for the Barbarian Horde; can we buy tickets to this pending event even if we have no wucking forries, mate?

Of course, mate! Some enterprising Dutchie is going to make money on this, no doubt, and why should that not be ME?

And another Crowe for your pleasure: It's acting mate. I know it's not rocket science.

Lainey Posted - June 09 2002 : 4:50:59 PM
Ilse said:

Always glad to be of service, you know that. Even better: I can resend you all the stuff if you want? No problemo! Or, to once again quote Crowe, when he was asked to refrain from using the f-word: No wucking forries, mate! Do I hear T already?

Now excuse me, but I urgently need to get the Barbarian Horde ready and in full combat mode. The Hague is in danger. Or maybe a more reasonable approach would be in order. Bring a comfy chair, a crate of beer and plenty of smokes and watch the spectacle unfold, that is. Never liked The Hague much as a city, why would I care if it's obliterated?

Pshaw! Another one!!! If you can resend the "stuff" ... Yes. Yes. I do believe we hear a T! Ilse the T ... (3 to go!)
You'll GET the GAT.

As for the Barbarian Horde; can we buy tickets to this pending event even if we have no wucking forries, mate?

And Chris said:

Lainey, quick! Make him breathe into a paper bag.

Couldn't I just give him a valium or two? Slip him a mickey? Or tell him to just 'get over it'???
Neurotic postal workers get on my noives!

TGAT Lainey
PS Chris, can't wait to see you!

Chris Posted - June 09 2002 : 3:40:11 PM
Rich, Rich! Take a deep breath and relax. Lainey, quick! Make him breathe into a paper bag. That's better. You know you do this to yourself every year, and every year it turns out great. You cannot be responsible for another person's happiness. You and the other volunteers have put together a wonderful weekend. If anyone comes and doesn't have a good time, it's his/her choice, not your fault.
Now, sit back with a glass of your beverage of choice, and look forward to sharing time with old friends and meeting new ones. It'll be fine. I promise.

Ilse Posted - June 09 2002 : 10:35:21 AM
Lainey said:
Anyway, not discouraged (despite Tinker Bell's dastardly destruction, for which he is indebted to me), I logged on to the home turf here .... and I am promptly greeted with "F*ck me swinging!" Ooooooh la la! What's a TGAT ta tink?

Always glad to be of service, you know that. Even better: I can resend you all the stuff if you want? No problemo! Or, to once again quote Crowe, when he was asked to refrain from using the f-word: No wucking forries, mate! Do I hear T already?

Now excuse me, but I urgently need to get the Barbarian Horde ready and in full combat mode. The Hague is in danger. Or maybe a more reasonable approach would be in order. Bring a comfy chair, a crate of beer and plenty of smokes and watch the spectacle unfold, that is. Never liked The Hague much as a city, why would I care if it's obliterated?

Edited by - Ilse on June 09 2002 10:36:48 AM
richfed Posted - June 09 2002 : 08:07:51 AM
Chris, from Alaska, said:


The gatherings have been experiences unlike anything else in my life. The fact that so many people who didn't know each other would come together for a few days of fun and frolic, and to watch our favorite movie is amazing to me. We thought we could never surpass the experience of the first one, but it seems that each year is different and just as wonderful as the first.
I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

I concur. What an amazing phenomenon!

For me, each Gathering has brought upon a certain anxiety level, particularly the First [because it was the first - who knew what would happen?] and the second [Eric Schweig was coming - 'nuff said!] and the ... the ... Fifth? Yes, this one.

This one because this one, in so many ways, is much like the first one, with a little bitter pill thrown in!

Just about the entire "organizational" group has turned over and so many familiar faces & personalities will not be here this time, many of whom attended three, or even all four previous editions ... for whatever [& a variety of] reasons many good pals won't be among us this year.

Ilse, Jo & her Infamous Sweetser Sisters, Marcia, John Harkins, the John Evans Family, The Huggy Merchant, Bill R., Kate, Clabert, Penny & Alma, the Twins, Ayesha & Colin, Emily & Kevin, Caitlin & Jeff, Dar, Sarah M, many more ... if I forgot you, it wasn't on purpose ...

This is not to mention the good board buddies who have never made an in-person appearance, among them Bea, the TowneCrier, and Doc Mary!

