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 "Not without peril" ......

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Monadnock Hiker Posted - March 08 2023 : 08:15:39 AM
Not Without Peril

A descendant of Richard Sawtell of Watertown, Massachusetts, Jemima Sartwell (spelling changed) traveled into the wilderness with her family who built a fortified home below Fort Dummer.

Not Without Peril is the story of this courageous woman and life in the 1700s in the upper Connecticut River Valley. - Life on the “Great River”, the highway of the settler and the Indian, brought joy and sorrow to Jemima. - She had three husbands: William Phipps, Caleb Howe, and Amos Tute, bore eight children, lost two husbands during hostilities and was “captivated” with seven children during the battle in which her second husband Caleb Howe was killed.

Based on Jemima’s account of her captivity and sufferings as told to the Rev. Bunker Gay, Marguerite Allis has woven this into a fascinating historical novel. - Miss Allis wrote her first book in 1939 and before her death in 1958 had written a total of 15 books noted for their historical accuracy and realism.
Sounds interesting enough - but being a "historic novel" - dunno.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 09 2023 : 10:03:11 AM
You have to like that kind of service!
Monadnock Hiker Posted - March 08 2023 : 12:12:15 PM
5.0 out of 5 stars ... Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2018 - Saw a number of reviews - all 5 stars.
"Too bad people are reselling copies bought at the museum for so muck. - You can get that same book at The Fort at No. 4 for about $20." .... (From one of the reviews.)
Checked eBay & Amazon - "out of print" ...
Ordered the book from the Fort ...
Reply ...
Hello John,

Yes I have both soft and hard copies of Not Without Peril. I am happy to set a copy aside for you.

Our opening weekend is the last weekend of April and May 6th and 7th is our French and Indian War Reenactment.

You can pay when you come in.

We appreciate your continued support.


Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 08 2023 : 09:42:42 AM
Sounds like a good read. As to being historic? Well, I have heard the J. F. Cooper "may" have strayed from the truth a little is some of his works.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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