T O P I C R E V I E W |
Gadget Girl |
Posted - May 28 2002 : 11:31:36 AM FREEZE WARNING!
Attention ALL Gatherers!
*The following gathering gadget, IF used in conjunction with previous gadgets, may cause one to develop hypothermia - even in 90 degree weather on NC mountain tops*
Year before last, at the Third Annual Great Mohican Gathering, the first Gathering Gadget was revealed. The Misty Mate was a wondiferous hiking companion, and kept those smart enough to acquire one , blissfully cool, calm, collected, and glisten-free as we plodded over the ups and downs of Chimney Rock Park's cliff trail in a hyperfine air-cooling mist.
Last year, the invention of the day was the Glammy Chamois! Oh the number of uses we found for that one. When rolled up, dried and hardened we could trip unsuspecting Lacrosse players for hours of breechclout-flipping entertanment, and whack those that needed whacking. When soft and moistened, the evaporatory effect caused the Glammy Chamois to be supple and cooling when dangled over the neck or dabbing a stray sweat bead (saved a gatherer or two believe me on the Battan Death March of Dupont Falls ). And when loinclothed comrades refused to be free and frolic around the Geneva's back lawn, a quick wet dishcloth-like snap to the thigh would bring them around.
Well this years offering in gadgetry promises to be just as innovative and sat-ICE-fying. *Drum roll please* - THE KOOL-OFF bandanas and neckties, skull-caps, and visors contain tiny magic crystals sewn into pockets in the cloth. When dried they feel like hundreds of little NERDS (those candy-coated little sour bites), then when soaked for a few minutes in cold water they swell ever so plumply to a cooling gel within the device that provides up to 18 hours of cooling (these can also be placed in a cooler for increased frigidity). The bandana's and necktie's pocket, when soaked, swell to about the size of a chilled keilbasa, and the skullcap and visor rims double-pocket swell to approximately the size of two Slim Jim sausage sticks. They are both VERY lightweight though and have an outstanding cooling effect. Your humble servant here, has been performing hours of testing to insure the safety and KOOL-power of the KOOL-OFF, and all tests conclusively report another fine addition to the gadget annals of gathering history. The neat thing about these little dittys is that when left to dry for a couple of days, they return to a like new little pouch of Nerd-like magic crystals. VOILA! What a glacial delight!!! AND this years gadget is the cheapest yet! Between $3.95 and $7.95 - Cheap, huh? For those interested in not being left out in the...ahem...heat!, you can check these out at the following URL:
http://www.iawathletics.com/cool_off_bandanas.html * Where the spaces are you may have to typeit and add an underline character*
You can order right there, or I'll be happy to order several and bring them in June - They are available in a variety of colors and prints - USFlag (my personal favorite), Blue and Red Paisley, and Black, Red, navy, White, and Royal Blue.
For you first-timers out there, the previous gadgets have already been spotted in stores this spring. I've seen the Glammy Chamois at Walmart (really just a synthetic chamois cloth found in the auto cleaning supply section in an array of neon colors) for about $9.95. AND the Misty Mate was spotted at Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart in the range of $14.95 - $19.95. If anyone has trouble finding any of these, and you want one, I'll also be happy to pick one up for you and bring it to the gathering - you have but to let me know and I am at your frosty gadgetry service (email:stricklanddi@mail.ecu.edu)!
Yours in Wacky Widget Wonderment, Gadget Girl
Edited by - Gadget Girl on May 28 2002 11:36:52 AM
Edited by - Gadget Girl on May 28 2002 11:40:02 AM |
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Gadget Girl |
Posted - June 03 2002 : 11:44:56 AM Just a note to let everyone know I will be ordering Kool Offs on Friday, June 7. Let me know before then if you want one. I have three orders so far!!!!
Gadget Girl |
Posted - May 29 2002 : 10:20:46 AM Consider it done, Chris!...And Rich...AND thanks for the fix!!! --hmmmmm, lime green, but no white! Does make me think of margaritas though!!
Oh and Rich was that a US Flag skull cap or a red one, a blue one, and a white one (OOPS - they don't have white either ) I'll take it you meant the flag one 'less'n I hear from ya.
Too bad one can't aspire to higher memberisms by editing!!
Edited by - Gadget Girl on May 29 2002 10:59:49 AM
Edited by - Gadget Girl on May 29 2002 11:11:27 AM |
richfed |
Posted - May 29 2002 : 10:19:26 AM quote:
I'll be happy to order several and bring them in June
A RED, WHITE [DARN! How do I make WHITE?], and BLUE skull cap would be appreciated, AND reimbursed!
PS - Using my magical Administrative "Powers," I fixed your URL. Now that's something I could never do on the Old Board!
Rich |
Chris |
Posted - May 29 2002 : 01:20:20 AM Ooooo! I'd love a royal blue bandana. May I pay you in June? Chris
Gadget Girl |
Posted - May 28 2002 : 11:32:42 AM ADDENDUM!
*NOTE* - please heed FREEZE WARNING - a poor test subject was using all three gadgets at once in a mere 86 degrees and lost some skin on the end of his nose when I knocked an icicle off of it! 