However, there are, to be found in the above photo, seven or eight folks, from that very First Gathering, who will be with us this year ... and even more who've gathered on through the years.

Still, this year's event is a very bittersweet one for me.

On the other hand, there are quite a few new folks signed up and I feel I owe it to them, at the very least, to do all I can to make it as memorable for them as I possibly can. Plus, there really are some potential treats in store for this Fifth Gathering that have me licking my chops!

Very mixed feelings!

Two weeks from today ... late at night ... it will be history. Either a good time will have been had by all, or not. My apprehensions about the planning & this particular mix of personalities will be proven true, or false ... Like I said, this won't be the first time I've had similar feelings. To some degree, I've had these feelings every year. Damn, it's so hard being me!

Regardless, there'll be pics & words on the site to let you all in on how it went. Just remember, folks, it takes every person who attends to make it a memorable experience. This ain't no travel agency or tour group. It's a combined volunteer effort, and each year those who put it together find themselves in a bit of a hole - their pockets a little less deep. Thanks for the monumental effort, guys!

Gee, what an uplifting post! Really, it'll all be fine! Every one has!

The Great Mohican Gatherings

Mohican Press
Lainey Posted - June 09 2002 : 03:16:45 AM
As I was saying, before the pissin' communicator (PC for short) so rudely cut me off with its silly restrictions on verbosity, AND before 1 sleeping child became no longer sleeping, ...

Next I read of a Senatorial Plot for a Lowlands Invasion - if necessary & weather permitting - of which I know nothing about but must now "get up to speed" before replying to my Dutch Ally who seems armed & dangerous ...
Oh, I could go on but are you getting to know me yet???? (Hijacked thread here, I know ...)

And you want a pre-gathering chat so you can eavesdrop?????? Sure! Why not .... Listen up, people! Chat Room ... Dawn .... Encampment .... Be there ..... (Or maybe we'll choose an alternative time? Saturday????)

Moving along here - TGAT a TGAT, one must be totally mad, possess a letter of certification from Doctor Mary, & be in a position to drug Richfed. (BWWWAAAAHAAAAAA! said Doctor Mary.) Or you can protest.

Ooooops! Gotta run TGAT a ....

(Whatevah you want it to mean)

Lainey Posted - June 09 2002 : 03:00:27 AM
quote:TGAT Lainey
(Whatevah you want it to mean ...)

My favourite Russell Crowe quote, finally: Well, f*ck me swinging! Lainey, you got the status of "TGAT" on the board. Please consider telling me how many posts it needs for me "TGAT" there???? Will you consider that? Please consider that?!


TGAT or not TGAT ... that IS the question. How many posts for you TGAT there, you ask? Well, let me count the ways -
1) Post a "favourite" Russell Crowe quote such as the favourite you've posted today TGAT a T. F*ck me swinging!??? Ilse, I used to say my own quotes were my *favourite* (Canadian spelling again!) quotes but .... this one! This ought to be the new Mohicanland motto, don't you agree? {"You the Mann" never did cut it though "You the Maan" has a certain ring to it.} We need to design new t-shirts. I like this Crowe utterance.
2) Post a favourite Russell Crowe pic TGAT a G. Something, oh say, Gladiator like???? Yes, yes ... capital G for that. (Especially if you doctor it a bit & have Mister Gladiator feeding peeled grapes to the Happy Thoughts gifted Huggy Merchant.)
3) Set up an interview with Mister Gladiator TGAT an A. I'll take it from there.
4) I'll get back to you on the T.

Now, Ilse - listen to why I'm TGAT Lainey & not merely an Average Lainey. Got home at 1:00 AM. After carting in a few sleeping children, changing two of them, getting a bottle (for the babe, not me), putting up coffee (yeeeesssss, caffeine is a healthy choice at 1:00 AM), doing a quick head count (1 in DC, 3 missing, 5 in bed, wait ... 2 missing, 1 married), washing some dishes, checking Richfed's pulse, 2 not missing - 2 phone home ... you get the idea - I logged on to the Pissin' Communicator (PC for short) to *see* what lovely things might have occurred in the world. After patiently retrieving 52 messages, 3 of which were virally infected, but safely assassinated, & 48 merely innoculated spam, I opened up Netscape. Ah! Tinker Bell was busy again! Netscape 6 successfully downloaded. BUT ... all my alternate addie mail was obliterated. Gone. Liquidated. Ilse, this means ALL my communique files, including the infamous "Dutch Papers" are vaporized into thin cyber-air! All those thoughtful thoughts .... those delirious dialogues .... 'my precious' (quote from LOTR) accusations ... no longer with us.
(Not to mention my personal hit list ... daaaaammiitt!) Anyway, not discouraged (despite Tinker Bell's dastardly destruction, for which he is indebted to me), I logged on to the home turf here .... and I am promptly greeted with "F*ck me swinging!" Ooooooh la la! What's a TGAT ta tink?

Ilse Posted - June 08 2002 : 10:11:53 PM
TGAT Lainey
(Whatevah you want it to mean ...)

My favourite Russell Crowe quote, finally: Well, f*ck me swinging! Lainey, you got the status of "TGAT" on the board. Please consider telling me how many posts it needs for me "TGAT" there???? Will you consider that? Please consider that?!

On a different note, last year my plea fell on deaf ears, but..... is there going to be a pre-gathering chat? I'd love to eavesdrop on that.

Lainey Posted - June 07 2002 : 9:28:23 PM

[Personal goals? The MacLeod: "World peace". Lady Ann: "Getting
Doc Mary, The Great and Terrible Lainey, and I in the same room
together and seeing if the world will ever be the same."

Oh, Dear,

I really am "starting member," aren't I? All this time, I thought
that TGAT Lainey meant something else altogether - such as "The
Gifted and Talented" Lainey, or "The Gorgeous and Talented"
Lainey! I realize that Lainey and I have yet to meet, but based
on what I know of her so far from this site, I cannot imagine that
anyone would think of her as "The Great and Terrible!" Perhaps she
should consider changing the definition of TGAT???

Dear Diane,

I like the way you think - We HAVE to talk!!! Let's *do* dinner at, oh ... say, SOTR????

TGAT Lainey
(Whatevah you want it to mean ...)

Karen W Posted - June 07 2002 : 7:10:52 PM
Well Jayne, I think you're a bit partial to your big
sis! Jim DOES make things interesting though.
Love ya! Karen

Karen W Posted - June 07 2002 : 7:07:08 PM
Thanks for the good wishes, Caitlin! We love the Brown
County area too~I never really thought I'd get to live
there. Our daughter and her husband live in Bloomington
and we are really looking forward to living closer to them.
We'll miss you at the Gathering!

asegal Posted - June 06 2002 : 5:35:02 PM
Hi all!
My name is Ariel Segal. I am a 25-year old male from Silver Spring, Maryland. I am interested in history, primarily the history of science, but a strong second is colonial history and the period of LOTM. I also love the outdoors, and have been to several national parks.
LOTM is one of the best films of the 1990s. In fact, the new Lord of the Rings film is one of the few that could give it a run for its money.

I was wondering whether any of the Marylanders and/or Virginians could pick me up in the Washington D.C. area, since I do not have a car. I had a ride, but he may not come after all...I can take Greyhound, but this would be easier. I could take the Metro to Northern street address is 11628 LeBaron Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20902.

Also, if my ride indeed does not come, are there any guys who would like to room with me and split the cost at the Geneva? (We were going to be roommates.)

Best, Ariel.

P.S. Rich, do you have a cellphone number so that we can contact each other if I need to coordinate pickup in Asheville?

Diane B. Posted - June 06 2002 : 10:35:29 AM

[Personal goals? The MacLeod: "World peace". Lady Ann: "Getting Doc Mary, The Great and Terrible Lainey, and I in the same room together and seeing if the world will ever be the same."

Oh, Dear,

I really am "starting member," aren't I? All this time, I thought that TGAT Lainey meant something else altogether - such as "The Gifted and Talented" Lainey, or "The Gorgeous and Talented" Lainey! I realize that Lainey and I have yet to meet, but based on what I know of her so far from this site, I cannot imagine that anyone would think of her as "The Great and Terrible!" Perhaps she should consider changing the definition of TGAT???

caitlin Posted - June 05 2002 : 4:35:16 PM

My husband and I are soon to move from the house we've
lived in for 27 years to a new (to us) home in the hills of
Brown County Indiana.

Good luck on your move to Brown County! I grew up in Bloomington and have always loved Brown County, especially in the fall.

Jayne Posted - June 05 2002 : 1:56:06 PM
Aw, come on now, Karen. We both know you do not lead a boring life! You DO live with Jim, don't you?? Besides, no LOTM fan could possibly be boring!

Your sis.

Karen W Posted - June 04 2002 : 7:23:10 PM
Hello All! I'm Karen from Indiana~Jayne's sister. After
reading about everyone else, I decided I lead a pretty boring
life! My husband and I are soon to move from the house we've
lived in for 27 years to a new (to us) home in the hills of
Brown County Indiana. It's as close to the North Carolina
mountains as we can get in Indiana! We move June 26th, so I
have a job ahead of me after the Gathering. You would think I
would chose a relaxing way to spend those few days before the
move! Jayne got me to watch LOTM after her friend took her to
Chimney Rock and I've been hooked ever since. I enjoyed my first
two Gatherings and know I will enjoy this one too. See you all
there! Karen W

Jayne Posted - June 04 2002 : 11:58:34 AM
What a wonderful-sounding group. Don't know if I can measure up to all you interesting folks! (But I'll give it a try.)

I'm Jayne (no nick-names, although I'm sure my 16 yr old son has a few for me), and this will be my 3rd gathering. Obviously, they must be a whole lot of fun for me and my sister, Karen, who will also be attending her 3rd! (This year, I'm excited to be the proprietress for Ariel's Cabin - a job superbly handled in the past by the lovely Scottish lass, Kate - a tough act to follow!) I do love the movie; but probably more than the movie, I love the NC mountains. One of my old high school pals lives in Asheville. She took me to Chimney Rock in 1999 and that started the whole crazy LOTM thing for me. I'm a hoosier from Indianapolis, but give me a glimpse of a Blue Ridge Mt. sunrise ANY day over a 500 mile race!

Besides the 16yr old, I have a 22 yr old who lives, goes to U. of A, and works in Arizona. He recently bought a house in Nogales (the US side!). He's an anthropology/biology student and works for the Natl Park Service doing various kinds of surveys. My youngest is a high school sophomore, soon to be junior.

I'm a "retired" pediatric RN, a member of the Sierra Club, a hiker and backpacker, and a "non-traditional, OLDER student" earning a degree in env. geography. I love to garden - especially native IN prairie plants and organic veggie gardening. (Hey, Lady Ann - maybe you can give me some pointers!)

My sister Karen and I will be seeing you all in a couple weeks!


Theresa Posted - June 04 2002 : 09:33:42 AM
Since you asked...We are the Williams from Alabama, Claude and Theresa. This will be our second Gathering and we are SO looking forward to it. (Diane, tell your husband he will have a great time!)

Claude recently changed jobs (smart move on his part) and now works for a company that deals with water treatment plants, well digging, etc. Loves it! I work as a teacher's aide at our 5th and 6th grade school in the library and I also work with kids that need a little extra push and incentive. Very rewarding. We have two adult children, one is married and the other is about to finish college. We have spent the past several years traveling all over the place to watch our daughter's college softball team. In fact, we went to Salem, Va. twice to the World Series. Nice place you have there Virginians. We have a dog and six cats.

We both enjoy working in our yard, reading, and sports. We are from a very small community whose only claim to fame is Jim Nabors. So if we say "Gomer says 'Hey'", we REALLY mean "Gomer says 'Hey'"!

Again, we are looking forward to the trek to North Carolina to once again see all the wonderful folks we met last year and we're excited to meet all you new people as well. See you all in just a couple of weeks! YIKES! Better get to packing!

Yogi Posted - June 04 2002 : 12:00:22 AM
Hi Diane,

I think it's great that you're trying to save the Virginia rattlesnake. I've come across timber rattlers several times during my frequent hikes in the Blue Ridge. I've always considered rattlesnakes the gentlemen of the snake world since they have the courtesy to warn you before you step on them.

My own favorite critter of the mountains is the black bear. I've come across dozens of them over the years, most recently a big female with three rowdy cubs, and I'm always awestruck to be in the presence of one of the last large predators left in the eastern USA. Yogi (my Aussie-mix) whom you'll all be meeting at Chimney Rock, is less impressed. He thinks all bears should be chased up trees. So far, the bears have been tolerant and haven't pointed out that he's only one-third their size. (He has delusions of being a wolf).

Anyway, sounds like this is going to be an interesting group and chock full of Virginians. LONG LIVE THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS!!


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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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